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1F:推 eminem4ever:Metal Gear Solid Touch /0.99/不知 11/17 23:46
2F:推 iPhone3G:Photo Share - Upload & Share Photos/Free/不知 11/17 23:54
3F:推 gyd:gameloft 全部特價0.99中 11/18 23:49
4F:→ shinmori:GAMELOFT有全部0.99? 11/19 17:00
5F:推 gyd:喔damn, 打錯了, Konami才對 11/20 10:11
6F:→ iPluto:gameloft真的全部0.99我就全掃了= =+ 11/20 14:16
7F:→ chihyanglee:beejive 6.99 沒買的快買喔 11/22 12:30
8F:推 ithildin:!! 便宜三塊耶 沒買的快出手阿 11/22 21:49
9F:→ gyd:偷偷推薦一個用來找特價的軟體AppSniper, 誰特價誰new馬上知道 11/22 23:50
10F:→ ithildin:Appsniper之前好像變免費了 我花0.99買/_\ 11/22 23:58
11F:→ ithildin:不過這個BargainBin比較可愛 而且又免費 11/22 23:58
12F:→ ithildin:Appsniper我現在是用來看那個價錢變化表 11/22 23:58
13F:推 shinmori:DOOM Resurrection~特價2.99,原價6.99 11/23 14:33
14F:推 windleaf:japanese 20%off 11/24 00:51
15F:推 shinmori:1Password Pro限時免費中.原價7.99,好用的密碼管理APP 11/25 08:01
16F:推 santin:雖然好像沒全部但GAMELOFT跟EA好多都變成0.99了!! 11/26 10:20
17F:→ santin:Brothers In Arms, Hero of Sparta, Terminator Salvation 11/26 10:27
18F:→ santin:Real Tennis, Shrek Kart, Castle Of Magic,Blades of Fury 11/26 10:30
19F:→ santin:以上是 gameloft 特價0.99的遊戲XD 11/26 10:31
20F:推 santin:Need For Speed $4.99 -> $2.99 11/26 10:33
21F:→ santin:MADDEN NFL 10 by EA SPORTS $9.99 -> $6.99 11/26 10:34
22F:→ santin:Mystery Mania $1.99 -> $0.99 11/26 10:35
23F:→ santin:Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® BY EA $4.99 -> $2.99 11/26 10:36
24F:→ santin:The Sims 3 $6.99 -> $4.99 11/26 10:36
25F:→ santin:Trivial Pursuit $4.99 -> $2.99 11/26 10:37
26F:→ santin:SimCity™ $4.99 -> $2.99 11/26 10:38
27F:→ santin:STAR TREK ® $1.99 -> $0.99 11/26 10:38
28F:→ santin:TETRIS® $4.99 -> $2.99 11/26 10:39
29F:→ santin:抱歉連推~詳細特價範圍可以上 appshopper 看看! 買得真爽XD 11/26 10:40
30F:推 xyzzz:Urinals:The Game $0.99-> free 喜歡 flight control 的人一 11/26 12:43
31F:→ xyzzz:定會喜歡他 XDDDDDDD 11/26 12:43
32F:推 Spiraling:【健康卡路里 Calorie Track】$1.99→0.99 12/03 15:37
33F:→ Spiraling:是台灣本土開發商寫的軟體 12/03 15:38
34F:→ cuhi:sleep cycle 特價0.99 很好用的叫床工具... 12/06 18:51
35F:推 lTERRAl:Quick Mark - QR code reader 今天前四萬套免費 12/08 02:54
36F:→ lTERRAl:google花錢買了四萬套給人下載來體驗 QR code的便利 12/08 02:55
37F:推 saxlamen:上面提到的QR reader好帥啊!!!! 12/08 18:44
38F:→ litaliu:下了QuickMark後 一直想找QR code來刷XD 12/08 19:11
39F:推 grinti:QuickMark還可以刷一維條碼喔! 12/09 17:19
40F:推 equenty:cambrige advanced English-chinese talking dictionary 12/10 09:49
41F:→ equenty:60% off $24.99 -> $9.99 12/10 09:51
42F:→ cuhi:Konami 系列全部特價 USD 0.99 要用美國帳號喔 12/15 13:58
43F:→ cuhi:UNIWAR free 12/19 02:29
44F:→ cuhi:Classical Music Master Collection 古典音樂800首 999.99->0 12/19 02:30
45F:推 Kepic:2XL ATV OFFroad 7.99->0.99 12/21 11:53
46F:推 airandy41:NFS-SHIFT 9.99->6.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/22 19:26
47F:推 zero1590:Joy Camera又開始特價了,1.99→0.99!!! 12/23 12:40
48F:→ ksk0516:Darkroom Premium 0.99->free 12/23 23:45
49F:推 iPluto:tap tap revenge 3免費囉 12/25 21:45
50F:推 tsining:beejive降到5.99,IM+降到1.99囉XD 12/26 11:42
51F:→ chihyanglee:beejive真是佛心來的 12/26 17:08
52F:推 lemondog:tag me free 可在聯絡人上面輸入可愛圖案 01/12 13:56
53F:→ cuhi:Book&dic classics(Tranditional chinese) 3-99->0 看英文 01/12 14:42
54F:→ cuhi:直接查單字 01/12 14:42
55F:推 kami1119:Dark Nebula 今天免費 好玩喔!! 01/17 19:19
56F:推 lh132:iBeauty99 -> Free 01/22 00:35
57F:推 wangjieming:Eliminate Pro: 12 Powercells 免費!! 01/22 22:18
58F:推 wangjieming:Advanced English Dictionary 原價9.99 現在免費 01/29 13:59
59F:推 PODO:VoiceGO! 超強中文語音辨識查資料軟體 免費!! 01/30 02:59
60F:推 vic81324:我昨天抓IM+免錢耶!! 01/30 23:55
61F:→ kalilinjan:樓上抓的應該是IM+ Lite吧? 01/31 14:16
62F:推 vic81324:對不起是 IM+ LITE感謝更正 02/02 05:23
63F:推 NightKids:我覺得 Flick Kick Field Goal 蠻好玩的 免費now 02/08 15:38
64F:推 henryleo:樓上OG↑ 今天iCatchall免費, 蠻實用的 02/08 23:00
65F:推 NightKids:Cyberon賽微隨身典 2.99 --> 0.99 實用 02/09 17:04
66F:推 cuteyayacat:IM+ 9.99 --> 1.99 但是是簡體中文... 02/11 15:23
67F:推 Anubias:Scanner Pro 2/14 free ~~ 02/13 14:36
68F:推 Riot:beejive降到6.99...我昨天才刷了IM+的1.99...囧 02/15 14:01
69F:推 kmoll:same as above 02/15 16:27
70F:推 Anubias:哇Riot是Hide耶..!!! 02/15 20:28
71F:推 ejfrb:蒙恬名片王 特價$9.99 對有用到的應該算好用吧 02/25 23:13
72F:推 hotkey:Flashcard Touch 三月免費哦 要考英文的可以去抓 03/03 23:36
73F:推 leslielion:Al Jazeera English Live 現在免費,半島電視台Live 03/06 20:42
74F:推 ganax:beejive降到5.99囉~ 03/08 09:49
75F:推 Conjuror:FileApp Pro 限時免費 03/12 11:38
76F:推 wind50321:Rune Trails 今天免費 03/16 23:20
77F:推 AlonsoHC:Monkey Flight $0.99 -> Free 03/18 10:43
78F:推 wind50321:Gameloft遊戲 Skater Nation、Earthworm Jim 特價0.99 03/18 19:47
79F:→ wind50321:Gameloft遊戲 Real Football 2010、Dungeon Hunter 0.99 03/18 19:47
80F:→ wind50321:Gameloft遊戲 Blades of Fury特價0.99 03/18 19:48
81F:推 atelier:minigame party 限時免費 03/19 17:56
82F:→ atelier:War Generation 限時免費 03/19 17:57
83F:→ atelier:TowerMadness 限時免費 03/19 17:57
84F:→ atelier:The Kings 限時免費 03/19 17:57
85F:→ atelier:Jogalot(慢跑記步器+卡路里計算) 限時免費 03/19 17:58
86F:推 AlonsoHC:Comet Racer $0.99 -> Free 03/20 00:35
87F:推 wind50321:跟Minigore很像的Guerrilla Bob 週末降到0.99 快去下 03/20 16:25
88F:推 wind50321:Cops & Robbers 限時免費 2.99>0.99 03/20 16:29
89F:→ wind50321:上面打錯 2.99>免費 03/20 16:30
90F:推 wind50321:RPG遊戲Palm Heroes 9.99>0.99 03/20 16:32
91F:推 wind50321:5星守塔遊戲 Space Station: Frontier 2.99>0.99 03/20 16:36
92F:推 wind50321:Hippo Blast 限時免費 2.99>Free 03/21 00:42
93F:推 yamamiyeh:ibearmoney 限時特價 2.99 03/21 17:01
94F:推 wind50321:Chalkboard Stunts 今天免費 03/21 17:33
95F:推 wind50321:Insanity 限時免費 0.99>Free 03/22 00:49
96F:推 IMFG:Chop Chop Ninja,特價免費 03/22 09:59
97F:→ kalilinjan:台灣美人計時限時免費now 03/22 21:19
98F:推 QJP0518:The Creeps限時免費 03/26 15:11
99F:推 AlonsoHC:Sound Match $2.99 -> Free 03/28 20:50
100F:推 Darko:Red Bull Racing Challenge 限時免費 03/28 23:58
101F:推 AlonsoHC:Dungeon Run $1.99 -> Free 03/29 13:12
102F:推 castle0000:Airport Mania: First Flight $6.99 -> $0.99 03/31 08:39
103F:推 jojo2002:DINER DASH 80%OFF -> 0.99 03/31 17:18
104F:推 wind50321:Minigore 限時特價 1.99>0.99 沒買的趕快去買 03/31 20:38
105F:推 tang319:Batter Up Baseball 限時免費1.99> fREE 04/02 01:04
106F:推 farst:airport mania超好玩的! 0.99很划算!! 04/02 11:17
107F:推 tang319:Gopher Quest 限時免費0.99> FREE 04/03 09:05
108F:推 famy125:ZombieSmash 限時特價0.99 04/03 16:30
109F:推 poopooer:Harbor Master HD 限時免費 04/04 00:56
110F:推 tang319:Cosmo Kid 限時免費1.99>FREE 04/04 09:29
111F:推 jojo2002:Arcade Hoops Basketball™ 0.99->FREE 04/06 00:08
112F:推 castle0000:How to Train Your Dragon $2.99->0.99 04/09 10:10
113F:推 defent:atlantis sky patrol 免費 類似組瑪的遊戲 04/10 19:15
114F:推 wind50321:2Do 6.99>4.99 限時特價 終於等到它特價了! 04/12 01:10
115F:→ untilnow:2Do 變3.99.... 04/14 10:46
116F:推 famy125:Bird Strike 限時免費 吐血.......... 04/14 23:12
117F:推 farst:babel rising 今天免費 04/15 00:23
118F:推 eluwin:Last front: Europe 免費,快去下載,不錯玩! 04/15 19:42
119F:推 snowny:Darily life 限時特價0.99 04/15 21:18
120F:推 ingeng:joy camera 4.99>0.99 04/18 03:51
121F:推 tsaiyin:Lonely planet 限時免費 04/20 13:06
122F:推 castle0000:SQUARE ENIX全系列遊戲降 $2 限時兩週 04/20 14:13
123F:推 momber:lonely planet city 系列14個城市限時免費...15.99->free 04/21 16:58
124F:推 leo80042:heavy gunner 3D 免費!!! 04/23 11:05
125F:推 mc29014226:BATTLE BEARS Zombiess FREE 04/24 18:02
126F:推 diorhommeego:Strip Designer 特價$0.99 04/26 19:11
127F:推 defent:Super Turbo Action Pig 0.99鎂=>free 04/27 09:03
128F:推 koneko:LITTLE METAL BALL FREE TODAY ONLY 04/27 10:55
129F:→ gjli:Raging Thunder 2 4.99-->2.99 04/27 17:23
130F:→ gjli:STREET FIGHTER IV 9.99 -- > 6.99 04/27 20:38
131F:推 IMFG:STL Contacts Manager 免費 $4.99 -> $0.00 04/29 21:18
132F:推 koneko:CHOP CHOP RUNNER/fly control 都FREE TODAY ONLY 05/03 13:49
133F:推 BlueHacker:BeejiveIM 9.99 -> 5.99 特價中 05/04 23:06
134F:推 famy125:reMovem 2.99-->free 終於等到完整版特價!! 05/05 22:45
135F:推 castle0000:Sentinel 2: Earth Defense $2.99 -> Free Today Only 05/07 15:26
136F:推 chawganwai:Cambridge Advanced E-C Talking Dic → 9.99 lim time 05/08 02:47
137F:→ FuniPhone:真人發音「生活英文」母親節特價0.99美元(原價2.99美元) 05/09 09:32
138F:推 jsnshopping:gameloft castle of magic 兩小時免費! 05/12 17:34
139F:推 supersp:Gyrotate: free for today only 益智類遊戲 還滿好玩的 05/14 15:55
140F:推 AJS:SCRAPS今日免費,我也不知道這是什麼 05/14 23:46
141F:推 leo80042:Todo打5折!! ($4.99) 可以入手了XD 05/15 09:16
142F:推 IMFG:2do特價3.99 05/16 15:42
143F:推 malidbe:Scarface Last Stand 6.99--> Free 05/17 12:08
144F:推 IMFG:通訊錄群組分類4.99--->2.99特價中 很好用喔!! 05/17 18:20
145F:→ IMFG:groups 囧 忘了說APP名稱... 05/17 18:20
146F:推 lin0824:Bridge odyssey free兩小時 05/18 22:20
147F:推 AixStyle:Addicus FREE today only!!! (原價1.99) 05/22 16:19
148F:→ AixStyle:iOvertheNET beach volley FREE today only(原價1.99) 05/22 16:21
149F:推 malidbe: FunBox 免費的音效盒子 05/25 07:41
150F:推 luwinston:EA的SimCity特價2.99->1.99 05/27 16:39
151F:推 l5weeks:EA的TETRIS(俄羅斯方塊)特價 4.99-->2.99 05/28 17:55
152F:推 blackrhyme:You Note free today 06/01 18:50
153F:推 NicoNeco:是不是規定一下把特價期限也寫出來,方便版主整理(刪推)? 06/09 23:02
154F:推 cjo4zo2k7al: 真有夠噁心 (這樣也會被告嗎 04/27 07:29
155F:→ teyang: 身為員工不立刻買一支,信仰度不夠 09/13 21:26

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