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連結: 原文:Ridley has announced that it has taken over the reins at fellow Belgian brand Eddy Merckx Cycles. Despite a 37-year history of making accomplished road bikes in steel, aluminium and carbon the brand has never been as successful as the cyclist it was named after. After founding the brand in 1980, Merckx sold his majority share in the company in 2008 after he learned that his son Axel did not want to take it on. The company gradually became less profitable until 2016, when a new buyer gave it a much-needed injection of capital, yet even that wasn’t enough to the brand’s fortunes. Last year saw the brand in dire straights as it recorded a €5.7 million loss, yet the future now looks bright as Ridley CEO, Jochim Aerts, talks of renewed investment and development in the company. ‘The synergy between the two Belgian brands will help the Belgian cycling industry reach new heights,’ said Aerts. ‘This brand has so much history and means so much to the Belgian cycling industry. Eddy Merckx and Ridley are the most famous Belgian bicycle brands and can now work together - this acquisition creates a kind of cross-fertilisation of the two brands which will beneficial for both parties. 'Belgium is known for its unique cycling culture thanks to riders like Eddy Merckx, so this merger means that Belgium, now more than ever, is at the centre of the world when it comes to cycling.’ Ridley has a presence in the WorldTour with its relationship with Lotto Soudal, something that is lacking for the Eddy Merckx brand. Such exposure often justifies the hefty expenditure but a brand needs to be in a position to commit to a team to begin with. The Merckx bikes will now be able to benefit from the information gathered in the top level races when developing new frames. ‘We are delighted that Ridley shares our vision for the future of the Merckx brand,’ said Bart van Muylder, owner of Eddy Merckx Cycles. ‘We felt it was our responsibility to keep this Belgian asset in Belgian hands. Ridley, with its motto "We are Belgium", its global distribution and presence in the WorldTour peloton, is the ideal company to continue the tribute to Eddy Merckx.’ 簡單翻譯:RIDLEY買下了同樣出身自比利時的Eddy Merckx,這間37年歷史的公司 在1980年創立,而Eddy Merckx本人在2008年將持有股份全數售出,因為兒子並 沒有繼承父業的意願。 而這間公司在之後獲利情況並不佳,即使在2016年有新的買家提供公司急需的資金, 依然無法讓這間公司起死回生。 去年這間公司虧損達五百七十萬歐元,但對於RIDLEY來說,這間公司的未來仍然看好 RIDLEY和世界級車隊Lotto Soudal有著合作的關係,而這正是EDDY所缺乏的,如此一來 EDDY可以在設計車架上,獲得來自從世界上最頂級的賽事蒐集到的資訊。 我們覺得這是我們的責任將這個比利時的企業留在比利時,RIDLEY的座右銘"WE ARE Belgium"這間在世界的自行車賽事貢獻卓卓的企業,是最適合讓EDDY成就繼續發光發熱 的企業。 --
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