Tech_Job 板


各位板友好~ 敝公司是美商StreamlineBio,一家專門做CGT(細胞及基因醫療)自動化的新創公司, 之前在板上徵到優秀人才,感謝Tech_Job 此次徵求一名Junior Robotics Engineer 工作經驗:無限制 學歷:資工、機器人學、電機或相關領域學士或以上之學位 薪資條件: 年薪1,200,000~1,300,000 NTD + RSU (條件優異者可談更高) 詳細介紹如下: Role Junior Robotics Engineer Location 竹北生醫園區 (Zhubei Biomedical Park, Hsinchu County, Taiwan) Job Description: We are seeking a talented Robotics Engineer to join our innovative team developing advanced factory automation systems. In this role, you will be responsible for developing and implementing robotic software solutions, with a focus on the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) platform. You will work on integrating computer vision and motion planning algorithms, potentially interfacing with digital twin simulators, and generating waypoints for real robotic arms. Key Responsibilities: 1.Develop and implement robotic software solutions using ROS2 for factory automation 2.Integrate computer vision and motion planning algorithms within the ROS2 framework 3.Design and implement software to manipulate robots, particularly robotic arms 4.Create interfaces between ROS-based systems and digital twin simulators (e.g., NVIDIA Isaac Sim) 5.Develop systems to generate and output waypoints for real robotic arm operations 6.Integrate robots with various sensors and troubleshoot complex software systems 7.Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of robotic systems 8.Optimize robotic software for performance and reliability in a production environment 9.Stay updated with the latest advancements in robotics software and ROS2 developments 10.Contribute to the continuous improvement of our robotic automation solutions Requirements: 1.Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Robotics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field 2.Proficiency in C++ and Python programming languages 3.Experience with ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2) and Linux environments 4.Experience with motion planning algorithms and their implementation 5.Familiarity with version control systems, particularly git 6.Proficiency in using Docker for containerization and deployment 7.Experience with debugging tools and performance optimization techniques 8.Knowledge of rigid-body dynamics and robotic systems integration 9.Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Preferred Qualifications: 1.Strong communication skills in English 2.Understanding of computer vision algorithms and libraries (e.g., OpenCV) 4.Experience with digital twin technologies, particularly NVIDIA Isaac Sim 5.Familiarity with factory automation systems and industrial robotics 6.Knowledge of sensor integration in robotic systems 7.Experience with real-time control systems 8.Understanding of industrial communication protocols 9.Experience with CI/CD pipelines in robotics software development If you are passionate about robotics and have a strong background in ROS, computer vision, and motion planning, we encourage you to apply. This role offers an exciting opportunity to work on cutting-edge robotic systems in a dynamic and innovative environment. Compensation & Benefits: Annual salary of NTD1.2~1.3 million, plus RSUs.(Higher compensation and U.S. stock options available for exceptional candidates) Competitive benefits package. Opportunity to work at the intersection of AI, robotics, and biotech. A dynamic and collaborative work environment. Career growth and continuous learning opportunities. How to Apply: Submit your resume and a cover letter to [email protected] If you're passionate about robotics and eager to apply your creativity and technical expertise in a fast-evolving field, we encourage you to apply! Company Website: Recent News: 台灣鏈結美國Streamline導入自動化操作細胞製成、去中心化生產 台寶鏈結國內外資源 董座:三箭齊發打國際賽局 感謝撥冗閱讀~ --

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※ 文章網址: choral:轉錄至看板 Soft_Job 02/05 11:44

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