Tech_Job 板


代PO, 勿站內信!! <公司名稱> Cisco <工作地點> 台北市11052信義路四段460號12樓 履歷請參考下列網址 Linkedin: <薪資福利> 薪資: 月薪新台幣15萬元起~12個月(依個人經歷調整職等、薪水,範圍甚廣) 獎金:Bonus:視個人績效與公司營運、ESPP、Others(依個人經歷) 特休假:一年13天(帶薪病假及彈休另計), 生日假1天, 公益假5天, 緊急事假4周 <職缺> ○ Packaging/Assembly Engineer (Technical Leader) < Experience Required > ‧ 10+ years industry experience. ‧ MS/PhD in Mechanical Engineering/ Material Science or related fields. ‧ Have expertise in packaging materials, structures and assembly processes as well as reliability and qualification methodologies. ‧ Experience with advanced package technology development and NPI including 2.5D and fanout technologies. ‧ Familiar with FEM and numerical simulation methodologies. ‧ Experienced with package design using state-of-the-art CAD tools. ‧ Hands-on experience with materials analysis and failure analysis. Detail: ○ Substrate and PCB Component Engineer / Technical Leader < Experience Required > ‧ MS degree in Engineering/Chemistry/Material or equivalent, plus 10+ years IC Substrate manufacturing experience ‧ Have thorough IC Substrate design, qualification, manufacturing, test, quality, and reliability knowledge and experience ‧ Can lead multiple technical projects and manage day to day work while also focusing on long term goals ‧ Familiar with industry specifications and requirements ‧ Focused on teamwork and collaboration, participating in and leading cross organizational teams ‧ Have strong problem solving and conflict resolution skills along with customer focus, decision-making, influencing and ability to meet deadlines ‧ Thrive working with internal and external partners via periodic summaries and project status overviews ‧ Have a high level of motivation and energy ‧ Effective with multi-functional communication and have excellent interpersonal and presentation skills Detail: <職缺> ○ Senior Strategic Sourcing Manager: Silicon One < Experience Required > ‧ Have excellent presentation and interpersonal skills including written, verbal, and listening skills. ‧ Identify as a strong analytical problem solver with a passion for identifying solutions and leading change. ‧ Have Advanced knowledge of sourcing practices and negotiations. ‧ Have in-depth knowledge of industry & technology landscape in the silicon space. ‧ Experience in chip development, process integration/engineering, customer-supplier management with silicon foundries and OSAT supplier eco-systems ‧ Strong knowledge of supply chain management requirements at each phase of the development and manufacturing process cycle. ‧ Adept at influencing partner executives and are capable of influencing internal decision-makers to make decisions aligned with strategies and objectives benefiting the entire organization. Detail: Note: 另有非工程師缺,也歡迎工程背景人才 Supply Planning Manager: Silicon One: Backlog Planning Manager: Silicon One --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: AnalogICez ( 臺灣), 01/20/2021 00:35:56 ※ 編輯: AnalogICez ( 臺灣), 01/20/2021 01:17:01
1F:推 loesoo: 竟然要把這個功能移來台灣,真的是改朝換代了 01/20 08:27
2F:→ wavier: 台灣是資方天堂啊 01/20 08:52
3F:推 questioner: 這個應該是找高手吧 01/20 10:46
4F:推 Messibugoo: 要降低成本啊 砍灣區的head count是趨勢 01/20 10:56
5F:推 RTA: 人都沒辦法飛來台灣了,當然要在台灣找人啊 01/20 11:13
6F:推 p23j8a4b9z: 找便宜奴工吧 180 10y asic的 01/20 14:01
7F:→ michaelgodtw: 便宜奴工還是比臺灣local高薪 01/20 14:08
8F:噓 final01: 那隻眼睛看到asic?? 01/20 22:51
9F:推 gn01216674: 算普普通通的薪水 我估計230吧 01/20 23:01
10F:推 richer2: google HPE都來了 03/08 02:08

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