Tech_Job 板


The job is posted on craigslist, You can refer to below link Job Description ‧ Internal software application development, design, and bug fixing ‧ Define and implement for application improvements as needed ‧ Assist system infrastructure separation projects, including server migration, network configuration updates, and overall system validation as part of the environment transition process. ‧ Provide L3 support to help desk, HP factories, labs, and partners, for Dssues related to software installation, connectivity and infrastructure ‧ Provide solution within defined Service Level Agreement (SLA) and assist in issue resolution or escalation if needed ‧ Ensure support processes are documented and followed The number of years of experience given in Education and Experience required section is only a guideline and represents neither a prerequisite nor criteria for automatic promotion. The key functions of this positon are listed below. ‧ Relevant subject matter knowledge including technologies, theories, or techniques. ‧ Contributes to the development of innovative principles and ideas. ‧ Successfully operates in the most complex disciplines in which the company must operate to be successful. ‧ Works on complex problems and provides highly innovative solutions. ‧ Routinely exercises independent judgment in developing methods, techniques and criteria for achieving objectives. Education and Experience Requirements: ‧ Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology or related field ‧ Hands-on experience with database (SQL2008/2012) and Operating Systems (Windows 2008/2012) technologies. ‧ C++ / C# and Microsoft SQL as developer/administrator with 3 to 5 years of experience ‧ Background in tools deployment and support, particularly in Enterprise environments ‧ Troubleshooting skills and good teamwork Skills Requirements ‧ Excellent people skills. Ability to work across teams and work across multiple regions. ‧ Excellent communication skills - up, down, sideways ‧ Extraordinary Integrity and sense of purpose. ‧ Ability to work with remote team members ‧ Demonstrate self-motivation and ability to work independently with minimal supervision/direction ‧ Fluency in English is a must Annual salary: Around NT$ 1 million depending on experience. Ongoing 1 year contract; possibly become a regular employee based on the performance. Please sent resume to [email protected] --
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1F:推 w180112: hpe也... 02/01 17:25
2F:→ yiersan: 台商真的帶壞一堆外商XD 02/01 17:59
3F:推 LinuxKernel: 少到哭 02/01 18:13
4F:→ IhateOGC: 3樓咖啡員工可以免費喝嗎? 02/01 18:20
5F:→ Busufu: 為什麼HP徵才用gmail啊? 02/01 18:32
6F:噓 feng22: 100萬? 好意思叫外商? 02/01 18:45
7F:推 kid1412815: HPE會比較多吧 02/01 19:39
8F:→ loadingN: 1y contract 呵呵 02/01 19:44
9F:推 DSB520: 這能找到人嗎? 02/01 21:44
10F:噓 hanklau: 徵約聘好歹標題要附註啊,到時候老闆應該不是掛HP吧XD 02/01 22:35
11F:→ linqqq007: 看來真的找不到便宜的人 02/02 01:19
12F:推 boombastick: 這個是外派進hpe的contractor,是人力派遣公司的缺,e 02/03 11:58
13F:→ boombastick: mail都不是hpe的了 02/03 11:58

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