Soft_Job 板


公司名稱與統編: 美商炒飯吧科技股份有限公司台灣分公司 公司介紹: Down原名Bang with Friends,創立於2013年,為主攻美國市場的交友軟體,於Apple Sto re和Google Store均有上架。公司經歷買賣、併購及回購後,於2020年9月設點台灣,目 前團隊約15位成員並積極擴編。誠摯希望精通英文且具有Mobile app經驗的專案經理/產 品經理加入我們一同打拚! 公司地址: 台北市信義區基隆路一段206號18樓 (目前居家辦公,9月後恢復實體辦公,工作地點可能變更,但會在台北市大安區或信義 區) 職缺: 產品經理 / 專案經理 Product Manager / Project Manager 工作內容: * Help teams estimate and decompose complex projects into manageable parts wit h delivery plans, and push progress daily against those plans. * Pitch ideas to senior stakeholders, manage their expectations and establish shared vision across the company. Build consensus on priorities leading to pro duct execution. * Mock up concepts, write specs, create tickets, write copy and do whatever it takes to ship your products. * Motivate the team, create urgency! Make sure the team focuses on the most im pactful work, helping skilled engineers to deliver value. * Define and analyze metrics that inform the success of products and new featu res. 職缺能力經歷要求: * 3 years of working experience * Highly organized and consistent in project management, solid understanding o f product development lifecycle * Strong knowledge of appropriate product performance metrics, and background in data-driven decision making * Familiarity with project management tools to keep project progress on track * Ability to break large projects into manageable pieces, prioritizing accordi ng to value * Experience delivering mobile apps at scale and complexity, shipping on a reg ular basis * Demonstrable interest in social discovery/dating industry * Strong knowledge of A/B testingꀊ 員工是否需自備工具?薪資(月薪): 8-10萬 薪資(年薪): 保障年薪100-120萬/ 12個月 年終獎金計算方式: 無年終,但有季目標達標獎金 公司分紅與獎金: 季目標達標獎金 ****以下工時與加班費必填,不填刪文水桶**** 工時: 每日工作時間: 9:30-18:30 中午休息: 12:30-13:30 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 彈性上下班 加班費制度: 依勞基法計算方式 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: 美式管理風格、正向成長的工作環境。 公司福利: * 特休15天起,到職當年度按比例計算,每多一年加一天,最多20天 * 自選工作電腦設備,公司補助50% * 年度健康檢查 * 員工聚餐 * 員工旅遊 * 教育訓練 人資或徵才聯絡方式: HR [email protected] 僅收英文履歷,不適任者恕不一一回覆,請見諒 招募流程 1. HR + (Co-founder) 2. Home assignment 3. Co-founder 4. Meet with team members --
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1F:推 Mtcat: Bang! 07/27 23:05
2F:推 s678131: 炒飯吧科技 07/28 08:48
3F:推 t19960804: 大Bang當 07/28 08:49
4F:→ kyoe: 公司名好直接歐QoQ 07/28 10:17
5F:→ jobintan: 炒飯,這種交友平臺一定不尋常。 07/28 12:21
6F:推 iceorz: 取這名字辦,辦信用卡銀行照會的時候會不會很尷尬 07/28 13:49
7F:→ iceorz: 以前KKBOX中文名稱用科科科技,也是很好笑 07/28 13:50
8F:→ WWIII: ㄍㄢ好直接的約炮軟體 07/28 16:02
9F:→ loadingN: 肥宅可以bang嗎 07/28 16:58
10F:→ eva19452002: 好有趣的公司名,另一個讓我覺得有趣的公司名是大猩 08/03 00:58
11F:→ eva19452002: 猩科技 08/03 00:58

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