Soft_Job 板


公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): 米安科技有限公司,25147614 公司地址(填寫詳細至號):台北市南港區南港路三段130巷3弄3號5樓 職缺: API and Database Software Engineer / Manager 職缺能力經歷要求: Responsibilities ‧ Work closely with on-site and remote vendors and product development, analysts, designers and staff to assure smooth product introductions in our data centers ‧ Identify pain points and business needs for new or modified system and hardware, and champion successful product introductions addressing these needs including cost proposals ‧ Producing detailed specifications and writing the programmed codes ‧ Review pre-production verification test plans, assuring key risks are addressed in the product pilot phase before go live ‧ Gather and create high-quality documentation and training materials prior to product introductions, and assure field staff have advance access to these materials ‧ Provide regular status updates and corporate dashboards that highlight product development roadmaps and risks ‧ Identify and respond to risks and high-priority issues rapidly and effectively Minimum Qualifications ‧ Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Science is required. Advanced degree desired. ‧ Master of RESTful API Design Concept and must have demonstrated ability to program in PHP for RESTful API and link to database such as MYSQL ‧ Familiar with Json and RegularExpression Management ‧ VMware Vsphere related technical foundation ‧ Basic internet knowledge such asIP、Switch、Router、and Firewall as well as NAT ‧ Docker related technical foundation such as Docker File and Docker Registry ‧ Ability to program in PHP for RESTful API and link to database such as MYSQL ‧ Fluent in at least one database (Sybase, Oracle, MS SQL) including expertise in SQL ‧ Ability to read technical documents in English ‧ Detail-oriented, high-energy individual who is able to multitask ‧ Data center or other mission critical development experience is desired ‧ Must be detail oriented, able to provide solutions to complex problems, and able to meet tight deadlines 員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否 薪資(月薪):40K~70K 薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 12 個月 年終獎金計算方式:設計中 ****以下工時與加班費必填,不填刪文水桶**** 工時: 每日工作時間: 9:00AM~6:00PM (八小時) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 **可直接填寫加班費比照勞基法,低於勞基法禁止發文** 加班費制度:加班費比照勞基法 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: Mii-Ann is seeking an API and Database Software Engineer / Manager to join our Taipei Office Data Center team. Our data centers are the foundation upon which our rapidly growing infrastructure efficiently operates and our innovative services delivered. The successful candidate is responsible for new product introductions in our data center, including new builds and retrofits. The engineer/manager must work with product design, development, and subject matter experts; vendors to assure successful product introductions. Full lifecycle engagement is required, with lessons learned from field deployments rolled into future product introductions. This position is full-time and is based in our main office in Taipei, Taiwan 公司介紹: Mii-Ann’s mission is to provide a total solution of affordable, non-invasive health monitoring and disease progression prevention. Through our growing apps and services, we're building a company to make the world a healthier place. Our wearable devices measure the pulse generated by the heart. Our proprietary technology decodes each pulse into valuable health information through quantifiable indexes. These indexes match almost perfectly with our Traditional Chinese Medicine heritage thereby providing incredibly powerful scientific verification of thousands of years of those practices. 人資或徵才聯絡方式: 請以email方式投遞履歷 email: [email protected] 有任何問題請洽 (02) 26539303 王先生 --
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