P2PSoftWare 板


qBittorrent v4.1.5 was released. macOS: Support for Mavericks (10.9) was dropped due to usage of Qt 5.9. qBittorrent v4.1.5 should be able to work if you compile it with Qt 5.8. ‧FEATURE: Add checking_mem_usage option to AdvancedSettings (FranciscoPombal) ‧FEATURE: Save torrents queue in separate file. Now a new file named 'queue' is created, saving on each line the infohash of each queued torrent in sorted order. (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Fix regression on resuming torrents without metadata (thalieht) ‧BUGFIX: Reorder and rename Tracker list context menu option (Thomas Piccirello) ‧BUGFIX: Rename Tracker List columns (Thomas Piccirello) ‧BUGFIX: Show error message when Session failed to start (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Embedded tracker: Use ip parameter from tracker request if provided (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix weekday names translations (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix strings not translated (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Change qBittorrent exit message to HTML5 (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Revise CSP header (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Enforce referrer-policy in WebUI (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add torrent name filtering to WebUI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Send numeric status without translation (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add WebUI Trackers context menu (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add DHT, PeX, and LSD to WebUI Tracker list (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add additional Tracker columns to WebUI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Bump Web API version ‧WEBUI: Fix display bugs in WebUI Files tab. Remove <IE9 support (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix incorrect priority value sent from WebUI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Set priority for multiple files in one WebAPI request (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Match WebUI Peers table column order to GUI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fetch data less frequently when torrents tab isn't visible (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add Search tab to WebUI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add ability to pass urls to the webui download page (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix JavaScript error (Tom Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Disallow setting a blank alternative WebUI location (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add slow torrent options (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add "Use alternative Web UI" option (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add "Apply rate limit to peers on LAN" option (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add email "From" option (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Set WebUI download options using set preferences (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Show list of categories on WebUI download page (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Hide WebUI text input for custom monitor save locations (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add "When adding a torrent" options (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add WebUI Auto TMM options (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add speed limit icons to WebUI Speed options (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add WebUI Random port button and proxy unencrypted password notice (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Replace WebUI Options fixed-width labels (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Reorder WebUI options to match GUI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Allow WebUI sidebar to be collapsed (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Show ellipsis when WebUI sidebar is too narrow (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix WebUI bug on override of Start Download option.Closes #9855. (Tom Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix missing words in WebUI (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add SameSite attribute to WebUI session cookie (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Put WebUI security related options into a groupbox (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Add option for WebUI Host header validation (Chocobo1) ‧WEBUI: Show icon in WebUI sorted column (Thomas Piccirello) ‧RSS: Keep track of REPACK/PROPER downloads. Closes #9898. (Stephen Dawkins) ‧SEARCH: Only instantiate SearchPluginManager as needed (Thomas Piccirello) ‧MACOS: Make file icon look like other macOS icons (Nick Korotysh) ‧MACOS: Save option to start minimized in Mac (thalieht) -- 感情被懂得是一種幸福 等待著被懂得是一種孤獨 --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1546498918.A.E84.html
1F:推 alen84204 : 請教一下 我目前用4.1.4 做種近兩千 常常會當機 01/03 16:47
2F:→ alen84204 : 但是做種1000初頭就沒問題 是因為做種太多嗎? 01/03 16:48
3F:推 madjack : 推 昨天剛升級 webui可編輯tracker 01/03 17:48
4F:→ madjack : Linux建議使用QT庫5.8.0 g++ 4.9.2以上版本編譯 01/03 17:48
5F:推 madjack : 測試了二天,發現4.1.5三不五時crash 上github看 01/05 22:30
6F:→ madjack : 有不少使用windows or ubuntu的遇到這樣的問題 01/05 22:31
7F:→ madjack : 有三台Server 一台Debian 8 一台Ubuntu 16.04 01/05 22:32
8F:→ madjack : 一台Centos7,除了Centos7環境ok外,其它都二天內崩 01/05 22:32
9F:→ madjack : 不知其它人有沒有遇到,跟以前4.1.3版有點像 01/05 22:35
10F:→ madjack : 暫時降回 4.0.4 囧rz... 01/05 22:39
11F:→ KOKOLALAMA : WIN10做種數2070,沒崩潰過,版本4.1.5 01/10 12:01
12F:→ madjack : windows應該是個案~ 有debian or ubuntu環境user嗎 01/10 14:35
13F:→ madjack : 朋友在ubuntu16.04環境也常崩到懷疑人生@@ 01/10 14:35

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