來源: ClutchPoints 網址: Magic, Pacers combine for fewest total free throws in NBA history 魔術溜馬兩隊本場合計罰球數為NBA史上最低 Sunday’s game between the Orlando Magic and the Indiana Pacers made the record books as the game with the fewest total free throws in NBA history. 星期日魔術溜馬戰在NBA史上添上了一筆,兩隊總罰球數為史上最低。 The Pacers and the Magic combined for a total of 11 free throw attempts, overtaking the record set by Lakers and the Clippers in 1980. 溜馬跟魔術兩隊合計起來只有11次罰球,比1980年的湖人快艇戰(12次)還要少。 魔術官方推特: "The 11 combined free throw attempts by both teams during tonight’s game (Orlando, 6; Indiana, 5) are the fewest in NBAHistory" 「兩隊合計11次罰球(魔術6次,溜馬5次),為NBA史上最低。」 For the Pacers, Domantas Sabonis went 3-of-4 from the free-throw line while Doug McDermott went 1-of-1. For the Magic, Evan Fournier went 2-of-2, Aaron Gordon went 1-of-1, and Michael Carter-Williams went 2-of-3. 溜馬是Domantas Sabonis罰了4球進了3球,Doug McDermott罰了一球進了一球。魔術是 Evan Fournier罰2中2,Aaron Gordon罰1中1,超級麥卡威罰3進2。 In terms of fouls, Indiana committed 13 personal fouls while Orlando had 10. In the end, it was Indiana that prevailed, 109-102. 而犯規數目方面,溜馬犯了13次,魔術犯了10次。最後是溜馬以109-102獲勝。 The Pacers have improved to 6-4. They are expected to turn it up one more notch this season. After all, the team has remained intact over the last few years and it’s safe to say that they have gelled together very well. 溜馬戰績來到了6-4,他們本季被期待會更上一層樓,畢竟過去幾季溜馬沒有太大變動,球 員之間的融合度也相當好。 The Magic, meanwhile, have fallen to 3-7 — a pretty mediocre start for a team which sneaked into the postseason last year as the eighth spot. Orlando qualifying into the playoffs means that they have the fundamental tools to win. But so far in the young season, they don’t seem to be utilizing these tools to their full potential. 魔術則是持續向下沉淪,戰績來到了3-7--對於上一季以第八種子打進東區季後賽的魔術來 說算是個很普通的戰果。去年打進季後賽,對魔術來說就是他們有著基本的能力可以贏 球。但是以目前季初的狀況來看,他們似乎還沒有把他們的潛力完全發揮。 -- 兩隊加起來才11次 鬍子表示: --
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1F:→ frank8979 : 鬍子覺得餓 11/11 14:37
2F:推 bad543 : 鬍子一人就屌打兩隊了 11/11 14:37
3F:推 same60710 : 鬍子: 11/11 14:38
4F:推 peanut910013: 猛起來一次屌打兩倍有找 11/11 14:39
5F:推 steve17 : 鬍子一節就可以吃11碗了 11/11 14:40
6F:→ rony98 : 鬍子:不好好吃飯是長不大的 11/11 14:41
7F:推 lens82801 : 這季陣容換了7個人,這樣算沒太大變動嗎... 11/11 14:41
8F:推 andy055097 : 那我也不吹了啊 11/11 14:42
9F:推 joyi : 節能省碳 11/11 14:43
10F:推 j003862001 : 這場不到兩小時就打完 11/11 14:43
11F:推 shellback : 裁判都想早點下班 11/11 14:43
12F:推 manuginobii : 爹不疼娘不愛 11/11 14:43
13F:推 samuelass : 收視率差要ON其他節目提早收工下班 11/11 14:46
14F:推 s4357gty : 你不會買飯你要先講 11/11 14:49
15F:→ kaodio : 好寶寶籃球 11/11 14:49
16F:推 huangjyuan : 鬍子:嫩 11/11 14:51
17F:推 providence : 鬍子表示: 我要打全部 11/11 14:52
18F:→ heyjude1118 : 鬍子:笑死 11/11 14:52
19F:推 anoymouse : 鬍子:這樣…會餓死 11/11 14:53
20F:推 AngelNo13 : 給鬍子塞牙縫都不夠 11/11 14:53
21F:推 Leaflock : 兩隊加起來的不夠登登吃一場 是要餓死誰 11/11 14:54
22F:推 skysoar : Pacers剛開季也遭遇了一陣亂流 11/11 14:56
23F:→ tonyjojo : 裁判:我身家壓小分了,有事嗎!? 11/11 14:58
24F:→ seiya1201 : 史上進攻防守都最乾淨的比賽? 11/11 14:59
25F:推 zego41 : 登登:我場均15罰 11/11 15:03
26F:推 gto37513 : 時間有沒有最短 11/11 15:05
27F:推 once1024 : 這場開大分好嗎 11/11 15:10
28F:推 celtics1997 : 慶祝11節 11/11 15:18
29F:推 iwinlottery : 鬍子:弱 11/11 15:29
30F:推 s155260 : 裁判偷懶 11/11 15:35
31F:推 SwissMiniGun: 居然有破紀錄喔XD酷 今天只覺得罰球很少很順暢 11/11 15:36
32F:推 Newstart : 未看先猜這篇有大鬍子 11/11 15:54
33F:噓 hyde0619 : 噓 沒有太大變動 有沒認真啊 11/11 15:57
34F:推 yamahaya : 已看再猜這篇有鬍子 11/11 16:07
35F:推 BusterWu : 你不犯規要先講 那我也不買啦 11/11 16:13
36F:推 edwardxearl : 低碳飲食 11/11 16:22
37F:推 peter4503 : 鬍子:??????? 11/11 16:30
38F:推 louisxxiii : 這兩隊應該連裁判都懶得吹了XDDDDD 11/11 16:32
39F:推 jerryyuan : 鬍子在的那場罰球數少才是新聞 11/11 16:35
40F:推 jrfish : 好奇,這場打多久? 11/11 16:42
41F:推 lens82801 : Box有寫時間,1:56 11/11 16:50
42F:推 wklxbiwee : 覺得很有趣 借轉隊板 11/11 17:27
wklxbiwee:轉錄至看板 PACERS 11/11 17:27
43F:推 kkb512sk : 還以為上古時代罰球比較少欸~ 11/11 17:29
44F:噓 ashebird : 是不是不給我印象派跪古迷面子 11/11 18:44
45F:推 heywaha12 : 幫主: 想害我餓死是嗎 11/11 22:05
46F:噓 robots : 超級麥卡威是殺小 11/12 06:47

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