來源: ClutchPoints 網址: Stephen A. Smith says Lakers-Clippers West Finals will be the ‘creme de la creme of this season’ SAS說本季西決湖人快艇對決將會是本季最精彩 The biggest story in the NBA following the free agency frenzy last month was the brewing rivalry between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers. Both teams have made major moves in the offseason to put their teams in a position to contend for a championship next season, and ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith is hoping that both LA teams would meet in the Western Conference Finals. 在休賽季FA大戲結束後另外一個醞釀中的大戲就是洛杉磯湖人跟快艇的對決。兩隊在休賽 季都做了補強,成為冠軍隊伍,ESPN的SAS則希望兩支洛杉磯隊伍可以在西決碰頭。 In a recent episode of First Take, Stephen A. said that a WCF matchup between the Lakers and the Clippers will be the best thing that will happen in the NBA this upcoming season. 在最近First Take的節目中,SAS說這一季西決湖人跟快艇對決將會是近年NBA以來的最佳 戲碼。 “The number one thing I wanna see. I want to see the Lakers versus the Clippers for the Western Conference Finals. That’s what I want to see. I want to see Kawhi Leonard and Paul George up against LeBron and Anthony Davis. I wanna see Doc Rivers, I wanna see Jeannie Buss and Pelinka, I wanna see Kobe sitting in the stands, I wanna see Magic in the stands, I wanna see Steve Ballmer going crazy courtside. I wanna see the two teams in L.A. going at each other’s neck tryna take each other out for the right to represent the West in the NBA Finals. To me, that will be the creme de la creme of this season.” 「我想要看到的就是在西決看到湖人對決快艇。我想看到Kawhi Leonard跟Paul George這 對去面對LBJ跟Anthony Davis。我想看到快艇總教練Doc Rivers,湖人老闆Jeannie Buss,總管Pelinka;我想看到Kobe坐在觀眾席;我想看到魔術在觀眾席;我想看到快艇老 闆Steve Ballmer在場邊瘋掉的樣子;我想看到洛杉磯雙雄試著擊敗對方,好拿到西區冠軍 後前進總冠賽。對我來說,那將會是本季最佳戲碼。」 A West Finals showdown between the two LA teams would indeed be massive for the NBA, as it will pit four of the top ten players in the league today. The Lakers have LeBron James and Anthony Davis, while the Clippers have reigning Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard and Paul George. 西決若是由兩支洛杉磯球隊擔綱對聯盟來說的確是非常重大,因為現今聯盟前10球員裡就 有4位在裡面。湖人有LBJ跟Anthony Davis,快艇則有FMVP Kawhi Leonard跟Paul George。 Who wouldn’t want to see those teams slug it out in a seven-game series? 有誰會不想看這兩隊打七戰後決定誰勝出嗎? -- 一次擊潰兩隊 幫QQ -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
1F:→ ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
2F:推 kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
3F:→ kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
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4F:推 Linlosehow : 全主場 08/13 14:35
5F:推 zehow : 湖人迷賺翻 連看七場主場! 08/13 14:37
6F:噓 Ayanami5566 : 閉嘴 沒人想聽你說話 08/13 14:37
7F:→ queen100000 : 大家都想啊........都想看某獼崩潰 08/13 14:38
8F:推 eh07 : 等等…這位不是反指標嗎 08/13 14:39
9F:噓 love1500274 : 湖人要先進季後賽再說 08/13 14:39
10F:推 f22313467 : 打季後賽就不用換休息室了 08/13 14:40
11F:推 munchlax : 08/13 14:42
12F:噓 snane : 假消息王 08/13 14:42
13F:推 CW4 : 沒講成希望在總冠軍賽看到 已經是他最有品質的一次 08/13 14:44
14F:→ chocoluv : 結果2020西決:金塊 vs 火箭 08/13 14:44
15F:推 kuchibu : 會輪休嗎 08/13 14:48
16F:推 andy991217 : 可不可以禁SAS啊 08/13 14:49
17F:→ Kenshin0707 : 金塊火箭好像不錯看哦 08/13 14:49
18F:推 IkariD : 湖人先進季後賽再說+1 XD 08/13 14:53
19F:→ a81255316 : 湖人明年打不進季後賽 08/13 14:59
20F:推 jerry86 : 湖人明年搶狀元吧 08/13 15:07
21F:噓 paul5566 : 看到標題進來噓,不是虛原po 08/13 15:07
22F:推 eric791112 : 湖人打爆無信無義者吧 08/13 15:07
23F:→ mbmh : 西糗開示了.. 08/13 15:09
24F:噓 rondoya : 閉嘴啦 08/13 15:22
25F:→ ODFans : 都把中時禁了 可不可以順便投票把SAS的新聞也禁一禁 08/13 15:24
26F:噓 ksuenjjr : SAS這種品質的文一直有人轉 08/13 15:41
27F:噓 alonelykid : 抱歉SAS必噓 08/13 15:49
28F:→ hower111 : 刷存在感... 08/13 15:57
29F:推 kevin789 : 金塊 火箭 穩了 08/13 15:58
30F:推 a7668504 : 不是勇士擊敗這二隊嗎? 08/13 16:06
31F:噓 CS0000000000: 會轉SAS差不多也可以噓啦 08/13 16:07
32F:→ awxsd456 : 當勇士火箭死人嗎 08/13 16:07
33F:噓 f9932017 : 有SAS先噓 08/13 17:10
34F:推 fack3170 : 結果都打不到西決 08/13 17:11
35F:噓 KKB : SAS滾 08/13 17:36
36F:推 shaqattack : 湖人教練 : 當我死人? 08/13 17:46
37F:噓 jimmybutterc: 滾辣 08/13 17:59
38F:噓 kooyoo1144 : 第一輪就遇到 08/13 18:13
39F:推 tbs7melody : 拜託我會快簽甜瓜吧 08/13 18:38
40F:推 warm0808 : 暴龍勇士? 08/13 19:28
41F:推 vasia : 阿銀:保證打滿七場 08/13 22:02
42F:噓 marionkimy : 轉SAS是討噓文嗎 08/14 00:37
43F:→ iamaq18c : 湖人先進季後賽吧 08/14 12:17
44F:→ FANREN : 快艇下去 09/16 16:55

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