Stephen Curry hilariously requests for poster of him and Klay Thompson Curry開玩笑說:「幫我和KT單獨作張海報」 Golden State Warriors star Klay Thompson joins Stephen Curry as the only players in NBA history with at least 200 3-pointers in seven consecutive seasons. To commemorate the occasion, Steph wants a one-page poster with a specific layout and design. 繼咖哩之後,K湯也加入NBA史上唯一的連七季200+三分球的成員。為了紀念這事件,咖哩 要求媒體幫他和K湯做個特製的海報。 Talking to reporters following their narrow victory over the Rockets, Curry jokingly requested to make a poster of him and Thompson back-to-back while doing a shooting motion. 險勝火箭的比賽之後,在跟媒體訪談時,咖哩開玩笑地要求幫他和KT做一個彼此背對背投 籃出手的海報。 Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson are two of the greatest shooters of all-time, and while Curry’s request is simple, it might not be enough to truly show how great they have been for the past few years. 他們兩位是史上最偉大的射手,咖哩的要求並不難,而且這樣還不足以表示近年來他們的 表現是有多棒。 Besides their latest feat, the so-called Splash Brothers led the Warriors to their first victory against the Rockets and helped them avoid a sweep against their Western Conference title rivals. 除了這件事績以外,浪花兄弟在本季第一次贏了火箭,避免被西區總冠軍競爭者火箭隊在 季賽橫掃。 Thompson finished with a game-high 30 points, on top of six rebounds and two assists. Curry, on the other hand, had 24 points, four boards, five dimes and two steals0. K湯得了場上最高的30分、6籃板2助攻。另一方面,咖哩24分4籃板5助攻2抄截。 Klay entered the showdown against the Rockets needing just two triples to join his All-Star backcourt running mate in the exclusive club, and he didn’ t have a hard time doing so. He ended the evening with five triples on 50 percent shooting. 在這場比賽之前,K湯只要再進2球就可以進入連7季200+三分球的俱樂部了,這對他來說一 點都不難,他今晚以5成的命中率,進了5個。 心得:金州二絕,臥龍咖哩,鳳雛K湯,二人得一,可安天下。 --
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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: kairiyu (, 03/14/2019 14:35:59
1F:推 leg0125 : 第一句文法怪怪的 03/14 14:37
2F:推 MrSatan : KT 3P%也回4成了 03/14 14:37
3F:推 s505015 : 心結 03/14 14:38
4F:推 issusu : 呂布朗 03/14 14:39
5F:推 paul5566 : 無法想像KT出走 03/14 14:39
6F:推 AlwaySmile : 然後還有人在討論勇士雙人組 curry+KD 03/14 14:41
7F:→ AlwaySmile : KD加進來就三巨頭了啊.... 03/14 14:41
8F:→ alittleghost: KD:KD獨照即可 03/14 14:41
9F:推 sky070650 : IG有放 蠻帥的 03/14 14:42
10F:推 manuginobii : 排擠外來種 03/14 14:42
11F:推 iovoecu : 這兩ㄍ同一隊真D外掛== 03/14 14:45
12F:推 TDKnight : KD拿FMVP KT咖哩拿海報 skr 03/14 14:47
13F:推 spdhkqfbjgy : 只有咖哩或K湯是要怎麼安天下 03/14 14:48
14F:推 lens82801 : 這兩個才是勇士真核心 03/14 14:49
15F:推 Ashand : 蜀漢有了臥龍鳳雛也沒統一天下啊 03/14 14:49
16F:推 hisaken : 幫一燈作海報 03/14 14:50
17F:推 AngelMAyCry : 龐統如果活得夠久街亭守得住嗎? 03/14 14:51
18F:推 hisaken : 浪花兄弟才是勇士本體 其他隨便 03/14 14:52
19F:推 kaga1991 : 龐統活夠久也要劉禪聽話阿 03/14 14:55
20F:噓 mimimomo089 : 又在吹了,表弟拿的分數都比你高 03/14 14:58
21F:→ cze71210 : KD:KD可不想跟小貓或弱爆尼哥在同一張海報 03/14 14:58
22F:→ mimimomo089 : 每次都在消費別人,kt哀傷 03/14 14:59
23F:推 frank8979 : 這都可以酸 佩服 03/14 15:02
24F:推 duppy : KD:為什麼我上就輸,我沒打就贏火箭.............? 03/14 15:08
25F:→ CCFACE : 喜歡沒有KD的勇士~ 03/14 15:08
26F:推 famoth : 少KD,即便團隊助攻略減,但球流動卻更順暢 03/14 15:15
27F:推 vltw5v : KD:KD自己一張 03/14 15:15
28F:推 famoth : 球到KD就停住,但在DMC手上卻不會 03/14 15:17
29F:推 crusoe : KD快去尼克替賭蘭打球吧 03/14 16:02
30F:推 sam8921502 : KD:路人照 03/14 16:04
31F:推 guardian128 : 大推浪花兄弟 03/14 16:06
32F:推 wpd : 過10年後來看 應該沒什麼 03/14 16:08
33F:推 chenliu0716 : KT:慶祝200顆,披薩大放送 03/14 16:10
34F:→ tetsu2008 : KD:KD: 03/14 16:14
35F:推 jasonxeric : 臥龍咖哩聽起來好好吃(饞 03/14 16:17
36F:推 allen5743 : 真心覺得浪花不可拆 KD雖然也很想留但只能隨緣了 03/14 16:21
37F:→ AhirunoSora : 超氣的XDDD笑死 03/14 17:08
38F:推 gt097231 : KD、姆斯流口水ING 03/14 17:25
39F:推 Justlan : TO w大,如果過10年這兩個是連15季200+呢? 03/14 17:33
40F:推 kenyun : 之前不就有篇在說 沒KD的十幾場只輸一場 03/14 18:18
41F:→ gt097231 : 沒KD的勇士本來就有聯盟頂級球隊的實力 就錦上添花 03/14 18:32
42F:推 gydiaw : kd走我就回去看勇士 03/14 19:24
43F:推 pgm173 : KD:KD也想要有海報(羞 03/14 19:30
44F:→ hsyumi1026 : 沒KD要衝擊冠軍其實也不是空談 03/14 20:30
45F:推 Arctica : 浪花兄弟才是勇士王朝的真起點 03/14 22:01
46F:推 mark0204 : 03/14 22:13
47F:推 mono1023 : 我們一起投三分 一起唰唰唰唰唰 03/14 22:53
48F:噓 grayoasis : 勇酸只剩下挑撥離間這招 酸來捧去都勇士的人 03/15 01:29
49F:推 lucy8079 : 推浪花兄弟! 03/15 08:37
50F:推 JoSue : 浪花才是勇士的精髓 03/17 01:12
51F:推 kaminari22tw: curry讚 03/25 15:40

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