Stephen A. Smith Thinks Rumors About Kevin Durant Leaving Warriors Are 'Legit' Stephen A. Smith認為KD將會離開勇士的傳言是很合理的 Count ESPN's Stephen A. Smith among those who think Kevin Durant may leave the Golden State Warriors during the coming offseason. ESPN的Stephen A. Smith也是認為KD會在下季離開勇士的人之一。 "I think the scuttlebutt about him departing from Golden State is legit because I definitely think he plans on leaving," he said on Thursday's episode of First Take. "But I want to emphasize two things. The Golden State Warriors as an organization do not plan on losing him, number one. And number two, Kevin Durant is the kind of dude that changes his mind." 「KD會離開勇士的傳言甚囂塵上是很合理的,因為我也覺得他會離開。」 「但我要先強調兩件事,第一,勇士不希望失去它,第二,KD是那種三心二意的人。」 Smith referenced a report from Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports that said, in part, "There are members of the organization concerned that Durant's behavior is a sign that he's already got one foot out the door." 他引述了YAHOO記者Haynes報導中的一段話:「很多人覺得kd的行為已經是個徵兆了,實際 上,他一隻腳已經跨出去了。」 Haynes noted Durant has been "combative at times this season with teammates and members of the media" while pointing out he and close friend Kyrie Irving have been linked to the New York Knicks. Haynes指出,這個賽季,KD常常跟隊友和媒體朋友爭論關於他和他的好友KI跟尼克扯上邊 的事情。 There was plenty of reaction when Durant and Irving talked to each other during All-Star Weekend: 明星週KD和KI有很多互動,包括下面
(設計對白 「KD:尼克有幾個頂薪可以提供?」 KI: 「比YA」) Both All-Stars have player options for the 2019-20 season, which has only fueled speculation as they chase a championship with the Warriors and Boston Celtics. Even potential No. 1 overall pick Zion Williamson said it "would be dope" to play with them in New York, per SNY's Adam Zagoria. 這兩位全明星若是他們這季在總冠碰頭,就很有可能在下賽季執行球員選項跳槽,甚至下 一屆狀元候選Zion也曾說過:「如果能跟他們一起在紐約打球真是太正點了!」 The Knicks cleared enough cap space for a realistic pursuit of multiple max-contract players when they traded Kristaps Porzingis to the Dallas Mavericks, which figures to help a potential Durant courtship. 尼克交易出KP之後,有足夠的薪資空間可以提供給幾位頂薪球員。 Golden State may win another championship this season, but Smith thinks there is a "legit" chance it would be its last with Durant on the roster. 勇士本季可能可以再衛冕,但Smith認為這會是KD最後一季待在勇士了。 心得:LBJ+KD 還是 KI+KD,哪個會贏? --
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1F:噓 Linlosehow : SAS 03/08 13:25
2F:推 eric20601 : SAS XD 03/08 13:25
3F:噓 hcl00 : SAS 03/08 13:25
4F:噓 victor21835 : SAS . 03/08 13:26
5F:噓 alonelykid : SAS...... 03/08 13:26
6F:推 fishinthesky: 傻子才去唬人 03/08 13:27
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9F:→ anderson1979: SAS=戈巴契夫頭髮最長 03/08 13:28
10F:推 sky070650 : 大家都知道的事 03/08 13:29
11F:噓 Wardyal : SAS 03/08 13:32
12F:→ peanut910013: 謊言豆沙包 03/08 13:34
13F:推 tailsean : 感謝信心加持 03/08 13:36
14F:推 Tieniu : 超賽跟湖人打這麼鳥,都吸引他去打個名聲 03/08 14:14
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16F:噓 yeustream : 離開勇士有可能,但不相信會想去尼克 03/08 14:24
17F:噓 mark5814 : Sas 03/08 14:29
18F:→ Nappa : 好幾年前SAS說KD去LA被KD打槍 之後在節目上追殺多年 03/08 15:07
19F:推 joua0214 : 快離開吧 03/08 15:39
20F:推 xyzgod999 : 有很多互動 包括下面.... 03/08 16:40
21F:噓 ksk0516 : Carry三罐就可以離開咖哩嘴綠這群小貓了 03/08 18:28

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