看板 NBA  RSS philadelphia-sixers-jimmy-butler-right-wrist-injury-specialist-los-angeles CAMDEN, N.J. — Before they depart for their four-game West Coast road trip, the Sixers handed out a lengthy injury list Friday. The name at the top of that list and the details about his injury might be concerning on the surface. Jimmy Butler is doubtful for Saturday’s game against the Nuggets with the 士官長吉米巴特勒右腕扭傷, 所以在周六對金塊隊的比賽中能否上場存疑 sprained right wrist that has sidelined him for the past two games. He will be seeing a specialist in Los Angeles. 吉米巴特勒將會去洛杉磯看專科醫生 Head coach Brett Brown said there was no cause for serious worry with Butler. 總教練說 沒有理由嚴肅地擔憂巴特勒 (認為問題不大) “We’re just getting further peace of mind and confirmation that things are OK,” he said. “Jimmy and the organization decided to go to California. We’ ll meet him in Denver. It’s really far more precautionary than it is stuff that people are overly worried about.” Moving down the list, Wilson Chandler will also miss Saturday’s game with left hamstring tightness. 威錢 左腿筋緊繃 Markelle Fultz will travel with the team on their road trip and continue his physical therapy. 富兒子... 繼續物理治療 And Joel Embiid, named an All-Star starter Thursday night for the second straight season, will have a scheduled rest day against the Nuggets. He’s been hampered recently by lower-back tightness. 恩比德(鉛筆) 被選為全明星先發, 對金塊隊排休, 近期被下背緊繃妨礙(下背不舒服) “It really is just a planned rest,” Brown said. “It’s not entirely a reaction to the things that he’s gone through. We’ve sort of targeted this period of the calendar for a while. It’s a collaborative thing, and we’ve sort of made the decision based on that.” Based on Brown's comments, the list of sidelined Sixers should be shorter in the near future. For the time being, though, expect to see a lot more of Corey Brewer and Jonah Bolden in Denver. 總教練認為吉米巴特勒右腕傷勢問題不大, 但是七六人隊醫搞不定傷勢, 士官長還要去 加州找專科醫生治療傷勢, 看來吉米巴特勒不只對七六人教練有意見, 對七六人隊醫的 程度也存疑, 看看過去七六人新秀的傷病史, 看看富兒子..., 還是自行去加州找名醫 治傷比較保險(順便看看環境 XD) 吉米巴特勒: 加州, 我來了, 看醫生啦 --
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1F:→ GANZ : LBJ+AD+KD+吉巴+可愛! 創世湖 01/28 23:57
2F:推 airiguodala : 湖人把小將賣一賣 暑假有個30M能簽JB 01/28 23:58
3F:→ Leaflock : 偷報名? 01/28 23:58
4F:→ GaRx : 拼圖在這邊? 01/28 23:59
5F:→ migoyo : 1樓那陣容不行,沒控衛,籃球場上控衛很重要 01/28 23:59
6F:推 gary10308 : JB:加州好像在搞一團大的,去看看先 01/28 23:59
7F:→ WarIII : 姆斯:極霸兄 城下一聚!! 01/29 00:00
8F:→ wrench : to 5樓, LBJ不就控衛.. 01/29 00:00
9F:推 highwayshih : 姆斯控啊... 01/29 00:01
10F:→ karta1992560: La 01/29 00:01
11F:推 slamblock15 : 姆斯醫生:其實有些病換個環境就好了 你看可愛 01/29 00:01
12F:推 jeffery95099: JB:play one 01/29 00:02
13F:→ migoyo : 姆斯不是正統控衛啊 倒不如jb換軟豆,這樣才強 01/29 00:02
14F:推 thirtyto : LBJ:JB 我在LA等你 01/29 00:02
15F:推 AngelNo13 : 姆斯比正統控衛好用多了 也不怕包夾 01/29 00:03
16F:推 sept9048 : 關鍵字LA都出來了XDD 可以 01/29 00:04
17F:推 luoguanyu : 姆斯不是正統控衛也控得比聯盟90%控衛還好啊... 01/29 00:05
18F:推 benson1212 : 一樓的天堂湖vs地獄勇 想想都快高潮了 01/29 00:05
19F:推 s50101 : LBJ控比Curry還令人放心吧 01/29 00:07
20F:推 mike40709 : ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 01/29 00:08
21F:推 nash100 : 姆斯是很強 但比控球還是curry厲害吧 01/29 00:08
22F:推 olkj3570 : 士官長:我來場勘了 01/29 00:08
23F:→ wakayama : 物理治療是馬殺雞嗎 01/29 00:09
24F:→ dwiee : 姆斯:城下一聚 01/29 00:11
25F:推 a55770 : ㄧ樓湖人陣容守到勇士漏尿 01/29 00:11
26F:推 MidoriG : Curry控球是很厲害,但姆斯不會隨便背傳把球秀掉啊 01/29 00:11
27F:推 darren2586 : 吉巴:我到大都就不回去啦 01/29 00:13
28F:推 unicotexalex: 這個都星期六的舊聞了現在貼是在...? 01/29 00:16
29F:推 NMorgan : 還有軟豆可以控啊,球哥不重要啦 01/29 00:16
30F:推 icoann : Rondo:我咧 01/29 00:16
31F:→ unicotexalex: 下面還加了自己的想像想要誤導什麼.. 01/29 00:17
32F:→ unicotexalex: 醫生本來就有專攻 找專業的本來就沒問題 01/29 00:17
33F:→ unicotexalex: 對啦七六人都庸醫 你就想要帶這風向 01/29 00:18
34F:→ unicotexalex: 一個隊醫最好什麼都很專精 這樣就沒所謂專家了 01/29 00:18
35F:→ unicotexalex: 隊醫轉介他去找專家的還比較有可能 聽你在黑 01/29 00:20
36F:→ unicotexalex: 那我要告訴你JB在LA看完專家以後就飛到丹佛支持隊友 01/29 00:21
37F:推 richard60306: GM:說我們隊醫差?送你去溜馬! 01/29 00:22
38F:→ unicotexalex: 而且下一戰就是在LA對湖人喔(一般這種狀況都直接在 01/29 00:22
39F:→ unicotexalex: 那邊待命了) 01/29 00:22
40F:推 date10245 : 每個都要去你湖,最後都沒去XD 01/29 00:29
41F:→ t340081231 : 士官長:聽說LA有一團更大的 我去看看 01/29 00:31
42F:→ ewc024 : 說實在 最後一段幻想文蠻無聊的 01/29 00:31
43F:噓 kkjjkkjj : 最後一段帶風向 01/29 00:34
44F:→ kkjjkkjj : 明明原文最後不是這個意思 01/29 00:34
45F:噓 unicotexalex: 胡扯 01/29 00:36
46F:噓 unico002 : 翻舊文還腦補 01/29 00:52
47F:推 zihao0422 : 一樓的陣容有沒有控衛沒差了 01/29 00:56
48F:推 r841113 : 史上最大團 01/29 01:12
49F:推 s95115260 : 姆斯+AD+吉巴 01/29 01:16
50F:推 paul51134 : 一樓的防守超可怕好嗎 C:AD PF:KD SF:KL 01/29 01:23
51F:推 stocktonty : 士官長自請離營 想調單位? 01/29 01:25
52F:→ mono1023 : 最厲害的是暴龍的隊醫吧 01/29 01:27
53F:推 edgeking : 洛杉磯正夯XD 01/29 01:28
54F:推 ares960 : LA 01/29 01:32
55F:推 thb96300 : JB看完不在LA等著對湖人 還飛回丹佛觀戰看隊友 還 01/29 04:15
56F:→ thb96300 : 想帶風向啊 01/29 04:15
57F:噓 wei33huang : 亂帶風向無聊 01/29 07:48
58F:噓 ponguy : 個人見解還是分開放吧 01/29 08:54
59F:噓 pajck : 這ID不意外,呵呵 01/29 09:22
60F:噓 ai1robert : 嘻嘻,擔心好你自己吧 01/29 09:50
61F:推 jordan1109 : 七六人的醫療團隊是不是該updateXD 01/29 11:19
62F:推 stja : 01/29 14:05

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