來源: (by Brian T. Smith,休士頓紀事報記者的文字採訪,難得有小貝的專文) Lou Williams walked off the court, headed toward the tunnel and coolly slapped his hand. 最近才被交易過來的盧長老走出球場,朝著隧道走去並酷酷地與他擊掌 Mike D'Antoni described him with the same words we've used for years: edgy, feisty, fighter. 冷笑話用和我們這幾年形容一樣的詞來描述他:鋒利.倔強.鬥士 James Harden just started shaking his head side to side the second the name was mentioned. 當他名字剛被提到的那秒鐘,鬍子就搖起頭來 Pat Beverley. Still a Rocket, after all this time. More essential than ever to the third-best team in the Western Conference. 到目前為止小貝仍然是個火箭人,在保持西區第三好的球隊中他比以往都更重要 "(Beverley) wasn't going anywhere," Harden said Monday before the defensively challenged Rockets fell 117-108 to Indiana at Toyota Center, sounding like a general manager, MVP, teammate and brother all at once. "(小貝)哪都沒去" 鬍子在星期一Toyota center火箭108比117輸給溜馬的 防禦性挑戰之前說著,聽起來同時像是個GM.MVP.隊友及兄弟 If you know Beverley's backstory - and what a story it is - you already know that the 28-year-old Chicago native created his own life arc and literally bounced all over the globe before anyone in the NBA gave him a real shot. 如果你知道小貝背後的故事,你已經知道這個28歲土生土長芝加哥人 創造了自己生命的弧線,並在NBA任何人給他一個真正的機會之前於全球各地打球 That tale grew even stronger thanks to the chaos of last week's trade deadline. While the Rockets were searching for another weapon during a season no one expected, Beverley said his agent told him that more than half the league called about a fifth-year pro who's now outlasted everyone from Jeremy Lin and Chandler Parsons to Aaron Brooks and Ty Lawson in Houston. 由於上週交易截止日的混亂,這個故事變得更強烈。正當火箭在尋找球季中另一個武器, 沒人料到小貝說他的經紀人告訴他,聯盟中超過一半的球隊來詢問他這個第五個職業年 在休士頓,已經比從林書豪.男模小倫到小AB及Ty Lawson這些人待得更久的球員 For the first time in Beverley's world-crossing, constantly up-and-down career, he's truly wanted by one team and loved by its fanbase. Better than that, anyone who's watched the Rockets' revival this season understands the No. 42 overall pick of the 2009 draft - Beverley waited four years just to crack the Association - has become almost irreplaceable in 2017. 在小貝的世界穿梭之旅,不斷起落的職業生涯後,他第一次確切的被一支球隊擁有, 並被其基礎粉絲群所喜愛。比這更好的是,任何人看到火箭這季的復興都了解這個2009年 選秀第42順位的球員。小貝等了4年從突破進入聯盟,到了2017已變成幾乎不可替代的 "This is the only team that really gave me a chance. And as long as I'm here, my loyalty stays here," said Beverley, who's averaging career highs in rebounds (5.7), assists (4.5) and steals (1.5), while putting up 9.6 points in 30.5 nightly minutes. 小貝:"這是唯一給我機會的球隊,只要我還在這,我的忠誠就在這" Beverly在今年每晚30分半的時間場均5.7板/4.5助/1.5抄都是生涯新高,附帶場均9.6分 "I owe them a lot," Beverley said. "I owe them my life for that, because they really helped me - they really saved my life, you know?" Beverley also created his own world. "我欠他們很多"小貝說。"我這一生都欠他們,因為他們真的幫助了我-- 你知道嗎,他們真的拯救了我的人生" 小貝也創造了他自己的世界 He didn't start as a rookie in 2012-13. When he stuck around a year later, he was never supposed to be good enough to be on the court at the opening tip, then was widely seen as a necessary upgrade if the Rockets were going to take the next step. 在12-13球季,身為個新秀小貝沒有先發,當他堅持了一年後,他本不應該足夠好到能在場上, 然後被廣泛地認為如果火箭要採取下一步是必要的升級 A survivor -生存者 Dwight Howard came and went. Kevin McHale and J.B. Bickerstaff gave way to D'Antoni. The Wolverine always remained - and five seasons later is playing the best overall ball of his wonderfully gritty career. 魔獸來了然後走了,Kevin McHale及接任的助理教練JBB讓路給了MDA,這匹狼獾仍在這, 而且在五個球季後正在為他美好砂礫般的生涯打出最佳全面性的籃球 D'Antoni: "He's really, really important to what we do." MDA:"對我們要做的來說,他真的真的很重要" Harden kindly referred to his longtime teammate as a "tenacious dog." Then he mentioned constant energy, effort and trash talk. 鬍子親切地提到他這長時間的隊友是隻"頑強的狗", 然後提到是股穩定的能量.努力及垃圾話 Beverley, in a nutshell. 天空貝,簡單地說 "That's what allows us to be who we are," Harden said "這就是讓我們成為這樣的我們"鬍子說 Beverley dropped 17 pounds last offseason to be lighter and more free in 2016-17. He's fought off injuries, refuses to sit out and has occasionally ruled himself in when he clearly could have taken the night off. 在休賽期間小貝為了在新賽季更輕巧及自在減重了17磅,並與傷病奮鬥,屢次拒絕因傷而 坐在板凳上。很多個晚上他顯然可以休息不打,但卻逼迫自己進入球場 All those guys who make millions to play a game for a living, then "suit up" by wearing a flashy jacket and sit on a soft bench until they're exactly 100 percent? They're the anti-Beverley. 為了生計打一場比賽領著幾百萬美金薪水,然後"西裝筆挺"地穿著華麗夾克, 坐在鬆軟板凳上,直到他們百分之百狀態才上場的傢伙?這不是Beverly的風格 (某25:你們看我幹嘛?) He's pushing himself harder than normal now, so he's ready for what could be a two-month playoff battle. He kicked into two-a-day workouts after the All-Star break, just so he can deal with anything that might try to deter him. 如今小貝比以往更努力的鞭策自己,所以他已經準備好面對可能持續兩個月的季後賽抗戰, 在明星周假期後他督促自己進入一日兩次重訓的狀態,就是為了能夠處理未來可能阻止他的 任何事 "It's due to the way I play," said Beverley, referring to his injuries. "I play so hard, it's hard to maintain that throughout a whole season. But I feel like - I know - I'm the heart and soul of this team." 在談到有關自己的傷痛時,小貝說:"這是由於我的打球方式" "我打得很拚,這很難保持 整個賽季能夠有所始終,但我覺得-我知道-我是這支球隊的心臟及靈魂 If Les Alexander was ahead of the curve with the D'Antoni hire, Beverley might have been ahead of us all. He called Harden as MVP when 99 percent of NBA-land was still doubting The Beard. He also was pushing Eric Gordon early for Sixth Man of the Year and swearing that these Rockets could hang with Golden State, Cleveland, San Antonio and anyone else in their way. Beverley is who he is. No apologies. All in. 如果說火箭老闆亞歷山大在決定任用MDA一事上有先見之明的話,那小貝更是; 當NBA間99%還對鬍子有所質疑的時候,他說鬍子就是MVP。小貝也在賽季開始之初就鼓勵 EG爭取最佳第六人,並在當時就信誓旦旦的說火箭能夠跟勇士.騎士.馬刺及其他任何球隊 扳扳手腕 這就是天空貝。沒在跟你客氣。梭哈 "It's not fabricated," he said. "The reason that I fit with the Houston Rockets is because they accept me for who I am. I'm not a white-collar guy - no offense. I'm just a blue-collar guy, hard-nosed. I am how I am. I talk the way I talk. I carry myself the way I carry myself." "這不是胡亂捏造"他說 "我適合火箭的原因是因為他們接受我是誰,我不是個白領- 別感到冒犯,我就是個藍領傢伙,硬鼻子,我就是我,用我說話的方式, 用我自己的方式carry自己" But he turns off the fire when the arena lights disappear, right? Yeah, right. 但他在球場燈光消失後就熄滅了火焰,對吧? "那當然~" "I'm aggressive. I walk with a demeanor. I walk into the house and I fill up the whole house," he said. "It's just how I am and people around me, they accept it. … So when I come to the game, it's natural. I'm in my zone." "我很有侵略性,我帶著風度往前走,我走進球場,帶動整場氣氛" "這只是我和我身邊的人的方式,他們接受這樣...所以當我進入比賽這很自然, 這是我的領域" Beverley then smiled and thanked his fiancée for reaching him. 小貝接著微笑並感謝他的未婚妻接觸他 "Everybody give my girl a lot of credit," he said. "Like, 'I don't know how you can tame that beast.' "每個人都給了我的女孩很大的肯定" "像是:'我不知道你怎麼能馴服那隻野獸'" Drawn to him A Rocket walked by and playfully messed with Beverley's hair. As teammates and coaches moved into the tunnel, few strode past without saying something or motioning to the Rockets' heartbeat. 另一個火箭人走過去,並嬉鬧的弄亂了小貝的頭髮。當隊友和教練進入隧道時, 幾乎沒什麼說話或動作地走過"火箭的心跳" Beverley just sat on a chair with a towel wrapped around his neck and kept firing away. 小貝只是坐在椅子上,脖子上紮著一條毛巾並持續開火 He would run through walls for this team. 他會穿過這個球隊的牆---願意為這支球隊做任何事 He could feel the commitment coming from everywhere. 他能感受到來自各個地方的承諾 He was wanted. And, more than ever, he was a Rocket. 他被想要,並且比以往的任何時候,更是個火箭人 What runs through Beverley's mind when another ball is thrown up and another opponent waits on the other side? 當一顆球被拋出而對手在對面等待時(比賽開始),什麼貫穿了天空貝的心? "I'm going to go out here and bust their (butt)," he said. "我要出去,然後爆了他們的屁股" The Rockets could use another Beverley. --
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1F:推 ckshchen : 自己知道哪邊也貼一下齁XD 多謝翻譯~~ 03/04 01:21
※ 編輯: kusami (, 03/04/2017 01:22:52
2F:推 rabbit529 : 推推 03/04 01:22
3F:→ poorjoy : 爆了他們的屁股 03/04 01:25
4F:推 kandycane : 謝分享 03/04 01:25
5F:推 husky01 : in a nutshell是指“簡單地說”“一言以蔽之”哦~~ 03/04 01:28
6F:→ husky01 : 推翻譯!! 03/04 01:28
7F:噓 hhll5566 : 髒貝必噓 03/04 01:29
8F:噓 mimi8598 : 這是用google翻譯嗎? 翻的頗呵 03/04 01:29
9F:噓 Crpaul5566 : 暫停也繼續抄球 03/04 01:30
10F:推 DDDDing : 骯髒的心臟 03/04 01:31
11F:噓 cppppppaul : 在一個堅果殼裡........... 03/04 01:33
※ 編輯: kusami (, 03/04/2017 01:34:35 ※ 編輯: kusami (, 03/04/2017 01:35:29
12F:推 k300plus : 有些俚語直翻好像頗怪 小貝真的是火箭重要核心無誤 03/04 01:34
※ 編輯: kusami (, 03/04/2017 01:36:06
13F:→ a3221715 : 天空貝 03/04 01:37
14F:→ k300plus : 髒不髒難說啦 箭迷們看來是很硬派 非箭迷是恨透吧 03/04 01:37
15F:噓 worstname : 不會翻硬要很難看 03/04 01:37
16F:→ wmigrant : 能量老普 03/04 01:37
17F:→ s925407 : 後面講他離開球場就失去熱情了對吧,後面的“yeah r 03/04 01:38
18F:→ s925407 : ight”對照後文應該是反諷,是指「對啦最好是」的意 03/04 01:38
19F:→ s925407 : 思 03/04 01:38
20F:→ s925407 : 雖然有些翻的差強人意但還算ok吧,而且這麼長篇,用 03/04 01:39
21F:→ s925407 : 不著噓吧… 03/04 01:39
22F:→ kusami : ok der這樣才有進步動力 很多地方真的都在揣摩語氣 03/04 01:41
23F:推 HMDS : 聯盟有超過一半的球隊想要天空貝!! 03/04 01:44
24F:→ s925407 : 還有Wolverine用大寫代表專有名詞,所以應該不是單 03/04 01:45
25F:→ s925407 : 純講狼獾這種動物,應該是在形容天空貝像金鋼狼一樣 03/04 01:45
26F:→ s925407 : 在火箭稱很久 03/04 01:45
27F:→ s925407 : 撐* 03/04 01:46
28F:推 k300plus : 好文再推 我想他也不會離開火箭的 他跟鬍子太搭了 03/04 01:46
29F:→ kusami : 他的確都自稱金鋼狼沒錯~~ 03/04 01:47
30F:→ s925407 : 你也知道他都自稱金鋼狼那你翻譯還打成狼獾… 03/04 01:48
31F:→ kusami : QQ我怕會幫我貝太高調 03/04 01:49
32F:推 e23718 : 小貝真的是火箭的靈魂,箭迷衷心感謝 03/04 01:52
33F:推 tp943308 : 推 真性情的球員 有了機會就把握住 才有現在這種成 03/04 01:52
34F:→ tp943308 : 就 03/04 01:52
35F:噓 shangyen : 弱化版嘴綠還是髒 03/04 01:53
36F:→ kusami : 還是感謝s大,在地報超多專有俗語的 感謝耐心指正 03/04 01:53
37F:→ tp943308 : 當初林被小貝搶走 林迷別再來黑我們小貝了拜託 03/04 01:53
38F:推 DarylMorey : 不離不棄,是我洨貝。 03/04 01:59
39F:推 leo755269 : 豪豪的敵人 03/04 02:01
40F:推 DarylMorey : 洨貝敬業又忠心,下個合約領千萬吧 03/04 02:02
41F:推 tp943308 : 搜尋Beverly就會看到以前林迷怎樣黑小貝的文章 03/04 02:03
42F:噓 lalauya : 髒就髒 還很難說勒 03/04 02:03
43F:→ tp943308 : 最佳防守第二隊打先發 當時除了鬍子就他被黑 絕對 03/04 02:04
44F:→ tp943308 : 不會忘記當初那嘴臉 03/04 02:04
45F:推 sheng76314 : 王牌殺手 03/04 02:05
46F:推 cppppppaul : 補推 03/04 02:07
47F:推 cheatfinish : 他真的超拼!超厲害! 03/04 02:07
48F:推 padaa : 要不是鬍子愛黏球 豪神才是第一PG 03/04 02:07
49F:推 patmac01 : 心臟貝 03/04 02:10
50F:推 tp943308 : 打球拼有熱情 球隊擺第一又挺自家老大 推 03/04 02:12
51F:推 ejijo761115 : 推忠誠! 小貝這種球員本來就是很受隊友歡迎 他就是 03/04 02:13
52F:→ ejijo761115 : 擔任髒活的角色 其他對手會噓真的不難理解~綠綠被 03/04 02:13
53F:→ ejijo761115 : 禁賽過, 小貝有? 不小心頂到西河要被戰這麼多年還 03/04 02:13
54F:→ tp943308 : 反觀當初隔壁那位林 永遠在喊到哪都比xx好 我在xx過 03/04 02:13
55F:→ tp943308 : 的不開心 03/04 02:13
56F:→ ejijo761115 : 不放過真的覺得好恐怖@@ 03/04 02:13
57F:→ justice2008 : 沒有鬍子爛防守 他就不會凸顯出他的防守&協防 03/04 02:14
58F:噓 YenLiKuo : 翻太差 03/04 02:15
59F:推 kunda : 對比之前離隊的小輪們~ 03/04 02:18
60F:噓 R4L : 啥鳥翻譯 03/04 02:27
61F:噓 aahhaa : 翻得超爛 03/04 02:28
62F:噓 Tawara : 啥翻譯...還"第二個名字"XDD幸好有附原文 03/04 02:33
63F:噓 Djuda : 我還以為是google翻譯 03/04 02:34
64F:噓 a26313102 : 髒到爆 不值得尊敬 03/04 02:49
65F:推 tsaiyu : 雖然翻譯有些問題,但還是推翻譯, Brain T Smith 03/04 02:53
66F:→ tsaiyu : 的文章很常用些隱喻, 不是那麽好翻譯! 還是推有 03/04 02:53
67F:→ tsaiyu : 心! 03/04 02:53
68F:推 Isvain : 推你勇氣 雖然翻的不好 03/04 03:12
69F:推 belief0816 : 林迷會森77 03/04 03:31
70F:推 phix : 不喜歡忠誠貝 不過真的蠻拼的 03/04 04:00
71F:噓 aniji : 髒貝必噓,髒跟拼是有差的好嗎 03/04 04:01
72F:噓 ccuee5566 : 髒貝必噓 03/04 04:29
73F:噓 wx6120 : 髒貝必噓 我豪手下敗將 03/04 04:41
74F:推 Lorekeeper : 天空貝真的很猛 XDDD 03/04 05:05
75F:→ chieher : 沒有道歉!? 03/04 05:30
76F:推 yiersan : 還不是靠林打通任督二脈 03/04 06:37
77F:噓 Athchen : 髒貝 能把忍者龜搞受傷的人當然一堆隊想要 03/04 06:38
78F:噓 undeadcatd : 金鋼狗 03/04 07:06
79F:噓 lafayee : 硬鼻子 03/04 07:06
80F:推 cy183461 : 我箭迷 由衷感謝豪豪讓火箭看到小貝的好 火箭才有 03/04 07:21
81F:→ cy183461 : 今天 03/04 07:21
82F:噓 McDaniel : 髒貝就是髒,什麼鋒利、倔強和鬥士,哇咧呸! 03/04 07:25
83F:噓 HHHBK : 鎖喉Conley以後對他很難有尊重 03/04 07:31
84F:噓 kenji1111 : 髒貝必噓 03/04 07:37
85F:噓 gundam00 : 髒死了 03/04 07:44
86F:噓 a1277034 : 不乾淨,髒,而且是很髒,為求目的,不擇手段 03/04 07:50
87F:噓 whoamiapril : 弱化版嘴綠 03/04 07:53
88F:噓 whitecow : 只想惹怒對手...並沒有在打球 03/04 07:59
89F:→ ksk0516 : 響哨後繼續動手動腳弄對手的心臟 03/04 08:01
90F:噓 gn00607201 : 小咖只能靠小動作吸引注意 03/04 08:07
91F:推 chenlansue : 推小貝 03/04 08:08
92F:→ Clarkliu : 髒髒的 只能給箭頭 03/04 08:09
93F:推 j891004 : 讚 03/04 08:16
94F:推 nthubioin : 好像是17支球隊之前季中交易時想要他 03/04 08:22
95F:推 william12tw : 小貝真的強 火箭迷完全了解他的價值 03/04 08:26
96F:噓 sasakihiroto: 不就嘴綠後衛版 03/04 08:28
97F:→ jorden : 就是下駟換上駟的概念 對方主將被弄下場贏球機會大 03/04 08:31
98F:推 nthubioin : 嘴綠踢對手大頭小頭,小貝是死球後去撈球,不太一樣 03/04 08:34
99F:→ nthubioin : 印象中他也沒弄傷誰,除了鐵龜,鐵龜那次也是去撈球 03/04 08:35
100F:→ nthubioin : ,記得那時候的討論串都說是對球不對人,只是沒必要 03/04 08:36
101F:推 kent0398 : 死球時跳的特別快 03/04 08:41
102F:推 rgo : 靠豪豪上位最成功一位其它都隕落 03/04 08:48
103F:噓 arubis : 只會哨後偷襲 03/04 08:55
104F:噓 tyty8910 : 髒 貝 03/04 09:04
105F:推 edwin1231 : 感覺寶春的粉絲好像很不甘願 03/04 09:05
106F:→ stanleychou : 雖然喜歡火箭,但不怎喜歡他 03/04 09:20
107F:→ Xhocer : 打球很下格的球員 03/04 09:26
108F:推 Jormungandr : 當初被林迷瞧不起的小貝 現在搶手了 03/04 09:31
109F:噓 glay7566 : 骯髒的東西,沒有球迷的球員 03/04 09:34
110F:推 miha80425 : 火箭包叔 03/04 09:38
111F:噓 xx3877 : 打球很拼很好 但是不必要的動作一大堆 03/04 09:43
112F:噓 a032100 : 髒貝 03/04 09:46
113F:噓 ABCDEFGHHH : 垃圾球員 03/04 09:52
114F:噓 keithliu0122: Sky is the limit 03/04 10:38
115F:推 spitzzz : 小貝當然是個合格且中上的NBA層級的PG,問題是 03/04 10:56
116F:→ spitzzz : 那17支想要他的球隊,全部是想要買他去當先發? 03/04 10:57
117F:→ spitzzz : 還是一個頗具重要性重要的輪替球員就好? 03/04 10:58
118F:→ spitzzz : 離開隊中有球霸的體系,小貝的重要性還會如此凸顯嗎 03/04 11:08
119F:→ spitzzz : 別說是否先發不重要,就是有很多球員在意這件事。 03/04 11:09
120F:推 kenbo : 用谷歌翻完就丟上來的吧...... 03/04 11:34
121F:推 Gentile : 在意先發就去當雞首啊。只是球隊一勝難求 03/04 12:05
122F:推 nenpow : PB就火箭第一年傷到西河一次 講得好像年年傷人 03/04 14:12
123F:推 nenpow : 他是有很常被吹惡犯或愛踢人下體? 03/04 14:17
124F:推 iamjater : 他會激怒人,但不會做對方受傷的動作,撞到西河那 03/04 14:23
125F:→ iamjater : 次誰知道會傷那麼重 03/04 14:23
126F:推 Yves1020 : 幫補血 幾個小地方需要看原文而已 無傷大雅 03/04 14:50
※ 編輯: kusami (, 03/04/2017 16:37:35
127F:推 BET365 : 推 天空貝 好球員 03/04 17:58
128F:推 chenhankiang: 不算髒 03/04 18:22
129F:推 yiyi7443 : 推有心 PB是好球員 這季好幾隊的主教練都誇他 03/04 18:35
130F:推 stja : push 03/04 19:28
131F:推 ccf0423 : PB是很好的3D球員,還能控一點球,加上薪水偏低會成為 03/05 22:14
132F:→ ccf0423 : 交易熱門的球員不意外 03/05 22:15
133F:推 JimmyBlue : 話說天空貝讓西河受傷那個play,明明西河自己也幹過 03/05 22:41
134F:推 JimmyBlue : 一樣的事 03/05 22:42
135F:推 JimmyBlue : 運氣好對手沒受傷,不然惹錯人保證被黑一輩子 03/05 22:43

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