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Bring Home the Glory (ft. Sara Skinner)
"Bring Home The Glory" Featured artist: Sara Skinner Written by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako Produced by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako Mixed by: Tony Maserati Mastered by: Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound Vocals performed by: Sara Skinner Vocal production by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako 歌詞 There’s no time for redemption Those flags you wave, will they hold up? Don’t cry for your vengeance It’s right there to take if you want it The world is watching Here’s your judgement Here’s reckoning Write your story down into history Pride and country You could have everything So bring home the glory alive Go and rise for your nation There’s so much at stake, will you show up? Oh it’s about damned time for a little salvation Those flags you wave, represent them The world is watching Here’s your judgement Here’s reckoning Write your story down into history Pride and country You could have everything So bring home the glory alive Here’s your judgement Here’s your reckoning So go and bring home the glory alive Here’s your judgement Here’s reckoning Write your story down into history Pride and country You could have everything So bring home the glory alive -- 把一個人的帳號 轉移到另一個人身上 讓上次犯的troll反省出夢想 每個人都是這樣 連敗到提心吊膽 才拒絕做G社代罪的羔羊 積分是抓不到的月光握緊就變0分 --
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1F:→ ThreekRoger : 期待搭配宣傳片 04/18 23:42
2F:推 bill7693782 : 剛好符合今年SKT要重返榮耀啦! 04/18 23:43
3F:推 asd860079 : 被遊戲耽誤的音樂工作室 == 04/18 23:47
4F:噓 bingripplw : skt 會被 mad 嚇死 04/18 23:49
5F:推 sdf88523 : SKT嚇到表示:淘汰賽怎麼有外卡隊? 04/18 23:50
6F:→ ThreekRoger : 他們就是找音樂專門的人製作的吧= = 04/18 23:52
7F:推 dinter9921 : 蠻好聽ㄉ 04/18 23:55
8F:推 jean108p : 推推! 04/19 00:00
9F:推 miaosue : 看來台灣隊要在主場帶回s2榮耀 04/19 00:02
10F:推 Pulipuly : 好聽ww 04/19 00:04
11F:推 paula5971 : 期待SKT自ban ez 04/19 00:05
12F:推 darren2586 : 期待動畫公司發揮 04/19 00:06
13F:推 JBLs : 期待被遊戲拖累的動畫公司 04/19 00:08
14F:推 yoga4ni : reckoning是清算 Faker要清算那些去年趁他不在囂張 04/19 00:12
15F:→ yoga4ni : 的中國仔了 04/19 00:12
16F:推 a11233x : 今年沒克爆韓國仔的FW了== 04/19 00:21
17F:推 jokethelife : 沒時間發動贖罪神石= = 04/19 00:28
18F:→ Mits5190 : 反正冠軍絕對不是LMS的 04/19 00:47
19F:推 Fantasyweed : 就說恐怖SKT要來了 王者歸來 IG484在瑟瑟發抖了= = 04/19 00:48
20F:→ Fantasyweed : 有點想看JDF幹掉IG 又想看IG跟SKT槓上 肯定精彩= = 04/19 00:49
21F:推 jjchicken : 去年世界賽各賽區小faker都出來打 但本尊沒打 04/19 00:52
22F:→ jjchicken : 今年就看本尊的表演了 04/19 00:52
23F:推 Fantasyweed : 本尊沒打 但他毒奶掉了五支隊伍 依然主宰著聯盟= = 04/19 00:53
24F:推 duece0927 : 好聽 04/19 00:54
25F:推 Water0823 : faker:你們以為我沒打就不能參加世界賽? 04/19 00:55
26F:推 jjchicken : 對誒 李哥去年最強毒奶 誇抓kill 04/19 00:58
27F:推 loveconan : 拳頭真的讚 04/19 01:21
28F:推 Fantasyweed : 發現手滑了一下 JDG打IG 04/19 01:42
29F:推 russellluo : 地主沒贏就gg了哈哈 04/19 04:18
30F:推 jianzhi95 : 推推 04/19 06:36
31F:推 catclan : 只怕要游回家 04/19 07:58
32F:推 CS0000000000: 專門打bo1的沒來 04/19 08:50
33F:推 choosin : 推 04/19 09:16
34F:噓 tofuco : 超沒特色 04/19 09:42
35F:→ tofuco : 還好聽咧 04/19 09:43
36F:推 tomlee1130 : 好燃啊 04/19 10:25
37F:推 eusebius : 恐怖SKT清算起來 04/19 18:09

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