DigiCurrency 板


新聞來源連結:https://goo.gl/PrScyo 新聞本文: Joseph Young on 17/11/2017 Jamie Dimon has offered baseless condemnation on bitcoin for many years, calling it a bubble, a fraud, and a money laundering tool. This week, ironically, JPMorgan was cracked down for money laundering, after being fined $4 billion for mortgage fraud in September, merely two months ago. 多年來大力抨擊Bitcoin、將它貼上泡沫、詐欺、洗錢工具等標籤的Jamie Dimon, 旗下的摩根大通,九月才因為貸款詐欺被裁罰40億美元,本週諷刺地被逮到涉及洗錢。 Dimon and JPMorgan Criticized Since early 2016, JPMorgan and its CEO Jamie Dimon have focused on attempting to commercialize and market the term ‘blockchain” to compete with bitcoin. The company has seen hardly any success with its blockchain technology “ Quorum,” which was developed by the JPMorgan development team within the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA). Realizing the lack of potential, applicability, and commercial success of permissioned blockchain technology, Dimon began to take a different approach; by directly condemning bitcoin, despite the harsh criticisms of highly respected venture capitalists and experts such as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, prominent venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya, and billionaire hedge fund legend Mike Novogratz. In response to Dimon’s comments, Wozniak emphasized that bitcoin is the most legitimate system that exists, because it is decentralized, transparent, and operates on a peer-to-peer network that is censorship resistant. Wozniak stated at the Money2020 conference: Advertisement: “Bitcoin is mathematical. I am a mathematician. There are only 21 million. It is more legitimate than other systems. There is a certain finite amount of bitcoin that can ever exist. Gold gets mined and mined and mined. Maybe there ’s a finite amount of gold in the world, but Bitcoin is even more mathematical and regulated and nobody can change mathematics.” In spite of criticisms from experts, Dimon continued to push through with his agenda and condemn bitcoin publicly, while JPMorgan traders and their clients have invested in bitcoin through the Swedish stock market Nordic Nasdaq. Dimon Falsely Accuses Bitcoin of Being Money Laundering Tool Dimon falsely accused bitcoin of being a money laundering tool earlier this year. Then, JPMorgan was fined $4 billion for committing mortgage fraud, and has been busted for money laundering. Today, ironically, leading Swiss daily news publication Handelszeitung reported that the Swiss subsidiary of JPMorgan was charged by the Swiss regulator, FINMA, for money laundering and “seriously violating supervision laws.” Subsequent to inaccurately portraying bitcoin as a fraudulent financial network, JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon have been exposed of two major scandals and fraudulent operations. Various studies since 2016 have shown that the majority of millennials feel disconnected from the banking sector and do not trust major financial institutions with their wealth, capital, and investment. The hypocrisy and the conceitful nature of major banks and financial service provider will only result in the demise of the finance industry in the long-term, as decentralized networks continue to render intermediaries obsolete. False accusations and depictions of bitcoin by Dimon and other bank executives will only hasten the mainstream adoption of bitcoin and the migration of wealth from the traditional finance sector to decentralized cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. 評論: Dimon 你看看你... 但我漸漸開始相信BTC泡沫的成分愈來愈膨起來了, 它的使用價值遠遠跟不上市價。 我也開始相信它有詐騙色彩了,bitcoin.org首頁上的三項宣稱已經跳票兩項了。 Bitcoin有機會再upgrade變成很好很實用的幣嗎? 還是只能前浪被後浪推上沙灘去呢? --
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※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1510943472.A.4B5.html
1F:推 planetli: 呵呵 11/18 02:57
2F:推 allen139443: 摩根的小秘密 11/18 03:26
3F:推 jgj12321: 還好還好 藝術品跟房價也一直沒崩 況且市值相比根本超小 11/18 03:42
4F:→ somanyee: 我也是前幾天才了解天價藝術品主要是掩護洗錢跟避稅。 11/18 09:22
5F:→ somanyee: 鑒定跟研究主要是為了確保不是贗品。哪些畫家的能炒跟 11/18 09:22
6F:→ somanyee: 畫家功力跟美感無關,炒作的金融畫廊說了算 11/18 09:22
7F:→ JoyRex: 抽象的東西才好炒作啊 11/18 09:23
8F:推 Epimenides: 再次驗證 一隻手指指別人 四隻手指指自己 11/18 14:48
9F:推 DarkerDuck: 全世界洗錢洗最兇,和地下交易用作兇的分別是 11/18 14:49
10F:→ DarkerDuck: 銀行和美金現鈔 11/18 14:49
11F:→ kuma660224: 中本聰傳奇與比特幣始祖地位,也是一種價值 11/19 10:06
12F:→ kuma660224: ……適合用來炒作的價值。 11/19 10:06
13F:→ a23962787: 痛批比特幣用來洗錢,因為我們都這樣幹 11/20 01:20
14F:→ atelier: 珠寶/名錶 也都是洗錢用居多 有第三方機構認證價值 11/20 14:30
15F:→ atelier: 中國政商名流愛買 有很大一部份原因也是為了藏現金 11/20 14:30

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