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官方版本91.0預計在 2021年08月10日(美國時間) 台灣時間08月10日~08月11日 更新 更新日誌 New︰ On Windows, updates can now be applied in the background while Firefox is not running. Firefox for Windows now offers a new page about:third-party to help identify compatibility issues caused by third-party applications Exceptions to HTTPS-Only mode can be managed in about:preferences#privacy Print to PDF now produces working hyperlinks Version 2 of Firefox’s SmartBlock feature further improves private browsing. Third-party Facebook scripts are blocked to prevent you from being tracked, but are now automatically loaded “just in time” if you decide to “ Log in with Facebook” on any website. Fixed︰ Various security fixes Changed︰ The "Open Image in New Tab" context menu item now opens images and media in a background tab by default. Learn more Most users without hardware accelerated WebRender will now be using software WebRender. Improved software WebRender performance FTP support has been removed Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. See more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 90 Release Notes. Developer︰ Support for Private Fields (TC39 proposal, stage 3) is available in DevTools. The support includes: object inspection, autocompletion, expression evaluation, variable tooltips, and pretty printing (bug) The Network panel shows a preview of HTTP requests for fonts in the Response tab (bug) Web Platform︰ Support for Fetch Metadata Request Headers, which allows web applications to better protect themselves and their users against various cross-origin threats. Added the ability to use client authentication certificates stored in hardware tokens or in Operating System storage. -- ████◢█◣◢█◣◢█◣▉◢█◣◢█◣☆★★☆◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆★ ★☆★██★☆★☆★☆██████★☆★ ███◥█◣◥█◣▉█ 記得第一次陶醉於天籟般的歌聲嗎◣ ★☆★☆★█▉█★☆★☆★☆◥██◤☆★☆☆★☆ ██◤◥█◤◥█◤◥█◤▉◥█◤◥██◣★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/13/2021 21:34:34
1F:→ rick: 可以管理純Https例外網站了 HTTPS Everywhere可以移除了?? 07/13 21:40
2F:→ s8321414: 91.0目前預計是8月10日不是8月13日唷 07/14 07:06
3F:→ rick: 忘了改 拍謝 Orz 07/14 09:11
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/14/2021 09:11:58
4F:→ hn9480412: 這一版也會移除FTP支援 07/14 22:48
5F:推 Alica: 超故意的 就是要在下一個esr以前趕緊把ftp宰掉 07/14 23:40
6F:→ rick: 請問ptt的文 的不會自己開圖 有人知道原因嗎? 07/15 10:12
7F:→ rick: 會出現叉燒包 可是按右鍵 新分頁開啟鏈結 圖片又正常顯示 07/15 10:16
8F:→ rick: btw. 不是這版更新後才這樣的 前幾版就這樣但我忘記問 Orz 07/15 10:17
9F:→ rick: 不知道有些人貼flickr的鏈結是不是也可以自動開圖? 07/15 10:21
10F:→ gcobc12632: 裝 PTT Image Fix 試試看?這是 greasyfork 上的腳本 07/15 11:44
11F:→ rick: 我有安裝 imgur是正常顯示的 tks~ 07/15 13:48
12F:→ rick: 像staticflickr plurk之類的好像都正常自動開圖 07/15 14:04
13F:→ rick: 停用所有的擴充套件 還是一樣叉燒包 QQ 07/15 14:05
14F:→ Alica: 有沒有開追蹤保護? 我這邊開的話twimg.com會被瀏覽器擋 07/15 16:16
15F:→ Alica: 點網址列盾牌可以暫時關閉追蹤保護 07/15 16:17
16F:→ Alica: 至於是否要整個關掉追蹤保護 就看對隱私需求到哪了.. 07/15 16:18
17F:→ rick: @Alica 果真如大大所說 是追蹤用內容->設定"所有視窗"造成的 07/15 17:14
18F:→ rick: 當初設定的時候不知道(其他開圖都沒事 Orz) 感謝大大幫忙 ^^ 07/15 17:16
19F:→ rick: 更正 是社交媒體追蹤器 -> 造成的 07/15 23:01
20F:→ rick: 網址列左方盾牌圖示點一下 -> 關閉網站的追蹤功能 即可觀看 07/15 23:02
Fixed︰ Fixed a crash when using some accessibility clients on Windows (bug 1720696) Fixed busy looping processing some HTTP3 responses (bug 1720079) Fixed transient errors authenticating with some smart cards (bug 1715325) Fixed a rare crash on shutdown (bug 1707057) Fixed a race on startup that caused about:support to end up empty after upgrade (bug 1717894) ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/20/2021 11:07:22
21F:→ crescent3: pbs.twimg.com這問題還沒修好嗎 就是因為這才關掉ETP 07/20 23:18
22F:→ crescent3: 有ublock似乎也不需要開內建ETP 07/20 23:20
23F:→ kc1446: 感謝,都已更新 07/22 03:05
Fixed︰ Fixed truncated output when printing (bug 1720621) Fixed menu styling on some Gtk themes (bug 1720441, bug 1720874) Changed︰ Updates to support DoH Canada rollout ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/22/2021 21:34:58
24F:推 moocow: 90.0.2有比較順 07/23 17:01
25F:→ finhisky: 更新完突然變好順,嚇到上來推文 07/28 22:53

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