Browsers 板


官方版本54.0預計在 2017年06月13日(美國時間) 台灣時間06月14日 更新 更新日誌 new: Improved graphics stability for Windows users with the addition of compositor process separation (Quantum Compositor) Two new 'compact' themes available in Firefox, dark and light, based on the Firefox Developer Edition theme Lightweight themes are now applied in private browsing windows Reader Mode now displays estimated reading time for the page Windows 7+ users on 64-bit OS can select 32-bit or 64-bit versions in the stub installer fixed: Various security fixes changed: Updated the design of site permission requests to make them harder to miss and easier to understand Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported. XP and Vista users running Firefox 52 will continue to receive security updates on Firefox ESR 52. 32-bit Mac OS X is no longer supported. 32-bit Mac OS X users can switch to Firefox ESR 52 to continue receiving security updates. Updates for Mac OS X are smaller in size compared to updates for Firefox 52 New visual design for audio and video controls Ended Firefox Linux support for processors older than Pentium 4 and AMD Opteron The last few characters of shortened tab titles fade out instead of being replaced by ellipses to keep more of the title visible developer: Changes for web developers Support for WebM video with alpha, which allows playing videos with transparent backgrounds 官方載點: 另一個載點: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ -- ╔═══════ ═════════ ══════ ══════╗ ║ ◢██◣ ▃▃ ║ █ ◢ ◢◣ ▄▄ █▄█ ◢ ◢◣ ║ ║ █ ◥◣ █ ▆▄ █ █ █ ║ ║ ◥██◤ ◥▄◥▄ ◥▄◤ ◥▄◤ --
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1F:→ abram: 記得不要升57喔 04/20 08:16
2F:→ rick: 56不能亡 04/20 08:43
3F:推 mayuyu: 速度又變快了w 04/20 08:49
4F:推 t7yang: 量子計畫發威,成像速度變快,使得體感速度變快很多(扯 04/20 08:58
5F:推 kaoh08: 升就升 大不了變得跟Chrome一樣"好用" 04/20 09:38
6F:推 xvid: 這一版UI一直抖動... 04/20 10:18
7F:推 Kenqr: 56不能亡 04/20 10:18
8F:推 estupid: XP目前顯示52.1.0是最新版本O_O 04/20 10:27
9F:推 xvid: 我的分頁列狂抖應該是 Tab Utilities Fixed 的多行分頁出包 04/20 10:29
10F:推 Alica: xp就卡在esr channel囉 04/20 11:54
11F:推 rockmanx52: ESR死撐中 04/20 13:54
12F:→ menshuei: 有人覺得這一版好用嗎,我用一個上午了。 04/20 14:18
13F:推 paul81611: 這版好像不能裝未簽署套件了(吐血 04/20 14:28
14F:推 cuteasam: 56確定是緊繃了嗎QQ 04/20 15:51
15F:推 cps001: 字體好像變淡變細了 04/20 16:13
16F:推 hijacker: Unbranded的好像可以裝未簽署的套件 04/20 16:15
17F:推 abandonONE: Two new 'compact' themes推 04/20 16:23
18F:推 MilchFlasche: Pale Moon 路過 04/20 16:38
19F:推 t7yang: 字型的顯示效果應該跟新的成像機制有關,晚點再找找看有 04/20 17:06
20F:→ t7yang: 沒有相關的資訊。或ma大要來開示一下 04/20 17:06
21F:推 aiwheat: 所以用到56版就好,57版是會發生什麼事? 04/20 21:03
22F:→ Alica: 舊款xul套件全滅 04/20 21:08
23F:→ Alica: 但是56是六週版本 所以考慮安全性的話52就該轉esr了 04/20 21:09
24F:→ Alica: 這樣還可以在保持安全維護的前提下用舊套件久一些 04/20 21:10
25F:推 moocow: 變很快+1 04/20 22:17
26F:→ bailan: 看twitter很明顯變快了,不像之前捲動都不太順 04/21 00:04
27F:推 aza0290: 本人XP使用者 跟Firefox說道別了 04/21 13:16
28F:→ faintbreeze: XP的話 連GC都有停止更新啦 那你要用啥??? IE6? 04/21 13:52
29F:推 GAMETYRANT: XP可以繼續用pcxFirefox呀,估計用到56版都沒問題 04/21 14:04
30F:→ SUCKERKING: 字體不只變細,小一點的字體整個看起來是糊的。 04/21 22:53
31F:→ SUCKERKING: 往回試了幾個版本,這問題從52開始就有,而且只在XP。 04/21 23:05
32F:→ aza0290: 我的意思是我要停留在52版啦 一個失去靈魂的Firefox 04/22 11:22
33F:推 koihime: 從上一版開始就轉到ESR了XD 04/23 13:08
34F:推 sova0809: 今天剛跳ESR 最大改變應該是轉換IE核心的外掛全滅 傷腦 04/24 00:43
35F:→ sova0809: 筋 04/24 00:43
36F:→ Z1000: 45ESR戰到不能用為止 04/25 11:43
37F:推 HardRealTime: Tab Utilities Fixed更新到53版會出問題喔~ 04/25 17:10
38F:→ HardRealTime: (48.0.2, 64-bit)更新到53.0遇到的 04/25 17:11
39F:→ HardRealTime: 48.0.2用的Tab Utilities Fixed不是其最新版,但看 04/25 17:12
40F:→ HardRealTime: 作者的GitHub可知更新到53會有不少問題 04/25 17:12

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