Tech_Job 板


[公司名稱] 美信半導體 [公司網站] [公司地址] No. 223號, 臺北市松江路223號 [公司簡介] 美信半導體(預估年中合併為ADI) Maxim is seeking several Entry-Level IC Design Engineers to define, design, mo del, and implement analog, mixed-signal, and/or digital integrated circuits (ICs). As an IC Design Engineer, you will have the opportu nity to work on technology for products in exciting industries such as automotive, mobile, cloud & data, industrial, healthcare, and micros & security. [職位及待遇] IC design engineer 月薪100K+ (依工作經驗討論 ) &2個月年終股票講金等 [工作時間] 符合台灣勞動法規 彈性不用打卡 [徵才條件] 電機資工相關科系,最好有IC tapeout flow的經驗(+) 2~5y經驗佳,0+也可嘗試 主要跟美國team合作,中上程度英語能力(敢說會聽) Security IC 經驗佳,徵才部門為本bu最賺錢部門,進去得道升天(?) Preferred Qualifications ? Write reusable RTL code, follow design and DFT guidelines ? Run digital simulations using industry standard tools ? Write C and Assembly code-based tests to verify SoC functionality ? Strong background in processor design preferred ? Have familiarity with System Verilog for verification, OVM/UVM, asser tions, cover points ? Exposure to physical design and timing closure ? Hands-on IC design experience ? Superior analytical and problem solving skills ? Ability to self-manage and meet deadlines ? Strong verbal and written communication skills ? Ability to work in teams and collaborate cross functionally [Job Description] Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: ? Design activities including research, definition, design, simulation , layout verification, characterization, and release to production of integrated circuits ? Supporting product definition teams to develop product requirements and specifications ? Analyzing and developing chip architectures to meet required complia nce and performance ? Authoring system architecture and circuit documentation ? Perform RTL design of block level modules ? Simulate at the block level and SoC level to guarantee design object ive specification functionality and timing ? Simulate and debug gate level timing simulations at SoC level ? Defining system and block level test plans ? Characterizing and validating circuit performance in the lab ? Providing support for high volume manufacturing, and working with Pr oduct and Test teams to transfer ICs to production [應徵方式] 請mail到此信箱 [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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1F:推 vinsanity25: 2~5年資大概170? 04/22 18:16
欸應該是不只,不過也是看個人造化 說太死我也沒辦法補 ※ 編輯: hiippo ( 臺灣), 04/22/2021 18:28:19
2F:→ lp123gbaj: 有350 04/22 19:01
3F:推 fredko4ko4: 想投 請問是去連結網站裡投履歷嗎? 04/22 19:23
4F:推 fredko4ko4: 抱歉 已看到信箱 04/22 19:32
5F:推 Rayyh: 比祖墳冒泡好多了! 04/22 20:15
6F:推 fxp87117: 祖墳冒煙那個是被清明火燒山的機率比較大,不是祖先得道 04/22 21:35
7F:→ fxp87117: 成仙 04/22 21:35
8F:推 stevenyeh: 這年薪竟然那麼低。外商大廠已淪落到這地步 04/22 22:00
9F:→ watashiD: 看元波的意思是不輸MNR吧 04/22 22:20
10F:推 wenchii: 好大的一間XD 04/22 23:26
11F:推 TsmcMorrisC: 隔壁部門推一個 04/23 20:45
12F:推 watashiD: Morris為什麼在ADI工作? 04/23 21:05
13F:推 kaloter: 真正超越MNR的好缺居然還有鄉民嫌,PTT到底是怎麼了 04/24 00:18
14F:推 stevenyeh: 樓上,如何比MNR好,也要說下,要不然鄉民怎知? 04/24 08:47
15F:→ loadingN: 你能拿到offer不就知道了 拿不到又何必知道 04/24 09:41
16F:推 kaloter: MNR是有多少人能超越年薪350? 04/24 14:01
17F:→ kaloter: 那幾個紅team的人比例那麼低也能說嘴 ? 04/24 14:02
18F:→ kaloter: 我自己就是M的資深E9,相信比樓上瞭解 04/24 14:04

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