Tech_Job 板


Company name: CellMobility (USA) Company website: “Now is the time to inspire the future of advanced structural/energy metallic technology together” CellMobility Inc. is a rapidly growing global materials technology company with over 10 years of experience and 20 patents or patent applications. With more than 30 dedicated colleagues in over 5 countries are driven to shape the future of advanced metallic materials for structural and energy areas. We stand with our customers around the world to support them in delivering high-quality products and services! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position name: R&D engineer *1 (Mechanical specialty) Responsibilities: 1. Understand and communicate with customers our product specifications for batch manufacturing; identify all process inputs/outputs; identify the customers for our product output and understand their needs; identify the suppliers and impose specifications 2. Understand cause & effect (structure-property) relationships between process parameters, materials structure, and product performance; identify potential process failure modes & implement risk mitigations; collect and analyze data; validate performance against product specifications 3. Work with potential customers and engage in projects to develop new, advanced products to meet the requirements of the customers 4. Provide pre- and post-services on our technology and products for customers and their needs. 5. Research metal machining method. 6. Develop metal machining mass production solution. 7. CAD drawing 1. 與客戶溝通協調量產規格; 制定生產流程; 理解客戶需求; 熟悉供應商並制定產品規 格 2. 了解參數、材料結構、產品特性於製程上的成因與影響; 理解潛在失效模式與風險控 管; 蒐集與分析數據; 驗證產品特性與產品規格 3. 與潛在客戶共同開發新產品,並主導新產品開發過程,達成客戶需求 4. 提供客戶產品與技術諮詢服務 5. 金屬機械加工方式研究 6. 金屬機械加工量產方式開發 7. CAD 繪圖 Preferred Education: Bachelor degree in Mechanical engineering group 機械或相關科系大學畢業 Skills: Good at English Familiar with Auto CAD & MS office 良好英文聽/說/讀/寫 能力 熟悉Auto CAD & MS office Travel: Must be willing to travel for customer visits and product development projects if necessary 須配合公司出差需求 Experience: No require 無特殊需求 Working place: Hsin-Chu Salary: 40,000~65,000 / month 保障年薪14個月 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position name: R&D engineer *2 (Material/Metallurgy specialty) Responsibilities: 1. Understand and communicate with customers our product specifications for batch manufacturing; identify all process inputs/outputs; identify the customers for our product output and understand their needs; identify the suppliers and impose specifications 2. Understand cause & effect (structure-property) relationships between process parameters, materials structure, and product performance; identify potential process failure modes & implement risk mitigations; collect and analyze data; validate performance against product specifications 3. Work with potential customers and engage in projects to develop new, advanced products to meet the requirements of the customers 4. Provide pre- and post-services on our technology and products for customers and their needs. 1. 與客戶溝通協調量產規格; 制定生產流程; 理解客戶需求; 熟悉供應商並制定產品規 格 2. 了解參數、材料結構、產品特性於製程上的成因與影響; 理解潛在失效模式與風險控 管; 蒐集與分析數據; 驗證產品特性與產品規格 3. 與潛在客戶共同開發新產品,並主導新產品開發過程,達成客戶需求 4. 提供客戶產品與技術諮詢服務 Preferred Education: Bachelor's degree in Material or Metallurgy 材料或冶金相關科系大學畢業 Skills: Good at English Familiar with MS office 良好英文聽/說/讀/寫 能力 熟悉MS office Experience: No require 無特殊需求 Travel: Must be willing to travel for customer visits and product development projects if necessary 須配合公司出差需求 Working place: Hsin-Chu Salary: 40,000~65,000/ month 保障年薪14個月 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position name: Product manager *1~2 Responsibilities: Agent/ Agency management Provide basic technical support to customers Collect market information Quotation handle and payment follow Negotiate between different functional members 代理商管理 提供基本技術諮詢給客戶 市場資訊蒐集 報價處理與應收款項追蹤 負責主導協商 Preferred Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering group Travel: Must be willing to travel for customer visits and product development projects if necessary 須配合公司出差需求 Skills: Good at English Familiar with MS office 良好英文聽/說/讀/寫 能力 熟悉MS office Experience: Familiar with battery industry is preferred 熟悉電池產也者佳 Working place: Taipei Salary: 40,000~65,000/ month 保障年薪14個月 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 請將履歷寄到以下信箱,謝謝 Contact information: George Chou email: [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:
1F:噓 andyjay654: 哀 早知道不讀機械 02/17 21:52
2F:→ nhk801128: 這薪水…… 02/17 21:59
3F:→ asdfghjklasd: 買香蕉請猴子吧你 02/17 23:21
4F:推 bat205: 單位是鎂吧 02/18 00:43
5F:→ kingofsdtw: 這...難怪找不到人 02/18 07:53
6F:推 cwttt: 各位ME還不轉資工嗎 ...這開給新人還行 但這條件看起來不新 02/18 08:50
7F:→ cwttt: 而且台灣電池人才少的可憐...這價碼還不如PACK廠混吃的機構 02/18 08:53
8F:噓 lwlt1995: 美商請這種錢?????? 02/18 09:41
9F:噓 fg008kimo: 外商開這種薪水XD 02/18 10:43
10F:→ showbizz: 呆丸郎便宜又好用 02/18 12:27
11F:噓 Leohs: 可憐哪,這價位我在台灣公司就好,公司連結的信箱還是gmail 02/18 22:58
12F:→ Leohs: ? 太客家了吧 02/18 22:58
13F:推 iem2000: 有勇氣這要求開這薪水...屌 02/20 12:28

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