看板 NBA  RSS Isaiah Hartenstein Will 'Pay the Fine' For Cason Wallace in Rockets Dust-Up Isaiah Hartenstein願意幫 Cason Wallace繳雷火衝突的罰款 The Oklahoma City Thunder pulled off a 111-96 win over the Houston Rockets in th e NBA Cup semi-finals. The Thunder were able to pull away from the Rockets thank s to a third quarter run, which was too much for a limited Houston offense to ov ercome. 奧克拉荷馬城雷霆隊在NBA盃準決賽中以111比96擊敗休士頓火箭隊。雷霆隊能夠拉開與火箭 隊的差距,主要得益於第三節的一波攻勢,而這波攻勢對於進攻手段有限的火箭隊來說實在 是難以抵擋。 This game included fireworks in the final frame. Thunder second year guard Cason Wallace went chest-to-chest with Rockets forward Alperen Sengun in a minor dust up. This is something Oklahoma City’s locker room enjoyed, with newly signed c enter Isaiah Hartenstein going as far as to say he would pay the fine for Wallac e. 這場比賽在最後一節末段充滿火花。雷霆隊二年級後衛Cason Wallace與火箭隊前鋒Alperen Sengun在場上發生了小衝突,兩人胸貼胸進行了一番對峙。這一幕讓奧克拉荷馬城的更衣 室氣氛高漲,雷霆隊新進中鋒Isaiah Hartenstein甚至表示,他願意幫Wallace支付罰款。 “I love it. I already got his fine. That’s been [Cason Wallace] all year. He’ s probably not been talked about enough,” Hartenstein said before adding “we’ re not gonna back down from nobody.” Hartenstein說道:「我喜歡這樣,我已經幫他準備好罰款了。這就是Cason整年的表現,他 的表現可能沒有被足夠重視。」他還補充說:「我們不會向任何人退縮。」 These are the same sentiments from Wallace himself when he was peppered with que stions about the exchange with Sengun. Wallace在被問到與Sengun的對峙時表達相同的看法。 “We just played hard. Whatever happens out there happens. We’re not gonna get punked or shot down by anybody,” Wallace said. Wallace說:「我們只是努力打球。場上發生什麼就是什麼。我們不會被任何人嚇倒。」 This being the team’s identity is a great thing for Oklahoma City, a team who l ost the physical battle against the Dallas Mavericks to doom them in the playoff s a year ago. Defensive ace Lu Dort also chimed in on the matter. 這種團隊精神對雷霆來說是非常重要的,特別是一支在去年季後賽中因為在對陣獨行俠時失 去身體對抗而失利的球隊。防守王牌Lu Dort也談到了這件事。 “We just play the right way. We don’t really talk to other people. We don’t d o anything after games. We don’t go on live or do stuff like that. We just resp ect the game. Every time we go out there we compete, try to win, we dap up and t hen we out,” Dort said. Dort表示:「我們只是以正確的方式打球,我們不會對其他人說三道四。我們也不會在比賽 後做些其他的事情,比如開直播或類似的。我們尊重這項運動,每次上場都全力以赴,努力 贏下比賽,然後擊掌,結束就離開。」 (Dort應該是在酸上次火箭主場打敗雷霆後,Tari Eason開直播跳Not like us臭雷霆) 心得 哈騰:哥薪水高,哥幫你出罰款! --

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1F:噓 sky77725 : 髒特必噓 12/16 10:27
2F:推 answertw : 哈疼:拎北三千萬 12/16 10:27
3F:推 cysticercus : 叫wallace的都比較火爆 沒事 12/16 10:28
4F:→ Hettt5655 : 老子有錢 12/16 10:29
5F:噓 zsp9081a : 純噓墮特 以正確的方式打球 12/16 10:29
6F:噓 jay228 : Dort 12/16 10:30
7F:→ nnkj : 卡森瓦勒斯 不火不行 12/16 10:31
8F:噓 Nightking : 髒墮 12/16 10:32
9F:推 zsp9081a : 補推這篇文本身 12/16 10:32
10F:→ Nightking : 哈騰暖 12/16 10:32
11F:→ chinhan1216 : 神棍這撞 就找個最近的發洩 12/16 10:32
12F:推 zpjg118x : 哈疼好暖 12/16 10:35
13F:推 jason911152 : 神棍就突然個小脾氣上來xd 12/16 10:37
14F:推 tonglicomecs: 卡森其實很低調,低調好用比起墮特,他比較不髒 12/16 10:44
15F:推 Alga87 : 一堆人還在崩潰喔 12/16 10:46
16F:推 k7202001 : 這隻防守也是聯盟前十的 雷霆真的很會選 12/16 11:09
17F:推 jamesgmb712 : 推哈巨獸 我雷簽到他真是太好了 12/16 11:15
18F:推 f77928 : Dort說的有錯嗎? 12/16 11:16
19F:推 CRChen : 好奇個略有離題的問題,幫繳罰款算贈與嗎?會不會 12/16 11:37
20F:→ CRChen : 再加一筆贈與稅?(如果超過免稅額)XDDD 12/16 11:37
21F:推 ADavisBest : 哈騰:哥領三千萬外加績效獎金幫繳個罰款輕鬆啦 12/16 11:52
22F:→ ADavisBest : 不過神棍先推還要罰wallace 有點不厚道就是了 12/16 11:54
23F:噓 Somebody99 : 超噁髒墮 12/16 12:26
24F:→ Somebody99 : 雖然神棍也髒就是了 12/16 12:27
25F:推 oceanway0620: 學弟幫學長付錢??? 12/16 13:00
26F:→ yaguara : 最好是真的有繳 先喊先贏 12/16 13:03
27F:噓 meson : 墮特與他的正確髒球 12/16 13:09
28F:噓 LatteXS : 哪有擊掌不是都在狗叫 12/16 13:11
29F:推 PhinaBella : 幹Cason完全是被撞的這也要被罰哦? 12/16 15:37
30F:推 iopjklbnm : 神棍突然生氣 我還以為阿信上身 12/16 15:42

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