Tech_Job 板


【公司名称】Unigraf OY 【公司网址】 【公司简介】 Unigraf’s expertise lies within a deep understanding of the fundamental technologies of DisplayPort, USB-C and HDMI interfaces. Unigraf is a worldwide leader in DisplayPort compliance test tools. This has allowed Unigraf to master the DisplayPort Alternate Mode within the USB-C interface. For HDMI interface Unigraf provides a wide range of R&D debug and production line test tools. Across the range, Unigraf’s test tools can be used in R&D development, compliance testing and production line testing – regardless of the interface. 【职务名称】 USB Architect Engineer 【职务说明/应徵条件】 Key Responsibilities: ‧ USB-C/USB4 products architecture definition with cross function team (FPGA/FW/PM) ‧ System Hardware design with HW and FPGA engineers for USB-C/USB4 related ‧ USB-C/USB4 Compliance Test Suite development with SW team ‧ USB system and protocol level debugging ‧ Work closely with Key customers for joint R&D projects to develop new technology ‧ Support product development plans (schedule, meeting design inputs, validation) Skills and experience required: ‧ FW background preference ‧ More than 5 years of experience in USB area ‧ Strong knowledge in USB protocol ‧ Familiar with USB-IF USB Compliance Test Suite and logic and USB protocol analyzer ‧ Experience in computing products i.e., Laptop, Docking, and Monitor USB development ‧ Familiar with USB Ecosystem such as components and applications ‧ Familiar with USB4 Controller and architecture will be a massive plus ‧ Strong ability and motivation to work individually as part of virtual teams ‧ Excellent collaborative skills and great team player ‧ Good communication skills in English 【上班地点】基本上家里,台湾目前没办公室,但如果有个人需求需要额外办公空间可谈。 【出差外派】总部在芬兰,分公司在俄罗斯。基本上疫情过後都有机会去出差包含受训及Seminar。 【上班时段】符合台湾劳动法规,弹性无须打卡,时差关系基本上上午是你自由时间可以自由应用。 【薪资福利】 薪资: 年薪 150万起(视经验而定,能力多少就谈多高) 福利: 额外Allowance (Meal, Transportation, Phone......) 特休: 20天 【应徵方式】 若对职位有兴趣请将英文履历寄至[email protected],若对职缺有其他问题请站内信,我会在能力范围内尽量回答。 【备注】 此职位基本上会有约莫80%的时间都是使用英文。另外因为有三个site的关系remote work会很频繁。总公司位於芬兰(快乐国度?)的因素公司步调会相对较慢且非常讲究人权。此外芬兰很注重员工的权益所以基本上Work Load并不会太重因为都是很确切的以40小时一周的基准来assign工作。 -- Sent from my Windows --
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1F:推 rqq: 原PO好帅! 05/04 23:50
2F:推 x080944924: 好像蛮赞的 05/05 00:00
3F:推 claymath: 这样需要不同时区同时开会吗?这个老实说是困扰吧 05/05 00:21
4F:推 appppppppppp: 楼上 这就是真外商的一个特色 我不会说是缺点 因 05/05 07:52
5F:→ appppppppppp: 为其他你时区不同的时候 你就很自由 如文中所说 05/05 07:52
6F:→ juichangkuo: 芬兰时差才五小时,很容易找到好时间开会的 05/05 09:27
7F:推 gaea0127: 跟不同时区开会是非常正常的,一点也不困扰 05/05 09:44
8F:推 claymath: 我看我朋友之前在hp 早上十点开会 晚上十点也开会 看起 05/05 12:21
9F:→ claymath: 来颇累 我是都早上的八点跟米国那边所以到没这种困扰 05/05 12:21
10F:推 mibro: 不考虑徵个AESA/Radar Sr. Antenna Eng吗(x 05/05 17:13
11F:推 Dioooo: 请问台湾这边目前已经招募多少人了呢? 05/05 18:37
12F:→ dunhillchin: 台湾据我所知一个,曾在相关的猪屎屋过去 05/06 17:17

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