Soft_Job 板


公司名称:美商希尔士科技股份有限公司台湾分公司 统编:90604620 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市松山区吉祥里南京东路5段188号8楼之3 职缺:Senior Embedded Software Engineer 职缺能力经历要求: Job Description Bring up new devices, perform debugging and performance tuning exercises that span multiple hardware / firmware / software teams Understand software components from multiple partner teams, lead the integration of those components into the unified product codebase, and drive their continued development Integrate third-party applications / libraries / frameworks on our target platforms, e.g. remote desktop service, web ssh service, web browser, .. etc. Collaborate with other developers to design and implement a highly usable and scalable software systems Test and debug to improve the quality and performance of the software systems Analyze and evaluate technical tradeoffs for every decision Ensure reliability, availability, and maintainability of the software Architect efficient data structures and interfaces to interact with other modules Conduct and/or participate in technical reviews, API design, and documentation Follow engineering best practices and cooperate with overseas teams Requirements Solid object-oriented programming and software architectural design skills Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills for embedded systems Hands on experience in developing scalable software systems Solid OSI (Open System Interconnection) mode knowledge Expertise in C, C++, Python, Shell (Bonus: Qt experience) Experience with version control, such as Git Good to Have (One or more of the following): Good understanding of Linux internals with experience of building kernels, compiling drivers, providing performance tuning guidance and crash analysis Experience in developing and maintaining Yocto Linux and Bitbake system with CI/CD Experience with BSP development, including but not limited to u-boot, Linux kernel / DTS customization, and driver integration Experience with Linux graphics technologies, graphics middleware stack, and/or display drivers, e.g. X, Wayland / Weston, mesa3d, dri / drm drivers, etc. Experience with multimedia software and frameworks, e.g. FFmpeg, GStreamer, etc. Experience with socket programming, such as raw socket, TCP, UDP Experience with Makefile, CMake, qmake, and cross-compiling toolchain Interview process 1. First interviewing with our RD head in Taiwan through Google Meet. 2. Second interview will be a technical interview, which takes approximately an hour. CakeResume link: 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 1.4M ~ 1.9M TWD / year ---------------------------------------------------------------- 台湾分公司主管是外国人 英语沟通能力是必须的 但敢讲就有机会 不要怕 想练英听的朋友绝对欢迎 团队气氛和谐 目前算是全远端工作 有需要时才排定会议时间进办公室 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 工时:每周40小时, 弹性工时, Optional remote work from home 加班费制度:依劳基法规定 徵才联络方式: CakeResume --
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1F:→ MoonCode: 感觉找不到 01/12 11:57
2F:推 empireisme: 愿意收web仔吗qq 01/12 12:24
3F:→ loadingN: 有啊 上一篇web仔还比较高... 01/12 12:28
4F:推 neo5277: 可惜我一直都只有做简单的树莓 01/12 12:31
5F:嘘 hegemon: 你们这个价钱找jr差不多,我相信你们还有更多钱找sr 01/12 13:04
6F:推 e12518166339: 这价格目前抢不到sr,没钱的话就从jr自己养吧 01/12 13:08
7F:→ leolarrel: 挖,现在通膨这麽严重喔,10年前2百万年薪已经是准leader 01/12 13:12
8F:→ leolarrel: 现在2百万只能请到资浅韧体仔 01/12 13:13
9F:→ yamakazi: 在台北还可以啦,总是有住家里的台北人去应徵 01/12 13:18
10F:→ yamakazi: 而且还全远端 01/12 13:19
11F:推 hegemon: 某楼不知道10年来通膨多严重吗?派克都涨到快两倍了. 货 01/12 13:30
12F:→ hegemon: 币幻觉下钞票越来越薄,用派克或是珍奶计算的话,现在的2 01/12 13:30
13F:→ hegemon: 00可能不到10年前的150 01/12 13:30
14F:→ leolarrel: 原来如此.贫穷限制了我想像. 01/12 13:47
15F:→ orz811017: 一堆公司新人今年再烂加班应该都有个150吧.... 01/12 13:49
16F:推 wulouise: 十年超久了好吗?...通膨很严重 01/12 17:59
17F:嘘 pttano: 现在随便都200以上喔,那我是不是该换工作了 01/12 20:08
18F:→ s678131: 之前待的台厂网通厂BSP team的 leader 整包有破200 01/12 21:29
19F:→ Firstshadow: 现在随便都200以上喔 == 怎那麽随便阿 01/12 22:13
20F:→ hduek153: 没到随便 不过软韧本来就不低阿 01/12 23:43
21F:→ acgotaku: 看技能要求 这bar很高噎,140真心找不到 180以上有可能 01/13 01:58
22F:→ acgotaku: 毕竟要跟猪屎屋抢人,就算薪水匹配 人家也不想去小公司 01/13 02:01
23F:推 jeff40108: 软韧体早就飞天了,200不会有senior啦 01/13 06:59
24F:→ koka813: 现在200没senior,那要多少才有senior阿?除了ic和那几 01/13 08:17
25F:→ koka813: 间龙头外商,200找senior应该差不多吧 01/13 08:17
26F:推 CoNsTaR: 问就是 300 jr 500 sr 01/13 19:18
27F:推 keyofdejavu: 外商来找人也是要找即战力,这薪水在ic厂来说找不到 01/13 19:47
28F:推 saxontai: 看职务内容跟能力要求,薪水区间确实偏低 01/13 20:04
29F:→ playkkk: 现在的景气要找到堪用的人不难 难在景气变好之後怎麽留人 01/13 20:05
30F:嘘 Kimheeche: 不错了啦 还可以全远端 不像某个朝夕令改的公司 01/13 22:06
31F:嘘 final01: 200资深很够了啦~前两年拉机都能200 01/13 23:20
32F:→ final01: 之後都被裁员了XD 01/13 23:20
※ 编辑: danielta323 ( 台湾), 01/18/2023 00:32:12
33F:推 alan23273850: 单身工程师全远端不会抑郁而终吗?出 bug 没人讨论 01/22 17:50
34F:→ hegemon: 出bug就远端讨论呀,跟是否单身或是是否远端没有关系吧 01/30 17:48

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