Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编: 泰铼科技有限公司,52301203 公司地址: 台北市松山区敦化北路207号13楼 职缺: Data Engineer 职缺能力经历要求: In this role you will apply your engineering knowledge to design and implement the tools required to gather and cleanse raw data at scale. You will work closely with our engineering team to integrate with micro services stack and process structured and unstructured data into a form suitable for analysis. You will identify, design, and implement internal process improvements; from automating manual processes, optimizing data delivery, and re-designing infrastructure for greater scalability. Your work will impact all aspects of the trade pipeline from how we capture market-data to how we do risk management. This work will be challenging, fast-paced, and competitive. You will have the opportunity to work with smart people in a creative but fun environment. A financial background is not necessary, rather we are looking for people who have worked extensively with data and understand the importance of having high-quality data. What we're looking for - Experience building and optimizing‘big data' data pipelines, architectures and data sets. - A successful history of manipulating, processing and extracting value from large disconnected datasets. - Experience working in Linux - Strong practical computing skills in Python or C++ 员工是否需自备工具? : 否 薪资(月薪): 六万以上 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 15个月 年终奖金计算方式:全薪计算 工时: 每日工作时间: 9:00AM~6:00PM (八小时) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40小时 加班费制度: 比照劳基法规定 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: Timeline Technologies was founded in 2016 as an algorithmic research and technology firm in Taipei, Taiwan. We are active in several markets in Asia and looking for a Data Engineer to join our team. As our data capabilities continue to grow, we need to ensure that the data we use is captured is accurate and usable. As a key member of our research team, you will collaborate closely with other technologist, researchers, and traders. 工作福利: 年假12天、健身房月费补助、每季员工家庭聚餐、不定期聚餐、手足球、 无限量办公室点心及饮品 公司分红与奖金: 依上季营收每季分发 公司介绍: **鼓励员工创造及表现** -灵活管理 我们尊重每个人的独特性,也相信每个人拥有的潜力, 在工作上提供高度自由的空间,不吝给予员工创造能发挥专长的机会 -奖励表现 公司利润是员工创造的,所以公司在福利及奖金制度上也不会让表现优秀的员工失望, 我们也鼓励并支持员工持续学习,让公司不断茁壮 **提供优质健康的工作环境** -舒适办公设备 符合人体工学的Herman Miller办公椅,搭配可调整高度的电动办公桌, 大幅降低身体的负担,让员工能舒适地工作 -健身房月费赞助 只要5分钟左右的路程,就可以到达设备完善的健身房, 期望员工透过规律的运动,让工作更有效率、身体更健康 人资或徵才联络方式: 请mail您的cv至[email protected] --
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