玄鸭堡 -传奇钥石指南 7.3版本 前言 小弟试着翻译该篇文章 但是由於他的高层定义太过於高程,定义为 23+的层数 并分析了通过高层的人数、天赋、组合等等 这些实在是超出我的游戏体验太多 所以小弟就针对「15层会遇到的情况」去做翻译 并先翻译几个副本的指南 理由有二:一、我自己打过。 二、新团队副本开启後,保底上限提升为15层 翻译後应该能适用一个版本以上。 另外补充一下自己对应过的词汇感想 对於熊坦、猫德一些应对方法 基本上都是这几周打得,应该符合他的指南,但是还没全词汇15+体验,会慢慢补上 注释分为两种 注:原文的注 译注:我自己主观加注的 Black Rook Hold Mythic Keystone Guide - Legion 7.3 玄鸭堡 -传奇钥石指南 7.3版本 This Mythic Keystone Black Rook Hold guide will take you through the best route to complete the dungeon, give advice for bosses and provide tips and tricks for the entire instance. This guide will assume that you are familiar with the basic mechanics from the Black Rook Hold Strategy Guide. 这份传奇钥石指南会给你最佳化路线并给你王的提示与技巧 这份传奇钥石指南让你去熟悉基本应对与指南 Mythic+ Leaderboard Rankings 高层人数分析 分析23层以上,德鲁伊只占了22%的人数 还有其他人数,有兴趣的可以看原网址 Instance Breakdown 副本分析 Recommended Comp for high keys: Black Rook Hold demands strong AoE CC for the Grand Hall. The instance is mostly Undead and a sap effect can make the larger packs significantly easier to deal with. Highest Tyrannical key completed in time: 23 Highest Fortified key completed in time: 23 Instance Timer: 39 Average # Mobs per pack: 3.7 推荐高层注意项目 玄鸭堡要有范围强晕 这个副本亡灵很多,部分职业可以有特殊技巧可以让这个副本更好打 以下四行参考版友corpserun建议翻译 最高的暴君层数:23 最高的强悍层数:23 副本通关时间 :39分钟 平均每波小怪数目: 3.7只 Trash Route and Tips 小怪战斗分析
玄鸭堡 小怪击杀比例 一王前: 0% 二王前: 40% 三王前: 86% 尾王 :102% (译注:这边的用意是让你在打王前顺便检查%数,以免回头补%数跑太远) 图片1 一直到楼梯的小怪群
注:跳过不打 (译注:熊德、猫德、鸟德的复活距离较补德短,队伍需配合) 如果补师没有携带隐形药水,可以自己先到楼梯等, 请队伍里面的铠甲职业帮忙拉点怪,让补师最少走到第三群怪中间在死, 才复活得到 如果补师有带隐形药水或者是可潜行通过,则补师先通过, 不能潜行的其他职业赶快引怪然後躺好让人拉 图片2 楼梯
注:往上即是一王 一王攻略:Amalgam of Souls Dungeon Journal+ Swirling Scythe Ground Physical Dodgeable Soul Echoes Ground Shadow Dodgeable Reap Soul AoE Shadow Dodgeable Soul Burst AoE Shadow Avoidance 回旋镰刀 地板技能 物理 可躲避 灵魂回响 地板技能 暗影 可躲避 收割灵魂 范围伤害 暗影 可躲避 灵魂爆裂 范围伤害 暗影 可避免 You should know Save all of your defensive abilities and immunities for the Soul Burst attack. Tip: Soul Burst is only cast when all the Restless Soul are dead or the boss reaches 15%, whichever occurs first. If you have a Druid, they can Entangling Roots to prevent one of the Restless Soul from moving and have the boss do nothing until 15%. The tank should pull the boss out of the centre of the room and toward one side. This gives the group more room to dodge Swirling Scythe / Soul Echoes. 你应该知道的项目: 把你的减少被伤害技能与免疫技能通通交给「灵魂爆裂」 提示:灵魂爆裂只会在所有的灵魂都死亡或者是王的血量低於15% (译注:灵魂爆裂有一个短暂的施法条,看到施法条就放减伤或免疫技能) 如果你的队伍有德鲁伊,你可以绑一只灵魂起来让他不能动,然後打王打到15% (译注:开场标一个光柱之类的野团才会懂,绑起来就不要打 ) ( 除非是震地与火山,不然此时团队不会受伤,补师这时候要帮打王 ) ( 所以多组一点猫德很有用,後面也有地方有妙用 ) 坦克应该把王拉到房间的边缘,这样你有比较多的空间可以应对地板技能 (译注:怕拉过头脱战,就拉去火盆旁边,王施放灵魂爆裂会传回到场地中间施放) 译注: 个人心得 打过 15+的 屍暴、轻浮、暴君 拥挤、震地、强悍 一王暴君注意事项就是不能让他吃到灵魂, 否则只会剩下坦克与能免疫的职业与猫德变熊活下来 那队友死掉就算了,熊德加猫德,复活两个人就能过 屍暴、轻浮、暴君 嘲讽cd到就用,不然会被ot 打王只剩一个词还算轻松。 拥挤、震地、强悍 在震地+ 强悍周我挑选了不好的组合 我选了 熊坦+猫德+补德+惩戒骑+恶魔猎人 ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 我觉得不好的是後面,我应该选一个兽王猎取代其中之一。 两个脚色有范围晕听起来很棒, 但是没有默契,同时晕,效果不好,震地又一直互炸 震地固定打20% ,多炸一人就40% ,手短职业闪震地就没dps 反观猫德手长脚长,震地还能10码打怪很方便 有单体晕,有击飞,有绑怪,重点是 dps又高,好猫德不组吗? 图片3
It's often easiest to have the tank and healer run up the stairs alone to pull down the first 5-6 Rook Spiderling. This makes it much easier for the party to dodge Internal Rupture when they die and eliminates any line of sight issues. Anyone hit by a Rook Spiderling will be afflicted with Soul Venom which needs to be dispelled regularly. 注:通常让坦克和补师跑上去拉5-6之下来打掉 这样毒地板比较好闪 小怪打人会上dot 要驱散 图片4
You can pull several Rook Spiderling at a time, just make sure to dispel the tank on cooldown. 注:你可以同时拉好几群蜘蛛,但是要确定你能驱散 图片5
The Rook Spinner might look tough but all he does is melee the tank for low-moderate damage. Once the Rook Spiderling are dead, you can pull the next group while you finish the Rook Spinner. 注:大蜘蛛看起来很强但是它其实打坦克不痛,只有中低程度的物理伤害 (译注:就是小蜘蛛dot在痛) 大蜘蛛死掉後你就能拉下一群了。 图片6
The Risen Scout / Soul-Torn Champion pack will pat between the large group and the staircase and in most cases should be taken at the top of the staircase. 两只巡逻,一只斥侯,一只勇士 一般来说在楼梯的上面打就好 (译注:但是考量到神奇的路人,请远离门口) -> Soul-Torn Champion cast Bonebreaking Strike in the direction of the tank and should be faced away from the party. -> Tip: After the first successful cast of Bonebreaking Strike, the Soul-Torn Champion will cast Commanding Shout increasing the health of all enemies in the pack. Use stuns and displacement abilities to delay the cast of Bonebreaking Strike as long as possible to avoid having to do more damage when Commanding Shout is cast. 勇士会咏唱前方锥形范围伤害,可以闪避,如果没有闪避会被击晕 如果成功的施放锥形范围伤害,会替所有敌人增加生命要确实的晕眩勇士让他放不出来增益,以免敌人血量太多,需要太多伤害 -> Risen Scout cast Knife Dance which deals heavy physical damage to all allies within 20 yards. This should be interrupted with a stun, knockback, or death grip. If you're light on those then it can be outranged. 斥侯会施放刃舞,范围20码,非常非常的痛, 但是可以被猫德用天赋吹飞或击晕,被猫德一般技能击晕 做好对怪物的控制 译注: 建议:组合选用 坦克 +猫德 +群体晕与单体晕输出 +远程高伤害或单体晕(兽王猎可晕) +补师 开场dd都打斥侯, 勇士要施放第一次锥形范围技能的时候,直接让范围晕职业晕怪 (不要太早晕,会有几秒可以输出) 然後清醒後坦克处理勇士的第二次锥形技能 (坦克应该有一个单体晕) dd都打斥侯,当斥侯施放刃舞的时候,猫德此时应该已经上完第一个 5星撕扯, 这时候用吹飞中断刃舞, 猫德改打还没被增益血量增益的勇士,并把单体晕留给勇士的第三次锥形技能 此时斥侯身上还有 5星撕扯在作用,可触发捕猎者 剩余血量给冰法还是兽王猎他们会很高兴 等到勇士要放第四个锥形技能的时候,猫德再晕一次, 晕一次怪,减少斥侯被增益的血量,比自己输出还重要。 顶多只能让勇士增益到他自己,如果杀不掉就晕掉,不要让斥侯被增益血量, 後续有 5只怪,一样的处理原则 图片7
This is the first dangerous pack in the instance and your kill order should be: Arcane Minion > Risen Archer > Risen Arcanist > Soul-Torn Champion. 这边是第一个危险的小怪群 你的击杀目标应该是澳术小怪>复活的弓箭手>复活的法师>勇士 -> The Arcane Minion will chain cast Phased Explosion which will target a random player and then after a brief delay deal heavy damage there and teleport the minion. It should be locked down and killed quickly. -> The Risen Arcanist casts Arcane Blitz at random players which can and should be interrupted. -> Risen Archer just Shoot random players. The attack can be line of sighted (use the walls) if you're low. They also cast [spell=//] from time to time. This hits a little further than its animation so it's best avoided by moving sideways out of it. 1.澳术小怪会对随机目标施放技能,成功施放後会传送目标,先杀就对了 2.复活的弓箭手会对随机目标施放强力的射击 (译注:需咏唱) 如果有远程,可以利用门口卡他的视角,减少伤害, 弓箭手会施放箭雨,而且实际攻击范围比动画范围还大,所以不要太贴动画范围 3.法系怪可以断法 4.勇士会锥形ae晕人,坦克要拉好 (这一批怪只有勇士没有随机目标技能) 译注: 坦克 +猫德 +群体晕与单体晕输出 +远程高伤害或单体晕(兽王猎可晕) +补师 开场猫德去晕法系怪,另外两输出都打澳术小怪, 打完後其他输出改打弓箭手 勇士要施放第一次锥形范围技能的时候,直接让范围晕职业晕怪 (不要太早晕,会有几秒可以输出) 然後清醒後坦克处理勇士的第二次锥形技能 (坦克应该有一个单体晕) 当弓箭手施放箭雨的时候,如果射击方向是法系怪,那麽其他输出要击晕弓箭手, 猫德要把吹飞留给勇士的第三次锥形技能 对法系怪上完 5星流血并中断施法後,猫德尽量引导法系怪与弓箭手在ae范围内 并转移目标为勇士,等到勇士要放第四个锥形技能的时候,猫德晕勇士, 晕一次怪,减少斥侯被增益的血量,比自己输出还重要。 顶多只能让勇士增益到他自己,如果杀不掉就晕掉,不要让斥侯被增益血量, 此时澳术小怪已死,弓箭手与法系怪血量应该低於一半 先杀死弓箭手, (法系怪与弓箭手都会随机目标,但是法系怪能断法) 让法系怪增益到血量也是难免,先杀死法系怪再杀勇士 (勇士伤害比较好规避) 图片8
There are three separate pulls pictured here. The first two can be pulled together if you have exceptional AoE CC. 这边有三群怪可以拉 如果你有范围晕的技能,可以前两波一起拉 -> The Risen Companion is quite dangerous because of its Bloodthirsty Leap cast. 复活的豹是相当危险的,他的鲜血跃击是范围伤害是随机非附近的目标 -> Tip: The cast is instant but if you interrupt it mid-jump using a stun or displacement ability, the cat won't land and the player won't take any damage. An Ursol's Vortex from a Resto Druid is great to prevent the damage. If you are unable to interrupt the jump then spread out to avoid multiple people being hit. 提示: 他的起跳是瞬发的,但是你可以再他落地之前击晕他,这样就没有伤害了 乌索克之漩可以避免他的伤害 (译注:先让补德施放後才拉怪,也可以让猎人先放禁锢射击) 图片9
Commander Shemdah'sohn will jump down and instantly aggro to the party immediately after the preceding pack is dead. 指挥官会在小怪都死光的时候跳下来 (译注:当你的队伍不够强力,或者没有足够的控场技能的时候 当只剩下一只怪的时候,你可以拉着小怪回到楼梯门口,在门口杀死小怪 这样就不会连续战斗 你可以让队伍喝水、复活人,等技能回覆後再打 The commander is just a slightly harder hitting Soul-Torn Champion and should be faced away from the party. Consider CC'ing one of the Risen Archer or Risen Scout to reduce the amount of party damage going out. 指挥官只是一个比较硬一点的勇士, 你要把他拖远离弓箭手,以免他的增益上到了弓箭手 打法一:坦克拉指挥官、斥侯到小楼梯的一边 自行开招挡 输出先杀死弓箭手,再杀斥侯与勇士 打法二:让熊坦与猫德各绑一只斥侯,坦克拉怪卡视野让弓箭手上小楼梯 一过转角猫德晕一只弓箭手速杀,范围输出职业晕第一次锥形技能 坦克用单体晕打掉第二次锥形技能,晕怪後坦克退到门外 让勇士ae增益不到弓箭手 输出杀死弓箭手,猫德补绑一只,坦克把指挥官带回来 猫德晕第四次锥形技能,熊坦趁机补绑 把指挥官杀死,杀死斥侯 打法不只一种,请依照自己队伍强度与层数去调整, 也是有拉一起然後旋风斩个两下就杀光的打法。 图片10
You can use the pillars on the side of the wall to line of sight Archer shots if necessary. 如果有必要,请利用柱子,去抵挡弓箭手的随机强力射击 (译注:通常是补师与远程布甲需要规避伤害) 二王:Illysanna Ravencrest Brutal Glaive Single Target Physical Debuff (DoT) Dark Rush Multi Target Physical Blazing Trail Ground Fire Dodgeable Vengeful Shear Single Target Physical Eye Beams Ground Fire Dodgeable Bonecrushing Strike AoE Physical Dodgeable Arcane Blitz Single Target Arcane Interruptable 残暴刃击 单一目标(可弹射) 物理 物理流血伤害 黑暗冲刺 多重目标(会先点名) 物理 炙焰足迹 地板技能 火焰 可躲避 复仇削斩 单一目标(打坦克技能) 物理 魔眼光束 地板技能 火焰 可躲避 (小怪技能) 碎骨猛袭 范围技能(前方锥形AE) 物理 可躲避 秘法闪击 单一目标 奥术 可打断 (每施放成功一次, 下一发+50%伤害) Brutal Glaive is targeted on a ranged DPS or healer and hits everyone in a 10 yard radius from that player. Spread out. It can be removed with Blessing of Protection and immunities. Eye Beams does its damage through the Felblazed Ground it leaves underneath it. Kite it in a circle so that you don't use up too much of the small-ish arena. The Soul-torn Vanguard isn't very dangerous but does cast a conal stun, Bonecrushing Strike very similar to the trash before the boss. The Arcanist will pelt random party members for increasing damage and should be interrupted. Blazing Trail really sucks, but can be roughly controlled. It'll dart between three players leaving fire along the path. You want to minimize the distance travelled, and then move quickly enough that you take a maximum of one tick of the fire. Anyone still carrying a Glaive Toss DoT will need heavy healing. 请确定队伍里面的人都看得到地板的火焰 不然死亡率极高 残暴飞刀他只会点名远程dps与补师 远程与补师需要离开其他人10码,否则会连续弹跳到下一个目标 流血状态可以被祝福与免疫移除 眼菱会产生烈焰足迹这个地板状态,请好好风筝他并且不要使用太多地板 王所招唤出来的两只怪物,物理怪会使用锥形范围晕,和前面的勇士一样 法系怪会随机目标施法,并且越打越痛(每一次都增伤50%),可以断法与击晕,优先击杀 黑暗冲锋也会产生烈焰足迹,被点名的三个人靠近边缘,让火焰所占用的地板少一点 他一冲锋马上退开,补师记得补踩中火焰的人 (译注:法系怪必然出现在场地王的脚下 ) 所以风筝、连线散开的部分,都不要占用中间到前方的地板 图片11
There isn't much to say here. Don't get hit by boulders ok? 没啥好说,不要被石头撞到好吗? 图片13
This is just a pack of Wyrmtongue Trickster who do pretty much nothing and can be safely AoE'd down. 把他们都处理掉 图片14
(译注:绝对不要手贱去点门,强悍周我点了门,出现一只血多打人痛的怪 那只怪没有%数 ) 图片15
This is a tough pack, but it actually pulls in two groups. The Tricksters are separate from the Bladelords - just pull carefully. 这边看来很多只,但是其实是两群,小心拉就好 图片18
Seriously, don't die. 拜托不要死 图片19
The Trickster / Scavenger pack at the top of the stairs is somewhat special in that they won't fight back. They're still pretty inefficient to kill though and we don't need them for trash percentage. Pull the Dominator / bat pack back to the top of the stairs so that you're not in range of new bats reaching the bottom of the staircase. 那两只不会反击的怪不要理他,将札坤外型的怪拉到楼梯上面杀死 (译注:无限蝙蝠的天堂路) 图片20
You've got two options: - Pull the first two Felspite Dominator (pictured above) and then jump off the staircase so that you can fight them without any new bats and reset before you go further. - Try to pull the entire staircase to Smashspite's room, blowing all of your DPS / Healing cooldowns. 你有两个选择 - 拉两个恶魔怪然後跳到楼梯下面,这样就可以在没有任何新的蝙蝠下与它们战斗 - 尝试把整个楼梯的怪都拉到三王的房间,一口气爆发拚掉他们 There are two casts that are important on this trash: Felfrenzy which is kickable and Sic Bats! which is not. Letting a cast of Sic Bats! with a large number of bats around will kill a player. Tip: If there are no bats around, or the bats are stunned Sic Bats! will do nothing! For comps with a large number of AoE stuns or high AoE dps, this hallway becomes much eaiser. 蝙蝠可以晕,如果蝙蝠点名人的时候很容易秒人要小心,范围击晕他们然後用力打 三王Smashsmite the Hateful Brutal Haymaker Single Target Physical Earthshaking Stomp AoE Physical Avoidance Hateful Gaze Single Target Physical Fel Vomit Ground Fire Dodgeable 残暴重击 单一目标 物理伤害 震地践踏 范围伤害 物理伤害 憎恨凝视 单一目标 物理伤害 (凝视後施放 憎恨冲锋,对第一个撞击到的目标造成物理伤害,并上一个负面状态 对目标的憎恨冲锋伤害提高300%(可叠加)持续一分钟) 猫D 神器特质「亚夏曼守护」可以闪躲冲锋的伤害 Stack your party to one side of the platform to keep the Fel Vomitus grouped together. Stack up and move together from one side to the other. You're doing this to make sure you don't run out of space, and so you aren't knocked into it during Earthshaking Stomp. 把地板负面状态堆叠起来,以确保空间,以免被地震击退时不会踩到绿色地板 Hateful Gaze will target a random player at ranged but can be intercepted by anyone in the party by standing directly in Smashspite's path. To make sure you've got it lined up correctly it's best to stand directly on the directional arrow below his character. Hateful Gaze is physical damage and you'll want to chuck anyone with high armor or strong defensive cooldowns in the way. After you've taken one you'll be stamped with a debuff to discourage taking the next couple so you'll need a rotation. 憎恨凝视将瞄准一个随机玩家,造成物理伤害,可以被中途拦截 为了确保路线正确,你最好在他的下面箭头挡 坦克可以吃超过一个憎恨冲锋,且憎恨冲锋的负面状态是有持续时间的(1分钟), 所以需要替换挡招的人 The Tank will be able to take more than one stack of Hateful Gaze but the ability can also be Dodged and Deflected (In other words: Parried). Rogues with Evasion will take no damage or a Feral Druid with Protection of Ashamane will be able to take every Earthshaking Stomp by shifting out of Cat Form for every one. 坦克可以挡下多於一个 盗贼的话,闪避可以挡下憎恨冲锋 猫德的话,你的神器技能「亚夏曼的守护」 译注:脱离猫型态後 5秒内增加护甲与闪躲100% 冷却30秒 可以帮你挡下每一波的恶意凝视 好猫d ,不组吗? Earthshaking Stomp always follows Hateful Gaze and the healer should endeavor to make sure whoever took the blow is topped up. 王必定会在憎恨冲冲锋後施放震地践踏,所以补师一定要补好血 图片21
-> Risen Lancer cast Raven's Dive which can be avoided easily. It'll target a random ranged player so it's best to stay lightly spread to minimize movement. -> Risen Lancer can be stunned or displaced in mid-air to prevent them from landing. -> Risen Swordsman cast Coup de Grace - it doesn't do anything special, just keep your tank topped up. 矛兵会晕人,躲好,剑兵打人痛,但是只有痛没有特效 (译注:如果是拥挤+强悍周,两只剑兵打人会打死坦克要注意,建议风筝) 死亡骑士可以心控矛兵,可以晕怪 图片23~26
都是一样的小怪,衡量 dps与空间 在震地周不要组 1坦 3近战dd阿,没有默契就非常难躲 尾王Lord Ravencrest 第一阶段 Unerring Shear is on a timer and deals a large amount of damage to the tank. They'll need to be topped up before and after it hits. It also leaves a pretty annoying DoT so you'll want to blow through this phase as quickly as you can. The DoT can be removed with Blessing of Protection if available but once the player is affected by Legacy of the Ravencrest, the damage is barely noticeable. 第一支出来的王会给一个很强的dot,可以被保护祝福移除 得到第一支王给的增益後就问题不大了 (Spell #19864)1 will target a player and then spin slowly toward them, chunking anyone in its path. They're unlikely to one shot you but you'll need to dodge them all the same. 法术19864是飞刀,要躲 Latosius will pelt your party with Shadow Bolts from above, occasionally stopping to throw out a Dark Blast as a preview for the next phase. You can mostly ignore him. 第二支出来的王每隔一段时间会喷一条紫色地板,躲好问题不大 Phase 2 (Dantalionax Phase) 第二阶段 You'll have to take the first Shadow Bolt Volley without Legacy of the Ravencrest. This occurs about 10 seconds into the phase and is highly likely to one shot anyone without a large defensive up. Your healer needs to have the party at 100% life before it hits and blow every defensive ability and immunity. Anyone who dies to this cannot be battle ressed since they won't get Shadow Bolt Volley. 第一发暗影箭一定要开减伤招或者无敌招式来避免 DoTs continue to tick while he's away chucking beams. He's away for about 23 seconds so you'll want to refresh them. The first Swarm will go out shortly after the Shadowbolt Volley and this person will need immediate healing. Hard focus the Swarms and run them into melee so that the boss is getting cleaved as you kill them. The damage that the Swarms do is very high so you'll need to kill them as soon as possible. 在暗影箭之後,王会随机施放小虫到玩家头上, 5个人皆有可能被施放 被施放的人要靠近近战快速地帮你击杀 小虫非常的痛一定要快速击杀 Healers can dispel anyone that stands in a Cloud of Hypnosis. 治疗者可以驱散被催眠的状态 Since 7.2.5 the beam will now travel in a random direction but won't change directions once it's started moving. The initial line is targeted at a random player, but stacking is unnecessary. 7.2.5之後,紫色地板的光柱是随机顺时针或者逆时针的, 但是他开始转动後,会固定顺或逆时针 小心跑好就好 -- 设计师!那边有猫德大秘 设计师!那边有猫德伤害循环卡 设计师~~那边有核心橘猫德 失业 治疗技能 打高伤害 ψQSWEET GM 设计师 GM 设计师 GM他妈的设计师 ◎ ◎ 喔~~ ︶ ︶ ◎ ◎ 喔~~ ︶ ︶ ◎ ◎ 拦下来呀! ⊙◥ 3╯ξ 没王法了 (哈欠) (烟~) 是不是?!( ) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 corpserun: 第一:强悍最高层时限内 23层 10/24 03:21
2F:→ corpserun: 副本时间39分 平均每陀怪3.7只 10/24 03:21
3F:推 zzogdoll: 好长 先推 10/24 04:34
4F:推 mmm2007j: 根本猫D教学文 10/24 04:36
5F:推 eric30215: 推个! 10/24 06:34
6F:推 babylina: 未看先推翻译辛苦了! 10/24 07:32
※ 编辑: koko147 (, 10/24/2017 08:31:37
7F:推 redbeanbread: 猫d业配文 想练 10/24 08:38
8F:推 lazyworm: 好猫D,不练吗 10/24 09:41
9F:推 luis0624: 强悍周的蝙蝠天堂路是布衣系的恶梦XD 10/24 10:11
10F:→ snowanimal: 被点名就死了,连影散都还来不及开,死亡纪录普攻*N 10/24 10:33
11F:推 cloki: 这是猫德推广文吧XD 10/24 10:49
12F:推 aegius1r: 亚夏曼守护挡冲锋是真的没想到 学到一课XD 10/24 14:28
13F:推 RyanBoxer: 推 猫D业配文xD 10/24 16:00
14F:推 garfunkel: 最近只要进M+就会自动转成恢复 根本没机会试QQ 10/24 16:42
15F:→ AbukumaKai: 蝙蝠不只布甲 非坦没开招都马秒杀 10/24 16:46
16F:推 cuteclare: 帮战坦Q_Q 才3% 不过最惨的是1%啦~? 10/24 18:11
17F:推 xbox0523: 未看完先推再说 10/25 07:51
18F:推 eric30215: 好猫D,不练吗 10/25 18:50
※ 编辑: koko147 (, 11/07/2017 00:55:34 ※ 编辑: koko147 (, 11/07/2017 08:23:45 ※ 编辑: koko147 (, 11/07/2017 08:33:09
19F:嘘 aegius1r: 被骗惹QQ 守护内建30秒CD 可是冲锋是25秒一轮 11/12 22:39
20F:→ aegius1r: 每轮都挡会死!!!!!!!!! 11/12 22:39
这边跟你致歉,因为我的确只是根据部分玩家心得与与网页资料 如果改成两轮挡一轮 如果改成这样呢?? X秒+0 +25 +50 +75 +100 +125 +150 +175 +200 第一轮 第二轮 第三轮 第四轮 第五轮 第六轮 第七轮 第八轮 第九轮 神器 求生本能 神器 坦克 神器 求生本能 神器 坦克 神器 (一分钟 DEBUFF已消) +225 +250 +275 +300 +325 +350 第十轮 第十一轮 第十二轮 第十三轮 第十四轮 第十五轮 求生本能 神器 坦克 神器 求生本能 神器 (第三次,第25秒 施放冷却好) 规划了一下时间表,猫D 与坦克可以吃的层数如上,坦克六分钟内只挡三次, 猫D 挡十二次 如果六分钟还打不赢的话,可能要考虑请其他人帮想办法了 ※ 编辑: koko147 (, 11/13/2017 03:10:41
21F:推 aegius1r: 有改有推! 11/13 03:24
※ 编辑: koko147 (, 11/17/2017 09:17:15

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