※ 引述《mealoop (肉oop)》之铭言: : 情报网址: : (网址太长请一并附上缩网址,推荐 : : 情报原文: : (原文与翻译择一选填) : Patch 7.3.2 includes: : General bug fixes and minor class balance changes. : Additional currency support in : Additional tuning in preparation for Antorus, the Burning Throne raid : dungeon's release. : While this minor patch adds in additional tuning for Antorus, this raid won't : be available with the release of patch 7.3.2, and will open at a later date. Patch 7.3.2 包含: ●一般性的修bug,以及比较次要的职业平衡调整 ●战网有额外的货币支援(?) ●为了燃烧王座开放作准备的额外调整 燃烧王座不会在7.3.2上的时候一并开放,会之後才开放 : Classes : Druid : Balance : Touch of the Moon trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing : amount per rank, with a fixed proc chance of 20% (was a fixed healing amount : with a proc chance of 5% per rank). Additionally, will not proc if the caster : is above 95% health. 职业 德鲁伊 平衡 月之触(神器特质)重新设计。现在每个等级会提升治疗量,固定触发机率为20% (以前是固定治疗量,但每个等级提升5%触发机率)。另外施法者若血量在95%以上 的时候不会触发。 : Shaman : Elemental : Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing : amount per rank, with a fixed cooldown of 30 seconds (was a fixed healing : amount with a cooldown of [30 seconds minus 2 seconds] per rank). 萨满 元素 萨满灵癒(神器特质)重新设计。现在每个等级提升治疗量,固定冷却时间 为30秒(以前是固定治疗量,但每个等级会降低冷却时间两秒 : Class Halls : Added three new missions: “ Scour the Surface”, “ Abandoned Armory”, : and “ Feed the Furnaces”. All reward follower armor upgrades. : A Primal Sargerite vendor has been added to the Vindicaar. 职业大厅 ●新增三个追随者任务 "Scour the Surface", "Abandoned Armory", and "Feed the Furnaces",三个任务奖励都是提升追随者装等 ●梵迪卡尔加入了原始萨格拉斯精华的商人 : Items : Convergence of Fates now reduces the remaining cooldown on one of your : powerful abilities by 4 seconds (was 5 seconds), and has 10% more primary : stat. : A number of class set items from legacy content can now be sold to : vendors. 道具 ●宿命交会现在减少大招的冷却时间变为4秒(原本为5秒),但增加了10%的主要属性 ●旧的套装现在可以被卖给商人了 看原文网页还有一项没贴到 Whispers in the Dark cast speed bonus reduced by 40%, and has 20% more primary stat. ●暗处细语的施法额外加速降低40%,但增加了20%的主要属性 : Legion Companion App : Restored the mission-complete button on the map. : Updated to support 7.3.2 patch. 魔兽好战友App ●恢复了可以在地图上按任务完成的按钮 ●更新支援到Patch 7.3.2 : Player versus Player : The weekly quest “ Something Different” should now reward the correct : Brawler's Footlocker based on the active season. : The Enchanter's Illusion - Primal Victory and Enchanter's Illusion - : Glorious Tyranny Illusions are now purchasable for 10 Mark of Honor for : players who earned at least one of the following Achievements: : Glorious Tyranny: : Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 14. : Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 15. : Primal Victory: : Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 1. : Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 2. : Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 3. PVP 没在打懒得翻 : : 附注/备注 : patch note放出来 难道礼拜四就要上了吗 : 不过团队应该还是会等77天规则吧? --

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1F:推 modoki: *萨满灵癒 10/23 11:14
2F:→ eric30215: 不!!11/16 没有团本 (崩溃) 10/23 11:20
※ 编辑: karaokstar (, 10/23/2017 11:23:55
3F:推 bamo: 是哪里有讲到11/16..... 10/23 11:49
4F:推 eric30215: 11/16是我自己说的辣 QAQ 10/23 12:04
5F:推 ab784533: 货币支援我直接丢google image好像是代币,只是不知道 10/23 12:05
6F:→ ab784533: 为何不用token,待确认 10/23 12:05
7F:推 samue: 原始蕯格拉斯精华商人有卖什麽呢? 10/23 12:46
8F:推 Blackball: 希望有卖资源 缺到哭爸 10/23 12:49
9F:→ Blackball: 新地图蕯血掉率奇低 不知暴雪在吝啬啥 10/23 12:50
10F:→ mealoop: 之前PTR看到的 没资源 新草皮矿 新珠宝 没了 10/23 13:07
11F:→ mealoop: 大概就换个珠宝插个几件装... 10/23 13:07
12F:推 luis0624: 萨血派任务就好了啊 搭配缩时流追随者44分钟12萨血 10/23 13:29
13F:→ meishan31: 大概是BN可以收更多不同国家的货币 10/23 13:29
14F:推 izplus: 萨血靠派任务就可以自给自足了 10/23 13:47
15F:推 nekumi: 12萨血任务至少要花1280资源 难赚阿~ 10/23 13:50
16F:→ axiall: 条件允许的话弄出+300追随者和+100大厅科技吧,趁有简单特 10/23 15:34
17F:→ axiall: 使的时候清一轮,至少能收获好几千资源 10/23 15:35
18F:推 maple0935: 好战友还是不能吃+20%成功率的道具Q_Q 10/23 21:23
19F:推 eric30215: 逼你上限QAQ 10/23 21:26
20F:推 yana8628: 好战友可以让我招新小兵吗,要一直跑QQ 10/24 12:56

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