情报网址: (网址太长请一并附上缩网址,推荐 情报原文: (原文与翻译择一选填) Patch 7.3.2 includes: General bug fixes and minor class balance changes. Additional currency support in Additional tuning in preparation for Antorus, the Burning Throne raid dungeon's release. While this minor patch adds in additional tuning for Antorus, this raid won't be available with the release of patch 7.3.2, and will open at a later date. Classes Druid Balance Touch of the Moon trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing amount per rank, with a fixed proc chance of 20% (was a fixed healing amount with a proc chance of 5% per rank). Additionally, will not proc if the caster is above 95% health. Shaman Elemental Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned. Now heals for an increasing amount per rank, with a fixed cooldown of 30 seconds (was a fixed healing amount with a cooldown of [30 seconds minus 2 seconds] per rank). Class Halls Added three new missions: “ Scour the Surface”, “ Abandoned Armory”, and “ Feed the Furnaces”. All reward follower armor upgrades. A Primal Sargerite vendor has been added to the Vindicaar. Items Convergence of Fates now reduces the remaining cooldown on one of your powerful abilities by 4 seconds (was 5 seconds), and has 10% more primary stat. A number of class set items from legacy content can now be sold to vendors. Legion Companion App Restored the mission-complete button on the map. Updated to support 7.3.2 patch. Player versus Player The weekly quest “ Something Different” should now reward the correct Brawler's Footlocker based on the active season. The Enchanter's Illusion - Primal Victory and Enchanter's Illusion - Glorious Tyranny Illusions are now purchasable for 10 Mark of Honor for players who earned at least one of the following Achievements: Glorious Tyranny: Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 14. Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Season 15. Primal Victory: Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 1. Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 2. Duelist or Hero of the Horde/Alliance in Warlords Season 3. 附注/备注 patch note放出来 难道礼拜四就要上了吗 不过团队应该还是会等77天规则吧? --

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1F:推 eric30215: 新大厅任务 o.0!? 10/22 13:13
2F:推 ShadoxFish: 宿命殒落 10/22 13:17
3F:推 godofaluba: 天啊 怎麽会这样 10/22 13:21
4F:→ orz65535: 屯的几百个萨精可以用了 10/22 13:23
5F:推 eric30215: 好战友会整理一个新按钮 o.0!? 10/22 13:23
6F:→ eric30215: 宿命交会 5=>4s 10/22 13:24
7F:推 orz65535: 按目前市价 一个萨精可以换至少600G 10/22 13:29
8F:→ orz65535: 不过当天挤兑大概会崩盘就是惹 10/22 13:30
9F:推 eric30215: 鸟D 跟元素萨 改什麽阿~~ 10/22 13:33
10F:推 ExpoEmblem: 快推 不然别人以为我看不懂英文~ 10/22 13:35
11F:→ orz65535: 所以身上放一堆灿铁可以趁早出清了 10/22 13:36
12F:推 fsuhcikt: 喔~原来是这样啊 10/22 13:49
13F:→ Layase: 囤的两千颗萨经可以用了 10/22 13:56
14F:→ Layase: 元素萨就那个神器特质 血量过低自动补血的被BUFF 减秒>+补 10/22 13:58
15F:→ Layase: 鸟D也是类似天赋 被打有20%机率触发回血 10/22 13:59
16F:→ Layase: 鸟D跟元素萨在野外真的超级软...还好元素有日地裤 10/22 14:00
17F:推 eric30215: 3Q! 10/22 14:04
18F:推 invander: 大萨血商人终於开了。 10/22 14:09
19F:→ OLafk: 挖操咧 2000颗 10/22 14:14
20F:推 oldriver: 囤两千颗的只会崩盘吧 10/22 14:31
21F:→ garfunkel: 还好我都自用没在管价钱的(自我安慰 10/22 14:34
22F:→ orz65535: 你不屯也是会崩阿 全伺服器可能放着几百万颗 10/22 15:18
23F:→ orz65535: 然後改版一两天全部脱手 宝石消耗又有限 这个能下探 10/22 15:19
24F:→ orz65535: 多少实在不敢想 10/22 15:19
25F:推 eric30215: orz大大是人体拍卖场 (艹) 10/22 15:27
26F:→ orz65535: 主要还是看有没有额外的消耗管道 目前就只有WQ一途 10/22 15:34
27F:→ orz65535: 而且要轮到换得起的物资跟划算的奖励 目前看来影响有限 10/22 15:35
28F:→ orz65535: 比如说那天有40皮换阿古岩 皮可以从10以下涨回15 10/22 15:36
29F:→ orz65535: 轮到灿铁换神兵还装时候就原封不动 因为没几个换得起 10/22 15:38
30F:推 eric30215: 那感觉要花好多力气经营阿 /.\;; 我光卖250的魔草就懒 10/22 15:52
31F:→ eric30215: 了/.\;; 10/22 15:52
32F:推 sarevork: 所以我都花500卖代币 简单方便又实际 10/22 16:11
33F:嘘 marvyuh: 英文太烂坐等翻译 放一堆原文好占版面 10/22 16:27
34F:→ chx64: NGA有阿 10/22 16:37
35F:→ chx64: 10/22 16:38
36F:推 f78507851: nga里 宿命好像有补+10%主属(应该是该装等原本数据+10% 10/22 16:54
37F:→ mealoop: 看到占版面笑惹 差点种草 10/22 17:07
38F:推 Golbeza: wowhead几天前就有了 英文烂还嘘真的好笑 10/22 17:22
39F:→ Golbeza: nerf20%秒数(5→4)补你10%主属 呵呵 10/22 17:23
※ 编辑: mealoop (, 10/22/2017 17:35:55
40F:推 breakblue: 这证明外语教育有多重要 10/22 17:38
41F:→ OscarShih: 凶凶的 10/22 17:43
42F:推 FlyE: 自己英文太烂坐等翻译 然後怪占版面... 10/22 17:52
43F:推 rewisyoung: 英文烂就乖乖等人翻译就好 出来嘴只会让人看你笑话 10/22 17:55
44F:推 eric30215: 嘘文的 XD 10/22 17:58
45F:推 devilshadow: 明明自己也翻译过Patch Note,被盗帐号? 10/22 17:59
46F:推 garfunkel: 这篇文章最占板面的是某个嘘文好吗 10/22 18:02
47F:推 misevil: 英文烂就去学英文阿 嫌人家放原文占版面真好笑 10/22 18:03
48F:推 s81048112: XD 10/22 18:21
49F:推 asukaka: 应该是因为之前有人放原文就被说去NGA看中文不就好了 10/22 18:25
50F:推 AbukumaKai: 不会英文不用讲出来 10/22 18:36
51F:推 scdoom: 英文烂还出来秀下限 10/22 18:54
52F:推 wate5566: 反串? 10/22 19:04
53F:推 eric30215: 不... 是笑话 XD 10/22 19:07
54F:嘘 st09094238: 好棒喔 10/22 19:23
55F:→ corpserun: 念书好麻 10/22 19:31
56F:推 bamo: 好多废文占版面不嘘 嘘这个? 10/23 09:58
57F:推 henry1234562: 这次重点是 团本不在这次开吧 10/23 10:08
58F:→ mealoop: 重点我还以为是不到四页 10/23 11:09
59F:推 eric30215: 整篇都是重点!! 通通都背起来!! 10/23 11:19
60F:→ yana8628: 楼上讨论到底在干嘛啦www 10/24 12:59
61F:嘘 marvyuh: 钓出好多人阿XD 10/24 21:38

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