: 大密指南的连结: : 他每只王前面都会有一个短句评还蛮好笑的,我挑几只拙翻一下XD 幽暗地道 General Xakal - Like all the other fel lords… except for that VOICE 札坤(x) - 跟其他恶魔领主一样...除了配音 玄鸭堡 Illysanna Ravencrest - Trivia: The first female Demon Hunter 伊丽珊娜‧黑羽 - 豆知识:第一位女性恶魔猎人 Smashsmite the Hateful - Why do all Mo’args have eye patches? What happens on their planet that is so dangerous to left eyes 『憎恨者』恶击 - 为什麽所有莫阿格都戴眼罩? 他们家是发生什麽事对左眼这麽危险? Lord Ravencrest - Illysanna’s Daddy 克塔罗斯‧黑羽堡主 - 伊丽珊娜的老爹 永夜圣殿 Agronox Two tree bosses in one expansion. Does the legion have an army of evil trees or something? 阿格诺斯 - 一张资料片两个大树BOSS 燃烧军团是有个邪恶树人大军吗? Thrashbite the Scornful Oakheart’s evil twin, now Smashspites brother. What’s next? Ularogg’s roommate? 『厌恶者』痛咬 - 橡心的邪恶双胞胎,再来是恶击的兄弟,下个是啥?乌拉罗格的室友? Mephistroth - Where is Mal’Ganis anyway? 梅菲斯托 - 玛尔加尼斯死哪去了? 众星之廷 Patrol Captain Gerdo Poisoning the flask is essential. Luckily, 5/5 group members are running Alchemy. 巡逻队长葛陀 - 对药下毒是不可或缺的,还好我们五个人都有学炼金 Talixae Flamewreath - You brought AoE CC… right? 塔莉仙‧火冠 - 你有带范围控场技...对吧? Melandrus - You brought a good healer… right? 谏言者梅朗卓斯 - 你有带个好补师...对吧? 暗心灌木林 Shade of Xavius - Often more difficult than Mythic Xavius was 萨维斯之影 - 常常比传奇萨维斯还难 艾萨拉之眼 Lady Hatecoil The punishment for kicking your friend into the water during Static Nova is a lifetime of Lower Kara keys 盘恨女士 - 在闪电新星时把朋友踢进水里的人钥匙将永远都开卡拉赞下层 King Deepbeard I actually wrote this guide during a King Deepbeard fight. It’s that damn long. 深胡子大王 - 这攻略其实是我边打这王边写的,打夭寿久的 Wrath of Azshara If you look closely, the boss has a night elf inside 艾萨拉之怒 - 如果你靠近点看,这王身体里面有只夜精 英灵殿 Hymdall - In which your healer will die to Storm Drakes 7/8 attempts 海姆达尔 - 你的补师87%会死在风暴龙那边 God-King Skovald - Urgh so much RP 神御之王斯寇瓦德 - 干你妈台词一堆很会演 Odyn - Odyn is totally up to something 欧丁 - 欧丁绝对是故意的 卡拉赞下层 Maiden of Virtue - You were a lot nicer at level 70 贞洁圣女 - 你在70级的时候人比较好啊 卡拉赞上层 The Curator The Curator is here to give you hope that you might finish the instance in time 馆长 - 馆长给了让你以为能在时限内打完的希望 Medivh This boss is like a 10/10 in difficulty, but you get to minus one for every good interrupt you brought 麦迪文 - 这王就像个10/10满分难度的王,但你每带一个好打断职业就能减一分 Mana Devourer This boss is like a 10/10 in difficulty, but you get to minus one for immunity you brought 法力吞噬者 - 这王就像个10/10满分难度的王,但你每带一个无敌单吃职业就能减一分 Viz’aduum the Watcher I write this in memory of my friend who spent 4 hours on this boss 『监视者』维兹亚顿 - 谨以此文纪念一位这王打了4小时的朋友 灵魂之喉 Helya - Is it weird that her tentacles hit harder than she does? 黑尔雅 - 她的触手打的还比较痛是不是有点奇怪? 奈萨里奥巢穴 Dargrul the Underking - What are Drogbar anyway? 『地底之王』达古尔 - 卓格巴到底是三小? 看守者铁狱 Tirathon Saltheril - Why are none of the Demon Hunters I know this good 泰拉松‧萨瑟里 - 为什麽我认识的DH都没他这麽神 Glazer - The Mike Wazowski of WoW 格雷瑟 - WOW的麦克・华斯基 (怪兽电力公司的大眼怪) 三杰议会之座 Zuraal the Ascended Where your tank and healer will argue about whose fault it is that the tank got one shot. 飞升的祖拉尔 - 你的坦跟补会在这争论坦被秒是谁的错 Viceroy Nezhar This fight has a few too many tentacles for my puritan sensibilities. 副将聂萨 - 这王的触手数量已经超出我的道德标准了 -- You light up my life and give me reason to live. I show you my all and give you reason to love. --

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1F:推 scdoom: 笑死XDDD 10/18 20:22
2F:推 kevin50605: 笑死 翻译推 10/18 20:22
3F:推 deathson: 为何可以如此白烂XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/18 20:23
4F:推 miayao417: 这翻译才对XD 10/18 20:24
5F:推 eric30215: 常常比传奇萨维斯还难 (艹)Y 10/18 20:25
6F:推 cursedoll: 这王的触手数量已经超出我的道德标准了yAQAy 10/18 20:26
7F:→ eric30215: 干你妈台词一堆很会演 (噗哧 10/18 20:26
8F:推 Noia1987: 推最後一个,触手play 10/18 20:36
9F:推 u770114: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/18 20:36
10F:推 double5566: 还真的87%.... 10/18 20:38
11F:推 enchyi: 一堆梗 XD 10/18 20:39
12F:推 garfunkel: 那不是眼罩 那是史考特 10/18 20:44
13F:推 eric30215: 这王的触手数量已经超出我的道德标准了 求收为徒!! 10/18 20:49
14F:推 jan9451803: 什麽 四个小时 当初卡拉尾王我们打了5个小时才过 囧 10/18 21:56
15F:推 diefish5566: 像我这种键盘玩家 网路上的化身比本体强很正常啊 10/18 22:20
16F:推 enchyi: 网路凶宅,当然影子比本体强啊 10/18 22:39
17F:推 crazylin924: 这吐槽超好笑XDD 10/18 22:44
18F:推 tp6cl4180: 推翻译 笑死XDDDDD 10/18 23:19
19F:推 tonyyan: 干你妈台词一堆很会演 XDDD 10/18 23:31
20F:推 oldchicken31: 萨维斯那个我整整笑了30分钟XDDD 10/18 23:55
21F:推 s891234: XDDDDD 啊对了所以说那个玛尔加尼斯呢? 10/18 23:56
22F:推 hshne: 艾萨拉尾王身体里真的有夜精 @口@ 10/19 00:06
23F:推 jiaxie: 从来没注意艾萨拉之怒里面有没有什麽!? 10/19 00:57
24F:推 dibu: 这心得 推 10/19 01:03
25F:推 dibu: 那夜精应该是dh 10/19 01:10
26F:推 leo1217000: 87%的那句翻得真赞 10/19 01:40
27F:推 joe110: 推翻译。已笑死 10/19 01:42
28F:推 VVinSaber: 超好笑XDD 10/19 08:46
29F:推 BIGMARK: ! 艾萨拉尾王里面有东西 10/19 09:36
30F:推 redbeanbread: 赞 10/19 10:13
31F:推 domotorei: 立刻排艾撒拉来去看看是不是真的有东西。XDD 10/19 10:14
32F:推 CoLLaps: XDDD推翻译很有梗 令跪求艾萨拉尾王图片~~ 10/19 10:43
33F:→ CoLLaps: 圣女70等真的超便当的 10/19 10:44
34F:推 tcancer: 推队友下水被电的诅咒实在太恶毒了 10/19 11:30
35F:推 sssyoyo: 有笑有推XDD 10/19 11:40
36F:推 yili1984: 可是固定队伍的队友一直拿到卡下就等於少一把XDDD 10/19 12:51
37F:推 inklings: 翻译的好传神! 10/19 14:29
38F:推 SuperKoala: 翻译传神 10/19 23:24

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