不知道怎麽办比较好,不知道这一篇文章有没有触犯板规。希望不会让人觉得 把这里当个板(如果有这种感觉,真的很抱歉)。只是联盟这里也很想念这位 朋友。 其实在日记写了一点东西。我会努力翻成中文,想留下些什麽。但这阵子从开 始找人到终於知道怎麽回事都没睡好,可能无论中、英文都有点杂乱。 想特别感谢部落的朋友以及板主愿意为她准备一个小空间。前阵子找人以及知 道之後有点语无伦次,谢谢大家帮忙和包容。 基尔加丹深沉的声音撼动宇宙,充满痛苦。他的力量足以威胁存在本质。邪恶 的裂隙撕毁现实,在空中划开巨大的绿色弧线,上一秒还连接着未知的世界, 下一秒却可能摧毁一切。 然後就没有然後了。 聊天框跳出一个又一个绿色、黄色的字。是成就。我们办到了。灭了 33 次之 後,我们终於打败了英雄基尔加丹。欢呼声结束,大家七嘴八舌聊天,以超没 效率的方式换分身打完副本。每个人都斗志高昂。 审判官、哈亚潭、萨丝茵、议会的难度跟基尔加丹比起来都算简单。我们在荒 寂聚合体灭了一次,但第二次就过了。聚合体倒下时公会也跳出萨格拉斯之墓 公会团成就。耶。 如果在另一个时间轴,应该会是个开心的夜晚吧。我们在版本初定下了目标, 在版本结束前做到了。应该好好庆祝才是。 可是今晚的破碎海岸有一点不同。 我把视窗切到浏览器。刚刚在去聚合体的路上听到 Messenger 讯息通知的声 音,现在一看,真的有新讯息。我很少用脸书或 Messenger,但最近发生了某 件事,不得不用:我们有团员失踪了。是最早招募的团员,擅长冰霜法术和厨 艺的德莱尼大师。现在突然消失。我决定无论如何都必须找到这个人。 她没有留下讯息,没有警告,没有预兆。Line 的讯息未读。帐号还在战网上, 但人显然不在电脑前。到底去哪了? 她是去年十一月底加入的。当时我们普通勇气试炼打得乱七八糟,很幸运还有 人愿意加入。同一批进来的还有个鸟 D。鸟 D 在过了英雄暗夜堡之後离开了, 但是她决定留下来。 每一周都准时上线。每一周都争着放大餐。聪明、幽默,很会鼓励人。每次我 感到沮丧或迷惑,她就会分享一些自己设立的小目标,提醒我,其实我们都在 慢慢进步。 後来她决定转服加入公会。因为一起出团久了,有些人甚至在她加入後,才发 现原来她本来不在这个伺服器。因为转服被迫改名,我们笑了好一阵子。我们 约好一定要打倒欺诈者,只要继续进步,最终一定能获胜,追上基尔加丹的脚 步。 然後她就不见了。 我开始担心。团里没有她一定比较不好玩,甚至还得中途炉石回达拉然买食物, 但总觉得发生了比断粮更严重的事。 上周五开始做噩梦,开始去找她网路上的朋友。其中有些一起玩过,但基本上 都不熟。脸书也是找人的工具之一。有些朋友安慰我说,她有时会闭关,突然 消失一阵子。但一起出团以来这种事从来都没有发生过。一定有事情发生了。 她是我们的夥伴,无论发生什麽事,一定要知道才行。 然後有位朋友找到她的家人,终於知道她怎麽了,并且让我知道(谢谢)。 这也是讯息里说的事情。 Antiana kalo korah. Kil'jaeden bellowed deep into the cosmos. His voice full of hurt. His powers threatened the very fabric of existence. Ominous rifts tore through the air in huge green arcs, bridging foreign worlds before crushing all asunder. And then there were none. Green and yellow texts flooded the chat window. The glorious achievements. It had finally happened. The guild had finally crushed Kil'jaeden in Heroic after 33 tries. The chatters continued after the cheers had calmed. Guildies switched to alts in the most disorganised way possible. We felt optimistic as ever. After Kil'jaeden, the ilks of Demonic Inquisition, Harjatan, Sassz'ine, and Sisters stood no chance to the formidable Bad Weather. The Desolate Host showed a glimpse of defiance, but quickly gave way after a second try. The guild would complete our first Tomb of Sargeras Guild Run, as the Host crumpled in a heap of wrecked carriage. Awesome. In an alternate timeline, perhaps, it would have been a great night wrapped up. We had completed what we set out to accomplish, and did exactly that before the end of the patch. Surely a celebration was in order. But here, on the Broken Shore, something was amiss. I alt-tabbed out to bring Chrome to the foreground. I had heard a faint notification sound coming from Messenger as we marched from Sisters to Host, and I ignored it. But now I saw there was one new message. I don't use Messenger or Facebook often, but a particular event left me little choice -- our oldest recruit, a draenei master of frost and cookery, had been AWOL, and I was determined to find her by any means necessary. No words. No warnings. No signs. Line messages left unread. She was on, but AFK. Where did she go? She was amongst our first batch of recruits back in late November, 2016. We were still struggling with Halls of Valor in Normal, and were lucky to receive two recruits that week: one balance druid and one frost mage. The balance druid would leave us after defeating Heroic Nighthold; but the frost mage decided to stay. Each week she would show up like clockwork. Each week she would fight to drop her Lavish Suramar Feasts. She was witty, intelligent, and encouraging. When I had doubts, she would share her little goals and list out the baby steps that we had accomplished. Eventually she switched realm to join our guild. She fit in so well that some actually only noticed after she joined that she was not in the guild in the first place. We laughed about her forced name change -- a side-effect from the switch. We made plans to defeat the Deceiver, once and for all. Our baby steps would catch up to Kil'jaeden's magnificent strides, and we would come out as victors. But she did not show up that week, and I grew wary. Sure, the runs were a little less fun (and we starved) without her, but this was something more. When the bad dreams started to roll in last Friday, I began to reach out to her friends. I had played with some of them, but we were mostly strangers. Facebook (or Messenger) was one of the venues that I used to reach out. Some assured me that our draenei mage would occasionally go into hermit mode, and this was probably one of those cases ... but no, she never did that to me or to the raid. This was more. She was an integral part to the raid. I must know. And then one of her friends found the family, and found out. The message was quickly relayed back to me (for which I am grateful). And it was from this message, I knew. Antiana kalo korah. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 k9k2k7k0: 啊 比我的文章好太多了 她看到文章一定很开心 10/14 15:17
2F:推 u770114: QQ 10/14 15:31
3F:推 zsp7009: 难过 :( 10/14 16:13
4F:推 a555444: 唉 10/14 16:14
5F:推 xdorz87: 同团推。圣女吃球疾跑时再也看不到你闪现抢先一步了 :( 10/14 16:51
6F:→ pisuke: QQ 10/14 19:53
7F:推 soulknight: Q.Q 10/14 21:11
8F:推 destroyed: may the light guide her home. 10/14 23:21

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