Tech_Job 板


代po, 有兴趣的朋友, 欢迎直接联络recruiter Kerry Li, [email protected] 【公司名称】亚马逊中国 【公司介绍】 Amazon Lab126 is an inventive research and development company that designs and engineers high-profile consumer electronics. Lab126 began in 2004 as a subsidiary of, Inc., originally creating the best-selling Kindle family of products. Since then, we have produced groundbreaking devices like Fire tablets, Fire TV, and Amazon Echo. What will you help us create? Work hard. Have fun. Make history. 【工作地点】Beijing, China 【工作职缺】Embedded Software Development Engineer 【工作内容】 This is a unique technical leadership role where you will have the opportunity to influence, invent, and design system architecture across multiple product and technology spaces (Alexa devices, IoT devices, etc.). You will join a team whose mission is to ensure that state-of-the-art technologies that serve the customer can be supported via flexible software architectures, OS and Hardware Platform abstraction, testability, and scalability across multiple device types. You will dive into an ambiguous problem spaces and meticulously distill out design choices, trade-offs, and priorities. You are data and metric driven, and obsessively concerned about performance in under resource constrained environments. You love to share best practices, influence and align teams, and be a technical ambassador for software reuse across the wider Amazon organization. This role requires very strong verbal and written communication skills. 【徵求条件】 Basic qualifications: ‧ Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related technical field ‧ Related experience in software development in C/C+ ‧ Computer Science fundamentals experience in object-oriented design, data structures, algorithm design, problem solving, and complexity analysis ‧ Embedded systems experience with focus on Linux or RTOS ‧ Android based experience ‧ Excellence in technical communication with peers, partners, and non-technical cohorts Preferred qualifications ‧ Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related technical field ‧ Demonstrated ability to mentor other software developers to maintain architectural vision and software quality 【薪资范围】300K - 1M RMB/year 【联络人/连络方式】Welcome to apply or recommend candidates via: [email protected] Amazon is an Equal Opportunity Employer – Minority / Women / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (美国)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 orz811017: 推 合作过lab的人都还不错 08/16 01:03

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