作者PolyCoin (乱世雌雄)
标题[请益] 有没有英文好的学姐能帮我看几行自我介绍
时间Fri Aug 31 20:47:00 2018
I've worked as a qualified nurse in the
emergency room for the WXY hospital since I
graduated from nursing college in June, 2017. In
the face of life or death situations, I am
fearless. Every time I see the pained expressions
of my patients and the worried expressions of
their families, the only idea that comes to mind
is saving their lives with an effort of will. I
am proud of my job out of a strong sense of moral
duty and hope to provide a caring environment
while on duty.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Nurse/M.1535719622.A.C3E.html
1F:推 poudoudou: 觉得可以试试先用中文写 再用google翻译 可能会好一点 08/31 21:16
2F:推 minirin: 文法跟选字都有误,语句都不太顺,你可能附上你想要表达 09/01 00:20
3F:→ minirin: 的中文会比较容易知道改哪 09/01 00:20
4F:推 sugarpie: 不知道你是做自我介绍的对象为何?是美国研究所吗?我 09/02 00:41
5F:→ sugarpie: 觉得口语介绍可以再自然一点,贴近生活一点,这样才容 09/02 00:41
6F:→ sugarpie: 易使人记得你。 这段介绍比较接近写作文。 加油加油! 09/02 00:41
7F:→ sugarpie: (我是定居美国的旅人) 09/02 00:41