Ame_Casual 板


20180713进度更新 英国当地7/05 DHL寄出,但我在7/11才收到寄件通知? 自行查询才发现外套7/10就已经到美国加州 因为进口税未付所以尚未寄送 我是自行连络客服线上刷卡缴纳 加州进口税共U78.37 作者: SGANA (KLASS) 看板: Ame_Casual 标题: Re: [皮衣] 关於Lewis leathers 时间: Thu Apr 26 16:03:56 2018 分享官网直接客订心得 目前订制约需4-7个月 我订购的细节如下,英国境内自取报价830英镑(可另外退税), 後来选择直寄美国含运787.5英镑(进口税未知) 1.Style : super sportsman no.68 2.Leather : sheep leather 3.Size : 34 4.Color : 黑 5.Sleeve stripes 左右手臂各两圈白色速度线 6.lining: 身体为红色丝质,两臂为黑色尼龙 tape: 黑 8.两胸内口袋 上方这些数据是付款前给的,本来还想加袖口口袋,但是被拒绝:( 实际付款後官方会另发一封信请你丈量各部位尺寸, 我173/60,目前有件牛皮391 34T,所以一开始订购尺寸抓34 比较大的问题是网路google到的391 34T尺码表,跟我实际穿着拉上拉链丈量有很大 的误差(我丈量无预留空间),书信往返後客服要我穿着391 34T拍照给他看,最後结 果是参考391 34T尺寸,然後腰围做一点修改。 附上付款後官方来信(仅列男生丈量部分) *竟然不用丈量肩宽 **衣长好像也不用 CHEST: Men: Wearing a T-shirt or similar, measure around your chest at a distance of 2.5 cm below your armpits. Please use a cloth tape measure, & measure in cm if possible. Your lungs should be inflated when measuring. WAIST: Wearing a T-shirt as mentioned above, please measure around your waist holding the tape measure across your navel. HEIGHT: Please let us know your height, this measurement helps us decide the correct sleeve and body length for your jacket. ARM LENGTH: You will need someone else to take this measurement for you. Please take a look at the two images below first before taking the measurements. Stand straight, look forward, completely relax your arms by your side. Measurement 1 is from the top of your arm / the edge of your shoulder, across the front of your arm, down to the first line in the second image. Measurement 2 is to the second line, and measurement 3 is to the third line. The tape measure should be straight and taut; it should not follow the curve of your arm. Please do this process for both arms; if your arms are different lengths please provide us with both measurements. You may need to take this measurement a few times in order to get an accurate reading. BICEPS: Please let us know this measurement with your arm relaxed. JEANS WAIST SIZE: As stated on the label. BELTED JEANS: Whilst wearing your jeans and belt, please measure the circumference around your belt. Please note that accurate specific measurements are essential as, if you are not a stock size, we will use the measurements to make a new jacket just for you. If the measurements are not accurate, the jacket will not be either; we cannot offer refunds for made-to-measure jackets. Please tell us if you prefer to wear the jacket with a thick jumper/sweatshirt underneath, or just a shirt/t-shirt. Our standard cut is quite snug, if you intend to use the jacket as a winter riding garment, you may need to go one size larger. We will then adjust the rest according to the measurements you provide. The same applies if you ride a motorcycle with low set handlebars so that you have more room for the forward-riding position. If you do ride, please let us know if you do with low set handlebar. Current linings available to choose from at Lewis Leathers are: Red quilting (permitted for the body lining only. If you would like this option, please choose a different lining for the sleeves.) 35%cotton 65% polyester. Polyester is used as the insulation beneath the red cotton in the quilting process. Red tartan wool (permitted for the body lining only. If you would like this option, please choose a different lining for the sleeves) is an additional £ 42. Brown tartan cotton (only permitted throughout the jacket, i.e. the body and the sleeves together) Red cotton (without the polyester insulation or the quilt stitching) Black nylon Black viscose satin Red viscose satin Dark Brown viscose satin Gold (Amber) viscose satin Red quilting for the body is our most popular choice amongst customers, and is perceived by many as a Lewis Leathers signature. If you intend to wear your jacket whilst riding your motorcycle, we recommend that you choose our black nylon for the sleeves as this is the strongest lining available. Nylon is also the airiest and most breathable of our linings but when new, it can feel quite coarse, so some customers prefer our soft satin for sleeve linings. Please note: UVR mk 1 is only available in khaki cotton or black cotton throughout UVR mk 2 is only available in brown tartan cotton throughout 30's UVR mk 2 is only available in khaki cotton or black cotton throughout The Countryman, and Lumber Jacket are only available with red wool for the body and brown satin for the sleeves Please let us know if you would like an inside pocket, and which side you would like on. If you are after one of our Slim-fit jackets (ideal for narrow body types) please let us know. Slim-fit jackets are only available for jacket styles 384, 391, 402, 441, 445, 551, and 60 Please note that slim fit 551 and 60 comes with a sleeve pocket like on the 391, and 441. Please let us know if you would like this to be omitted --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 howardruby: 推 04/26 16:57
2F:推 VTsuyoshi: 推 04/26 17:23
3F:推 nightmarish: 我上次官网订制好像只等两月,含运约三万左右(印象) 04/26 19:57
4F:→ nightmarish: 衣长你可以跟对方说,记得当时我的有写 04/26 19:59
5F:推 D9780381: 这种文章多一点 某老板又要森77 04/27 00:36
6F:推 Bastain: 好羡慕...期待开箱 04/27 04:43
7F:推 gabkwd: 老板:....这样我要赚什麽 04/27 18:51
8F:推 hehehaha: 你这样之後坏掉没地方修喔XD 04/27 21:01
9F:→ hehehaha: 推分享,我也请朋友买了两件,都不到三万 04/27 21:02
10F:→ lightcloser: 台湾走转运的话是定价不退税+运费+台湾税?还是有其 04/27 21:49
11F:→ lightcloser: 他转运的方法? 04/27 21:49
海外订单应该就直接扣除境内税 所以是未税外套+官网境外运费+代收地进口税+代收地境外运费 都用代收了进台湾中关税机率应该比较低
12F:推 WhatBlueIs: 试试香港中转,中关税机率较低 04/29 00:08
13F:推 zxxsd: 图片死掉罗 04/29 09:16
14F:推 hollowowl: 官网订的话 页面会直接付款 哪里可以订制这些选项呀? 04/29 10:14
我是先mail讨论,然後官方给我pp收款信箱直接付款 付款成功後才会有本文後方这封信 ※ 编辑: SGANA (, 04/29/2018 20:56:22
15F:推 BBryson: 推教学 05/03 00:12
16F:推 warpbest: 希望到时开箱可以顺便讲一下寄美国的关税,因为我住美 05/07 04:13
17F:→ warpbest: 国又想再来一件LL 05/07 04:13
※ 编辑: SGANA (, 07/13/2018 10:03:09

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