[公司名称] 法商_施耐德电机股份有限公司Schneider Electric [工作职称\内容] 1. Responsible for server, network infrastructure and telephony implementation & project management 2. Follow corporate policy and ISO standards, guidelines and procedure for system, Network and security implementation & support to align with internal control. 3. Monitor the performance of the system and providing on-going support & maintenance services including execution of daily routines, incident follow-up, change request management, disaster recovery drill and system performance tuning 4. Coordinate system maintenance activities to ensure high availability and reliability of system services 5. Provide technical support to application development team and help desk team for service facilitation 6. Source and recommend fit-for-purpose technology solutions to fulfill the business objectives including the planning and proposal of landscape 7. Relevant Vendor selection and management for maintenance activities or some of project, and including related contract signature process, PR and Payment process completion monthly 8. Assist and co-work in ad hoc projects or change management when required by regional or global team [徵才条件] *Must have CCNA certificate. 1. Degree holder or above in Computer Science/Information Technology Minimum 5 years infrastructure related working experience at least with CCNA certification. 2. Project Management experience and good communication with users 3. Technical Knowledge in Windows (including outlook, teams), networking, firewall, Server load balancing, HA/DR & Storage, Veeam backup and VMWare operation. 4. Besides, with experience on network planning and build up which is relevant to CISCO that would be better. 5. A team player who is capable of handling challenges and self-motivated strong problem solving and analytical abilities. 6. Good command of English and Mandarin. [薪资福利] Annaul package: 1M-1.4M ‧具市场竞争力的薪酬水准及绩效奖金 ‧年度员工认股计划 ‧优於劳基法特休假 弹性假 产假 陪产假 家庭照顾假等 (详情依照公司使用规定) ‧Flexibility @ Work 如: 弹性工时 , Work from home, Blue Sky Friday 等 (详情依照公司使用规定) ‧完善的保险制度 如: 团体保险 包含寿险/意外险、癌症险、医疗险等 ‧年度健康检查 ‧免费员工协助方案EAP ‧福委会相关年度活动 如: 国内外员工旅游补助 社团活动 Year- end Party 等 ‧年度相关教育训练课程 ‧多元人才培育计画 [工作地点] Neihu office [需求人数] 1 [联络方式] (仅开放公司电话、信箱联系方式) Please send your resume to [email protected] Thanks. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/MIS/M.1712044330.A.06E.html
1F:→ asdfghjklasd: 你这工作是对内还是对外,我看是有 Digital Services 04/02 23:44
2F:→ asdfghjklasd: 台湾的外商分公司都很难落地 04/02 23:45

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